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Waiting And Waiting


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Im sitting around waiting for my baby to be ready..... the 214 is going critical i think. :( im hoping theres going to be a phonecall this afternoon saying i can go get her but it might be tomoz or saturday or..... later if theres been any delays in parts arriving or availability.

im missing her badly. im even abusing the 214 despite knowing that shes terminal. just trying to get a smatter of the fun i was having in the 2. it isnt happening. used to feel like this when i had to drive a volvo estate instead of the 214.

when i get her back i think im going to hump her :D :thumbsup:

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Had the call, Mr T waiting for turbo to arrive.... no other word on when ready >< please god soon lol incidentally.... one big clove of garlic finely chopped, one large shallot .... fry both in butter .... slap on some bread thats toasted on one side and stick the garlic , shallot and a nice dose of buffalo mozarella and toast... very nice cheese on toast :) heh just made this off on spur of mom ... tasty tasty if ur partner llikes cheese on toast and its jus normally vanilla cheese on toast... 'treat her/ him' they might love you even more than they do :D gl ...im trying this tonight... heres hoping machiavelli would be proud :rolleyes:

edited 2 seconds later... omg i just realised im so maddened by waiting im cooking :blink:

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I use my Mr2 about twice a week, sometimes i will go a week without using it at all, but I still go loopy if it needs to be off the road for more than 10 mins........it must be love :rolleyes:

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Mines been off the road since last friday. :crybaby: :ffs: :censor: I'd sell my gran to get it back on the road 2moro. Gotta goi to Essex on Saturday to buy a 2nd hand turbo. Then it's off to the mechanics at some point next week (hopefully tuesday so I have it back by the weekend). Then I'll be able to start putting the mods on!! :drool::drool::drool::drool:

Patience is a virtue that not many 2 owners have!!! :lol:

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im glad im not the only person who reacts like this lol and thanks to all for your support thru this dificult time :)

tegan i never was sane lol thats the problem its making me sane and i dun like it very much :lol: thanks for your hoping tho :D i make a fierce cheesecake too ;) if anyone wants the recipe minus amounts cos i go by taste just ask (i stole it from an ex-girlfriend anyhow :thumbsup: )

and it definately is lurrrv :yes:

Toymota .... i hope ur waiting is very shortlived .... i guess were both not in the patient category where the 2 is concerned :D heres wishing our 2's very speedy recoveries :thumbsup:

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Friday came and went.... nothing doing. cant be long now but.... ive said that before :crybaby: i want my 2 damnit.... if it isnt tomorow its gonna be monday or later noooooooooo

relaxation excercises arent working anymore, deep breathing is making me dizzy, yoga is making my joints feel like im 60 and even.... even imagining what its like to be famke jahnsens bra isnt doing me any good anymore :crybaby: i feel like a bit of me is missing... an imprtant bit ... not a bit i cant live without but you know... a bit that if missing would seriously impede my ability to live a fulfilling life.

check ur local press for details of a lunatic caught in a 214 screaming "no ITS AN MR2 OCCIFER, YOUR JUST AN IDIOT CANT YOU SEE YOU DWEEBSTER" this could actually happen if i hafta wait much longer :help:

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nada, nich, bosh. Havent heard anything and itts now sunday 2 am. maybe tomorrow be the day :) my plans simple now.... goto bed, stay in bed, sleep as long as possible. monday here i come!!! :)

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Monday &#33;Removed&#33; monday

not a sign of my 2.... the waiting is driving me nuts (Tegan seems was right). Dunno what the hold up is, far as i know its still waiting for the turbo to arrive.... really hoped it would be today, very disappointed, very sad ..... by end of this week theyll have had my car for approx a month.... ok ok might be 2/3 weeks but whose counting :lol: all i know is i keep passing the drinks section in Tesco and thinking about buying a nice big bottle of wodka n gettin sloshed every night :rolleyes: .... Mr T might be expecting me to smile when i get her back but.... I dunno at this point whether my face will manage it... espescially if they tell me im stuck at 30 for 3000 miles compared with telling me im stuck at 50 - 60 for the next 3000 miles ><

Hope its better news tomoz :thumbsup:

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Mr T aint the quickest guy in the world! But he should do a proper job!! :thumbsup:

Mines gone off to have a turbo fitted. I probably won't see her till wednesday evening at the earliest. I'm praying that's all that will need doing and the smoking issue will have disappear!!

