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Loss Of Power, Advice Please


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I have an Toyota Avensis Verso (51) which has developed a problem, when I press the accelerator to increase speed there is no pull, the engine fades, and the engine management light comes on and it crawls forward at about 5 mph. If i switch off the engine then restart off we go again with no problem, i have only had the car for 4 weeks and all was fine untill yesterday but it has happened twice in 2 days - any ideas greatly received.


ps 82000 miles FSH

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I have an Toyota Avensis Verso (51) which has developed a problem, when I press the accelerator to increase speed there is no pull, the engine fades, and the engine management light comes on and it crawls forward at about 5 mph. If i switch off the engine then restart off we go again with no problem, i have only had the car for 4 weeks and all was fine untill yesterday but it has happened twice in 2 days - any ideas greatly received.


ps 82000 miles FSH

as you have had the car only 4 weeks,and if you did not buy it privatly,you should have had a warranty of some sort,hopefully a toyota one.doing anything to the engine before the seller has a chance to sort the trouble could invaledate the warranty.

hope you get the problem sorted soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, the car was bought at auction so unfortunately i have no warranty :crybaby:

The MIL has come on 3 times in total with fault code P1222 which reads as throttle motor circuit. So far a friend has done the following : oil change, replaced oil and air filters, removed and cleaned the throttle motor and EGR valve, this was done last night so i will have to see how it goes.

The problem now is we are going on holiday on Tuesday 2 Aug which will involve driving over 200 miles with 3 children and what seems about 3 ton of camping equipment. If anybody can advise me any further on this issue i would be very grateful. :help:

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Hi, the car was bought at auction so unfortunately i have no warranty :crybaby:

The MIL has come on 3 times in total with fault code P1222 which reads as throttle motor circuit. So far a friend has done the following : oil change, replaced oil and air filters, removed and cleaned the throttle motor and EGR valve, this was done last night so i will have to see how it goes.

The problem now is we are going on holiday on Tuesday 2 Aug which will involve driving over 200 miles with 3 children and what seems about 3 ton of camping equipment. If anybody can advise me any further on this issue i would be very grateful. :help:

This is

1) a wiring fault

2) Throttle body sensor faliure

3) ecu fault.

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@ acetip - funny you bought this problem up as the same thing has happened to me just two days ago. I've had my avensis verso 53 plate 2.0 d-4d just over a month now and i've noticed that the pick up in first and second gears is slow, although if you put your foot down for long enough the car does suddenly pick up.

My problem is that two days ago, i put my foot down as i was travelling in i think 2nd gear up the hill. The vehicle picked up very fast, but suddenly the EML came on and the car slowed down to a halt and would not pick up hardly any speed (0-5mph). I stopped the engine, waited a few seconds and restarted and the car was back to normal. Someone mentioned EGR, but i can't be sure, unless i have a code reader.

Any ideas guys?

PS: I have ordered a Code reader, but its taking time to arrive.

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