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Turbo Rebuild


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At last I've got the turbo off and stripped. Now what do I do? lol. After a lot of bu&&%$*&ing about I have got the charger off the car. The Paynes manual is not any real help here. Undo this undo that, but where do you find the damn bolts etc. I ended up modifying a spanner to make it cranked to get one nut off. So it's well sooted up on the exhaust side but stuff is still moving after a fashion. I'll upload some pickies. Now I need a rebuild kit. How much please mr Parts King? The Wheels look ok not bent or anything. I do wonder about the plate behind the exhaust side fins though as this seems very loose and could be what's causing the noises I get when switching the engine off. it's like a low whoosh rubbing sound. The inlet side was rather oily as well leaving a smear on the inside face of the casting (Pic 237). The noise could have been this. I'll strip the core later in the week. Any thoughts and suggestions greatly recieved. No broken bolts either, I'm impressed. I did however wreck a 14 mm socked though. Some of those bolts etc were damn tight.(Sorry pictures are all slightly out of focus).









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Nice work BFR. There is always one of the turbo specialists if Kingo can't get a kit.

I think the noise is coming from the timing cover. I've heard a pulley or something moaning down there before but not on one I had stripped.

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rebuilt mine a couple of months ago.Got the kit which contains oil seals,bearings and nuts and bolts from fIea bay.you were lucky not to snap any bolts only thing to consider is balancing the unit which needs special equipment.If you haven't stripped the core yet you could try marking the shaft and turbine.

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Nice work BFR. There is always one of the turbo specialists if Kingo can't get a kit.

I think the noise is coming from the timing cover. I've heard a pulley or something moaning down there before but not on one I had stripped.

I'm pretty sure it's not the pullies. Just changed all the belts, water pump, and idlers etc. Noise was happening before this and is still happening. The noise is slightly metalic like somethings rubbing. I'm sure it's the turbo because it continues for about two seconds after the engine is switched off and it's only the turbo that can spin free. The rest would stop with the belts etc.

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Just stripped the core down. I have an interestingly coloured and scored shaft. Clearly something has got in there. managed to order a complete rebuild kit form eBay £133.00 inc postage. Ill put some more pickies up. Thge kits ordered is for a renault but its exactly the same charger or so I am assured by the seller. Watch this space. he's gauranteed to provide the right parts and I've given him my reg no so he can check. Safari sogoodi.

The shaft etc comes already balanced.

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Parts arrived from eBay earlier this week. They look much healthier. Gonna do the egr valve as well so watch this space. The oil is draining as we speak.

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Just reasembled the turbo. had a problem with the thrust collar which goes into the backplate. It was larger then the original. However after some contact with the vendor on eBay I have opened up the bore in the backplate (See drawing attached). All else seems ok. Everything seems to be moving freely just got to put it back on the car now. I'll let you know what happens. It may be the turbo was modified later as the collar thrust area is also bigger so I would imaging less liable to wear with a better sealing ring. The process was aided by the use of a good centre lathe, I had it all trued to within .001 inches. Yes I do have an old dti I love imperial dimensions.


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The egr valve was quite clean, not bad for 109K. Oh and I got a new toolkit with my wifes blessing. Half price from Halfords.

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