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mines been away now for 2 weeks, it went for an MOT and didnt come back :unsure:

Its having all new brakes, calipers fitted along with some rebuild on the arches and cills.

There is also a water leak on the car, which needs sorting, but looks like taking the fuel tank out to get to the leak.

i cant wait to get her back, cos ive got loads to do to her...............saucy!! :D

+ my dads fuped off cos im having to use his civic to tear ***** around in, he he


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heh waiting suxors(noooo im typein like a 14 yr ol).

Hope ur 2 is back in great health Toy when spose to be :yes: dun want the mysterious Mr T or whoever doing the turbo and their indivisable workings getting in the way.

N Mr2vince lol tearubiking .... sweet one of my favourite past times. hope urs gets to great health real soon also cos i know .... being without is bad ... amend BAD. I should get an A lvl in waiting for Mr2's ... another month and ima have to petition for a degree in it :D and again .....maybe tomoz

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k maybe not tomorow... :( i jus want to wash and polish her :crybaby: i even thought about washing n polishing the 214 n pretending it was the 2.... then thought id go have a nap instead :D

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I'm still waiting!

Went over to see how far matey had got with the job. He's managed to get 2 of the bolts off (where it's connected with the manifold) and has had to soak the other 2 in WD40 all day today.

So maybe 2moro? More likely friday or even saturday. Not too bothered when tho, as long as he does a good job of it!! :thumbsup:

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Mine still hasnt come back, they just keep finding faults!!! <_<

Ive now been told i need a new water pump as it pissin out everywhere. (even though ive never noticed and never had to put water in it since ive had it <_< )

anyone know where to get a new pump from??


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well found out today that Mr T was checking my old turbo out and found its veritably guffed. waiting for refurb turbo now ..... now im waiting for the end of the week also Toy. glad urs is getting sorted mate :) hope tother bolts come out nice after soak and all goes smooth :) looks like we getttin our 2's back about same day now ...happy times around the corner bro happy times :thumbsup:

Shucks mr2vince ...hope thats the end of ur troubles also.... I had mine done ... new water pump by Mr T ill look up the bill if you want an let u know what they charged.... part , total job etc ... this much i do know.... wasnt cheap... seems they take the engine out for everything... :( gl tho mate truly :thumbsup:

oh and i gave in ... im on doctor peppers bacardi floats tonight WOOHOO :D :thumbsup: ima be cut in approx 30 mins of this post lmao

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Mine still hasnt come back, they just keep finding faults!!! <_<

Ive now been told i need a new water pump as it pissin out everywhere. (even though ive never noticed and never had to put water in it since ive had it <_< )

anyone know where to get a new pump from??


They sell water pumps here mate: http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?plid=m5b0s605p0

Loads of cheap parts infact!

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Glad you got urs sorted vince :yes: jus me an toymota to go now :)

think ur gonna be gettin urs first Toy ... i jus had another setback :rolleyes: seems the ppl Mr T are usin to get my turbo are dicking about and holdin everythin up.... apparently im gettin a 2 year warranty on it tho ... man i hope it lasts at least 10 years without probs after all the stuff thats gettin done ... ah well now its wednesday again ... and then a rather cynical friday, then another wednesday and another friday after that...... erg stop that .... wednesday... wednesday... keep holdin on till wednesday. :bye::thumbsup:

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Sorry to hear they're p!ssing around with the Turbo mate, good that you'll get a 2 year warranty on it. The longer you wait, the more you'll enjoy driving it once you get her back!

I got mine back this afternoon. It turned out that the exhaust propeller had completely obliterated itself. The mechanic found lots of little pieces of it in the CAT. Now I've got no smoke, proper boost and I wacked on my new Apexi intake system this afternoon too. God it sounds good. It sounds funny :lol: when you lift off the gas tho (like the car is farting almost) quite amusing but good all the same. Fingers crossed that's the last problem I'll have for a good while at least.

