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Chipex What Did I Do Wrong


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Beautiful sunny Sunday on the Isle of Man yesterday, I thought right I,ll tackle those blessed stone chips on the front of my Dad,s U/C. Opened Chipex kit read instructions,washed front of car and proceeded to wipe round chips with wipes to clear polish.Set about using kit and did it to the letter of the instructions.Gave paint plenty of time to dry and then wiped off excess paint as per instructions. Last job was to use the provided polish and "bobs your uncle". Got to say it did not work, I can still see all of the chips and wonder where I went wrong. Any body used said product and if so what did I do wrong!!!!!! Advice welcome

Regards Clare

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Were you standing in a bucket of water to remove any static resident in your body ? A static charge may have resulted in an electrolytic mis-match.

( just kidding :lol: )

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Hi Clare

I can only assume the paint in the kit is a slightly different shade from the cars original.

I would have went with the original paint touch up from MrT, painted the chips until a little proud of the original paint on bonnet and let it harden for a few weeks before a light T cut to level the paint with the original on the car. You can then put the top coat on it(better done out a spray can) or leave it as it is with a good polish on top to protect it.

Since its a new car(2010) the paint shouldnt have faded much if any, hence I would use original paint for best match :yes:


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Some of these products aren't as easy to use as they would have you believe. Got any photos Clare?

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Clare to effect a really good repair is easy but great patience is required ..

First off wipe the panel with IPA To remove any contamination.

Then shake the paint very well. I mean really well as sometimes it can take bit of mixing

Apply in thin coats but do not let it come up level with the surface !!

Now apply thin coats of Laquer until You have a blob which is above the surface of the adjacent paint,

Now leave this to harden and dry for at least a week. Trust Me it needs this long !

Now get some Meguires Unigrit wet and dry in 4000 grit. Sand the blobs with this paper very gently keeping the paper as flat as You can. You must do this with as much water as possible to lubricate.

You will now be left with very lightly sanded laquer which will look terrible but dont worry as polishing with a medium (Not Aggressive )

Polish will remove this and leave You with a repair that will be invisible at best and very hard to see at worst ...

This is a practice known as wet sanding and can also be employed to remove orange peel effect from paintwork.

Please do NOT use T cut !! this ancient horrible stuff will leave You car streaky and can damage modern water based paints and Lacquers



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Hi Anchs no photos but the promo vid is not a bit like it really is.As I said in my post I really did stick to the letter of the law and it didn,t end up anywhere as good as the video. The reason I wanted it is to clean the front up as we (my Dad & I) are taking the plunge and having the U/C,s paint protected (similar Ventureshield). The roads on the IOM are at the moment being Rechipped and it,s a bl***y nightmare.

I,ve tried with at least 2 Chip-away firms on island and they don,t want to know!!!!!!

Regards Clare

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Sorry forgot to say Please use genuine Manufacturers paint identified by the chassis number to get the best possible paint colour match ....

Charlie. :thumbsup:

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Cheers for that Charlie, am going to give that a try as I have all that kit already. Will work to your suggestions as outlined.

Regards Clare

Just read your post on correct colour code for touch up. Have that as well. Cheers

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Me again !! One last thing .... Some Toyota touch up sticks use a paint that is a different shade to the car until its dried. It then as if by magic matches !! They do this so You can see exactly where You have put the stuff. Its great to avoid over application !!


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