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This Is Why Paseos Suck


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Last night some :censor: broke into my car to steal my radar detector. The driver's side window is smashed, glass all over the inside, and the inside of the door, and it lodged in my door opening mechanism, and now i have to climb in and out of the passenger's side door. I called the cops, and they said that there's been some ***** just doing this months. breaking into one car in a lot, and moving to a different lot, and so on. Now i've been dealing with cops and insurance all morning, and finding out that my tips at applebees are now going to replace the window some other jackass knocked out. and it's not cheap. the first price i was quoted was 250 for the window alone. now through some connections at ToyotaUSA, i've gotten the window from Canada, and the instal in St. Louis for $220. Still, it's a lot more than i'm willing to spend on a window I didn't break. people suck. I live in the safest part of town, and now we're getting the bad people from the rest of the city. i hate it.

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Thieving low life scum :angry:

At least they didn't take your car though, thankful for small mercy's and all that ;)

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Sorry to hear this buddy - had my Celica windows smashed 4 yrs back and a load of jackets and pair of sunglasses stolen........


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that is terrible sorry to hear that mate.

i've been done over a few times had the radio nicked and my dad had his defribulator (the heart restarter) nicked too. i hate thieves they are such scumbags.

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i can only symopothise with you some scroat broke into my corolla this week and got a grand woirth of sterio.and bizarrly half my tent for JAE too...and shock horror the cops dont even give a munkeys :(

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My little 'seo has been broken into 4 times in 3 different countries, smashed into twice outside my house, once whilst the police were actually chasing the guy, and another time two ****** geezers decided smash a nice big stolen merc into my mums RAV4 which caused it roll back into mine and put the tow bar through the bonnet. and the only time I ever got some kind of comeback was in Amsterdamn where the police caught the little crackhead that stole my mobile and a few CD's the same night and returned them to me.

The first couple of times its upsetting but you start to find it funny.

Also it appears to me that the french are the most useless when it comes to breaking into cars, they managed to scratch up all black paintwork round the windows wreck the seal and then for some reason they put a srewdriver through the door skin to rip out the door lock and still didnt manage to get into the car. This cost ******* loads more to rapair than putting in a new window. But a window never cost me more than 150 quid, and in amsterdamn i think it was really cheap like only 70.

Anyway its not the end of the world, and the Paseo is one tuff little car.

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Bad luck, mate. Since i got my 'seo, i've been broken into, had kids (accidentally, im assured) scratch the doors with bikes, and just a couple of weeks ago, some old french guy reversed into it THREE TIMES in a mercades version of the challenger tank, bending the bonnet up at one side and totally wrecking my back bumper on a massive audi that was parked behind me. I think my car is cursed.........

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Sorry to hear that...but why does that mean that Paseos suck??

parts are rare, expensive, and hard to come by.

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If its any consolation, I caught 2 of the little gits breaking into cars in my neighbourhood. Suffice to say the little muppets haven't returned! Being Nocturnal rules!

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ok so you had a bad run in when it comes to PASEOS, but u cant say they suck! :!Removed!: its just to one sided bro just like this dissapearing face, WTH :bye:

Paseos can be good, but their not for everyone, and unless u install some security, then maybe its not the SWEET CAR 4 you, :crybaby:

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I wish you could be able to trust people enough not to have to spend $300 on an aftermarket security system. I mean it's just a paseo. not like you're breaking into a Bently. People just never fail to amaze me.

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