Hope you get her back next week mate!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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heh is nice to hear you got urs back an shes sweet :) glad i can empathise cos im sharin ur nice feelins an they a damn site better than my own :lol: yup will be nicer the longer i wait i guess but.... think the 214 is really terminal... white smoke from exhaust almost permanently, water disappearing extra fast, petrol going more quickly, an interesting judder after 4000 revs which reminds me of an old car that did exactly the same right before the crankshaft snapped :unsure: and i gotta make another couple of journeys to work in her yet(40 miles there n back.... gulp) ..... oh dear sods law... ima end up sat on the side of the road in it im bettin lmao

heres to wednesday... may wednesday be a fine day indeed lol :thumbsup:

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:drool::thumbsup: TO JINXED when you get ur car back will you be driving through theMac Donalds at Saddlers Junction???? posing in front of all those "girlies " that hang about there???Actually i did do something similar LOL....this blokey kept askin could he take me out for a drink,,anyhow he rang me one afternoon and in the conversation he told me he was working for that day at macdonalds fixing electrics...i said i was going to Wigan shopping and i would meet up just for a coffee at macs...It was a really hot day,,not that long ago actually but how cool did i look when i pulled up at the side of those outside seats and tables with the roof down in my MR2,,turned lottsa heads and i felt brill...LOL...you know what i mean LOL again :thumbsup::thumbsup:
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LOL PP my kinda gal :D you get style points for that manouver and thanks :yes: for makin me giggle by sharing that!!! beautiful bold ladies posing in nice cars :P class!!! :thumbsup:

what car did he own and did his jaw drop far? did he need jaw transplant surgery after it rofl :lol: priceless in a masterpiece painting kinda way, unlike me whose priceless in a supply/demand .....no demand kinda way rofl

As for me posing .... lol yep i know what you mean with the brill feeling till i had to drive the 214 again at which point i held my head in shame and tried to hide behind the steering wheel rofl saddlers junction u say ? ill check it out when i get my 2 back heh heh :lol: the one place im really looking forward to is the reebok stadium on a friday/saturday night and cruising past the entrance to the cinema :D lol its not quite the same is it for a bloke to do the posin thing lololol

me posing so far tho ....havent had too much time to pose yet but i felt brill when a group of young ppl started commenting id probably stole my 2 lmao heh fun times coming :thumbsup:

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Hi JInxed.......LOL.......couldnt do the cruisin thing past the cinema.....got better things to do....i prefer to do the more natural way of posin if thats possible ,just every day type driving.......Yesterday was round Salford Keys shopping ,,how cool did we look with the roof down...got loads of glares...even the car park attendent came out of his kiosk to give me my ticket personally LOL.... by the way the guy i met at mac donalds was in his works van LOL so no contest there!!!!then he told me more bout himself and it all went downhill from there!!!!!!! so i drove off leaving him in my new exhaust fumes LOL again...The best part i like driving in Wigan is leaving !!!!!no didnt mean that ...I like driving down that road past Maximes ,Primark ect were you have to drive very slowly through past the pedestrations you get a lotta smiles and looks off people......

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course u can do the cruisin past the cinema thing ... or do you never go watching a movie ? :P heh excuses excuses :lol: bet you did look sweet on ur shoppin trip tho :thumbsup:

As for mr parking attendant ... hats off ...good man ...even if he just wanted to be closer to you ;) ...youll hafta keep an eye on him if he was nice :D heh sry i regard certain old school practices as being worthwhile... door opening, bag carrying, pulling seats out etc ... gets me some funny looks at times :lol:

Mr Mc Donalds ... McD's and works van ... :eek: or am i missing summat about the finer art of charming beautiful succesful ladies? quite probably :lol: sure he had his redeeming qualities tho... im assured even murderers and like arent 'entirely bad' lol summat i realised only recently is how prevalent patterns are in ppls behaviour... i guess mr McD needs a few pointers in how to make a good impression... or was he married, bad marriage etc. ? :unsure:

Im sure youll find that great man tho :yes: ... make ur heart go boom bidda boom bidda boom ... and if you dont i can recommend a few take aways whose food can creat a similar feeling for a fraction of the cost (vomitting and diaoreeah inclusive :lol: ) lol forgive my humour its a bit whack :D

As for Wigan its got some quaint charms :yes: (resisting the urge to start being picky :lol: ) later at night the one way system near hindley can become a really nice lil circuit for a burn tho i havent been round it for a while so ... speed camera checkout required before anyone takes a fast lap :ph34r::thumbsup:

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