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The Case For Running Boards?

Big Kev

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Hi One and All,

Words of wisdom for a change. Just bought a good nick pair of actual side "running boards" for wife's 3 door, which currently has these chrome stainless steel tubes. The underside of these running boards are a revelation....the amount of tar and dried in oily type deposits that they have splashed over them is incredible. It is my humble opinion that these have been acting virtually as extended aluminium mud flaps, and the only other place this would have gone would have been on the car's doors....!!

I only recently remarked that the bodywork was feeling like it needed clayed, AGAIN, which I did autumn 2010 and waxed well.

It has done very little mileage over a bad winter, so I hope to be correct in my consumptions that these will either deflect or catch what I already see on them. They obviously came from Englandshire, where tar is still applied to the roads, not like up here where Chieftain Tanks Ltd. have applied to build a test facility on the M8.

This may have been covered before, but nowhere near as equolently. Anybody thinking of fitting said apparatus should do so with alacrity.

Big Kev :thumbsup:

P.S. The actual tarry deposits I tried to remove with Paint Thinners are more akin to premature diamonds....no way would these have been easy to remove from bodywork.

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Without trying too hard to belitle yer opinion, I surmise that you have indeed invested in the aluminium spreader boards which became surplus after the Heathrow Airport Runway Laying Company went bust due to the delays in deciding whether to build runway number 76. The boards have previously been used to feather off the runway 'run-offs' where they use a mixture of titanium bits dropped from passing planes and a melt-down of carpet tiles to fuse the bits together - hence the word "fuselage". You have there a very worthy investment sure to outlast the metal on yer rear wing arches (speaking from very recent bitter experience when the wheel arch extension fell off along with the wheel arch lip !) :crybaby: :crybaby:

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Autosmart Tardis would shift it - great stuff BK!!

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Cheers Blue....hoped you would be lurkful....5 litres ordered up at £20.00 delivered. Will PM you update on recent Machine Polishing espacades...some success, some mini failures.

Big Kev :thumbsup:

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I have just had side steps fitted so ur thread is reassuring. :-)

Question though. Why did the recent weather stop u driving the rav?

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Misunderstand not, RR....THE 3 DOOR BELONGS TO MY MOTHER IN LAW'S DAUGHTER, so hardly turns a wheel.2004 @ 31k miles. (Christened Funnerburd Too....) Funnerburd Wan, my SR180, is our usual mode of transport, and gets more extensive usage.

Big Toocaurs. :thumbsup:

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Autosmart Tardis would shift it - great stuff BK!!

Yet more great advice from our resident D.I.C. (Detailer in Chief)....arrived today, 5 litres, so immediately started on the "premature diamonds" of baked on tar, diesel, yuch underneath the purchased side steps. Cannot praise this stuff enough....it melted balls of years ago baked on asphalt like it wasn't there, and it isn't now.

Cheers Blue....Autosmart Tardis now on my hit list (Kingo puts diet coke in his....)

Big Kev :thumbsup:

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Autosmart Tardis would shift it - great stuff BK!!

Yet more great advice from our resident D.I.C. (Detailer in Chief)....arrived today, 5 litres, so immediately started on the "premature diamonds" of baked on tar, diesel, yuch underneath the purchased side steps. Cannot praise this stuff enough....it melted balls of years ago baked on asphalt like it wasn't there, and it isn't now.

Cheers Blue....Autosmart Tardis now on my hit list (Kingo puts diet coke in his....)

Big Kev :thumbsup:

H*lls teeth, Kevva - I bet you too would autosmart if you doused yourself in something that melted yer auld b*lls :Jumpy::oops:

Mike eyeswatering D

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