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1/4 Mile Times


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A day in Crail in the wet and greasy drag strip....

Had the beast there again. Busy place as it was the fast Car mag day. Gave a few folk an instruction on how fast a RAV is!! A few know the car now, but most don't so the expression on their faces as the beast launched off start was nice.

Got my best run on the 5th attempt at 15.1secs. However I still have a problem with the car running much past 91mph on terminal speed despite it lifting its front wheels on launch. Use of the diff lock helps the launch time as it keeps the power on the road even when the front wheels are off. The downside to this is the horsepower that eats up in 3rd and 4th gear. After 9 runs, all the metal bits held up well, despite being thrashed. Still on 2secs 0-60 launch space and around 70-72mph on 1/8 point.

Maybe a shot of nitrous for the car instead of whisky ???

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Maybe a shot of nitrous for the car instead of whisky ???

Maybe a shot of whiskey for the driver instead of nitrous :D

Keep up the good work bothy.

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I could always sit on the bonnet for you Bothy..............pie in hand. That should stop the wheels lifting :eek:

Not sure I would like to be there at 91mph though :lol:

I can confirm it is quick......Local Hero has the pics of me holding on tight

Kingo :thumbsup:

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But do we know what the top speed will be - need to beat those yanks!!

Its been up at 112mph which is when the limiter switches the ignition off. With the proper sized tyres, and a 7000rpm limit its good for a good few more mph. Needs a new speedo tho cos the original finishes at 120mph :(

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I guess your gearing and setup is biased towards the 1/4 mile drag? that will have a big impact I guess.

Best way round the speedo is a GPS unit (rather then a Sat-Nav) - that will record speed over time and give you your max top speed reached as well :thumbsup:

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I guess your gearing and setup is biased towards the 1/4 mile drag? that will have a big impact I guess.

Best way round the speedo is a GPS unit (rather then a Sat-Nav) - that will record speed over time and give you your max top speed reached as well :thumbsup:

The RAVs gearing in 1st and 2nd suits a 1/4 mile drag start. With the slightly smaller diameter wheels, it enhances that. However, it should still be pushing past 100mph on terminal speed rather than the 89-91 getting now. Its getting 70-72 on the 1/8th; and changing gear around 6000rpm as the turbo effect starts to flatten a bit above that - a trait of the MR2 stock turbo I believe.

Ye - I'll need to stick in a unit - did you not post a link to these a while back? Trying to keep a hand on the wheel, an eye on the revometer, another eye on the speed, and a third eye on a stop watch, and change gear is proving awkward. I could get someone to sit in, but with my weight already being a hindrance.....!

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Re GPS, I have a Garmin eTrax Vista which I bought in 2001 I think it was and I am sure will do what I described.

https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=145&pID=163 - That is now a pretty dated unit which means either 1) better is available and/or 2) it will have dropped in price massively.

The Vista WAS the top of the eTrex range back then - now it is probably super-basic (i.e. It came with an EXTRA 24MB of RAM !!! wow!)

If you like, I will put mine in the car and see how I can map speed against distance?

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Re GPS, I have a Garmin eTrax Vista which I bought in 2001 I think it was and I am sure will do what I described.

https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=145&pID=163 - That is now a pretty dated unit which means either 1) better is available and/or 2) it will have dropped in price massively.

The Vista WAS the top of the eTrex range back then - now it is probably super-basic (i.e. It came with an EXTRA 24MB of RAM !!! wow!)

If you like, I will put mine in the car and see how I can map speed against distance?

Sorry - ahm thicker than normal the nite - a day spent fathoming oot the wirin fur ma new biler /kitchen/utility room an twa 2 port valves; plus twa viewins fur ma auld mans flat hae gut me reelin an the Black Boatel hasnae kicked in the noo so,

whit yer saein is the kit you have will gie me a time oer a distance??

If so, ahm interested.

Ah canna use ma wifes 1st credit card cos sum swi## oar b##tr##d stole the identity an as bin buyin stuff aon the intrernet - wisnae me but!! Me stayin masel in the Holiday Inn ? Agh. Dinna think so! Ah sleep onywhere - couch, chair, in ma RAV......

oh my jeelyjar, is this ma 20000000th post?

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