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Car speed limit technology


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Just been reading on another forum about some retarded boyracer nutter doing over 100 in a 30 zone.

Which got me wondering about technology to limit a cars speed to something less than the 155 imposed in some cases.

What's anyone's opinion on all uk cars being limited to say 90mph?

Please don't crucify me! :P

Also, what about if in the future, using wireless technology the government introduces automatic speed limiters, so as soon as your car enters a 30 zone it checks its rear radar to check the distance of the car behind and starts braking down...?

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It sounds a good idea. But hey wheres the fun in driving your motor then? Just think about it. A car in front of you is slowing down and you are wondering why?

He then brakes hard For no reason and you think what the f**K is he doing. You go down a gear to accelerate pass him and then bang your car slows down causing you to not be able to over take.

What do you do? Think about it ?

We are told and dictated to all are lives about speeding and driving fast. Please lets not spoil the one thing we can do freely. That driving are car how we want :D

They are now introducing Paying to drive into the city of london. More money for the government. Just imagine if they where to get are cars restricted you would have to pay out a large some of money to get the car fitted with this devise. New cars would properly come fitted with this standard. But for the older cars we will have to pay for this. More money for the government again!!

I have no problem with people driving fast. But only if they do it in a safe place EG on a dual carriageway to over take slow moving traffic. Now if they restricted are cars then whats the point of performance cars then!!!!!!!!!!!


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Personally I think limiting a car to 90 is an awful idea for a number of reasons....

1) Track Days - would become a thing of the past, not much fun going out on a track when your lmiitedto 90.

2) Overtaking - Motorway overtaking as mentioned earlier what would happen if you were overtaking and you run out of steam as the car cut out, could put you in a very dangerous position.

3) Acceleration - With cars being limited to "90" manufacturers would try to speed up there cars acceleration times to try and differentiatie their cars from anyone elses, in essence a new sports car type thing. Can you imagine the muppets trying to get speed up as quickly as possible all the time as they wouldn't have the ability to stick at a faster speed...

IMHO just add more dangers to the road, not really reduce the amount of accidents at all....

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Speed doesn’t kill, dangerous driving does.

They should get rid of the speed limit on motorways and raise it by 10/20mph everywhere else, they seen to cope all right in Germany and the Isle of Man (where there isn’t a speed limit anywhere). After all the speed limits where introduced in the fifties when everyone was driving round in Morris Miners with drum brakes all round and I don’t they’ve ever been updated. But they wont change them because they make far too much money out of people going 5-10 mph over the limit.

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yup and they wont reduce the 'safe breaking distance' as dictated by the highway code, what a load of horse****e that is, old laws based on old technology.

It sucks

There is a device in testing that reduces your cars speed to the 'posted limit' but it wont cover for human error and will suck *****.

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i remember a few years ago, a group of people (losers!!!) tried to put limiters on ALL cars on the road (70mph!), but the idea got rejected straight away with the same reason given by rhaines. it would be very dangerous for people overtaking.

NOt sure if anyone else seen the latest Jeremy Clarkson dvd "No Limits". he did a brake comparsion between the new range rover, ford focus and a ford anglier (spelling?). if i havent remembered wrongly, the focus stopped 26feet shorter then what it quoted in the highway code! *forgot to mention they were all doing 60mph* think that says it all about the highway code!!!

just like the saying "Guns dont kill people, people kills people". well, i think its the same with driving, cars dont kill people, the driver does!

so if you give a speed limited car to a bad driver, the chances are that s/he would cause more damage then a good driver with an unlimited car!

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The speed limitation theory has been used in different countries already. Japan spring to mind. When they go above 55mph a buzzer sounds to alert the driver of the speed limit and the top speed of all production cars are electronically limited to 180kpm (112mph).

People just remove them. Enforcing speed limiters in this country probably induce the same policy. Great in theory but in the real world..........

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