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  1. Past hour
  2. Charge the battery using a charger or longer ride (hour or longer). The battery is either flat or damaged. Another possibility - one of the car components doesn't go to sleep and constantly draws current
  3. Bper

    Missing component under bonnet.

    Hi Andrew,you mentioned that you purchased the car knowing that it doesn't have a working AC. If the dealer was clear in their description, then it is your responsibility to pay for any costs to reinstate a working AC system. I would ask why you purchased the car knowing this unless you were prepared to accept the potential costs involved. If you purchased the car at a very low price, it may have been reasonable with the knowledge of the additional costs required to fix it. However, if the compressor and other components need replacement, any savings may well be wiped out.
  4. I use an adapter via the rear CD changer port. All functions work through the steering controls and I play my music mainly from USB memory sticks. My car is the later T27, but adapters were designed to work with the T25 CD radio. The only audio unit you could have issues with is the Nav version! https://www.toyotaownersclub.com/tutorials/article/50-how-to-add-usb-adapter-to-avensis-t27-with-w53828-cd-stereo/
  5. Got back from a week’s break, wife took car for a short journey - no problem. next day car wouldn’t start. screen said low battery so jump started it with no problem. prior to that it also said handbrake problem, take to main dealer. this morning it wouldn’t start, jumped it and kept it running for 5 minutes. turned off and left it for an hour and won’t start. when I switch the ignition on a push on the brake peddle I get an intermittent throb and a red electro power steering light. Any thoughts please cheers mike
  6. Cyker

    Tyre Replacement

    I think it's the nature of those cars too - Always chasing horsepower figures, so to feel justification they 'have' to drive fast all the time. I get it to an extent, as a lot of those cars feel horrible when driven 'normally', but that just adds more evidence they aren't really suitable for road use. I do love the jekyll and hyde nature of my Mk4 - It is both relaxing to drive calmly and at low speeds but still fun when given the beans; Not many cars can do both so well!
  7. Yup, and that too! Honestly, it's no good them being accurate maybe 70% of the time and then wildly inaccurate the other 30% - Even the computer games world wouldn't accept tolerances that bad and they don't have any standards!
  8. Cyker

    Ceramic Coating

    Ahh I hadn't considered the hard water issue... ironically one of the problems with ceramic coats is water tends to bead up on it, so where normally you'd get an even layer of imperceptible water film, it tends to be concentrated into more noticeable blobs where the water droplets formed. I get this very noticeably on my windscreen because of the silicone wipers - The whole car will be dry except the swept part of windscreen, which will still have droplets of water on it, and if I don't wipe them off with the wipers, it just leaves dots of residue when they do finally evaporate! I'm told one way to mitigate the problem is to dry the car with a leaf blower but not sure how practical that is
  9. Corolly Poly

    Ceramic Coating

    He's a decent bloke who I know and I don't think he would touch anything inappropriately
  10. SouperChris

    Ceramic Coating

    It seems it's Don's way, or the highway
  11. Mjolinor

    New Ferry Rules For The Future

    Britain is turning round despite the "help" of the powers that be. Manufacturing is climbing quickly and we still lead the world in brain exporting. If we could stop the export of the grey matter we would be doing even better.
  12. Roy124

    Ceramic Coating

    Don't worry, it's just Don's way.
  13. Konrad C

    Missing component under bonnet.

    I saw the photo so checked my 2009 1.8 Valvematic TR Tourer. My air-con is fully working! There is a self diagnostic system that can help give fault codes without using diagnostics equipment. The OP has a case of the 'Just rolled in', where someone with no clue has cut the high side pipe and not documented the reason!
  14. Roy124

    Ceramic Coating

    Fixed it 😀 I do love dyslexia
  15. Haliotis

    Tyre Replacement

    Lots of drivers brag about the cars that they own and are proud of, but have never learned to drive them properly. People frequently show pride in certain talents in which they excel but, when it comes to driving standards, they have no clue, and even claim to be good drivers when it’s patently clear to other road users that their skills are minimal.
  16. Roy124

    Tyre Replacement

    Yesterday, following another car at the Toyota 3 bar distance, on an undulating and meandering A road at a comfortable 50-55 and observing the 30, 40 and 50 limits. The vehicle following could see my gap was long enough and seized the opportunity to shoot passed as we approached the end of the village 30 limit. Of course the car ahead was still doing 30 as we approached a rise, solid white line on our side. For Schumacher, for it must have been he in his BMW EV, was soon passed and away. Sadly I didn't see him again. Then again, Mr Toad?
  17. Corolly Poly

    Ceramic Coating

    I've tried just jet washing but unless you dry off quickly it seems much more prone to water marks than my previous non-coated cars, even with a water softener. And you can't just fetch them off easily with a bit of polish because that removes the ceramic coating. I appreciate that for some they are worth it but for me never again. Although I hate cleaning my car and I might see how the coating fares with just being being professionally valeted every 8 weeks or so😁
  18. GBgraham

    New Ferry Rules For The Future

    I do agree with your despair of the PM's and the politicians that were supposedly taking us forward into independence. Sir DC failed to get the simplest concessions from Brussels so he spit his dummy out and scarpered after the vote. ( and his comeback is also disastrous) Then we had TM who was a pathetic and inept HS so I knew she would be terrible from her past endeavors. Then BJ reentered the fray, imo a very intelligent and intellectual but unfortunately a bit of a clown. All these 3 could have redeemed us in one way or another and to be fair we can't totally blame the PM's but the teams and ministers behind the scenes then ending in a global pandemic. As to your last paragraph, again I'm in full agreement, the horse has bolted and hopefully the door is firmly shut because any attempt to reverse the process will mean we have to sell our soul. Business abroad is not as bad as you are suspecting and trade outside the EU has grown tenfold, so don't lose faith. As I stated, don't blame everything that's wrong with the UK on Brexit and as you say and I can assure you the grass ain't any greener on the other side, fortunately where I am they try their hardest to ignore many of the EU rules. IMO, All that is wrong with the UK is down to the last 20 years has allowed our politicians to sleepwalk us the citizens into a very bad and dark place domestically and that I can only see a drastic future to turn things around.
  19. Cyker

    Ceramic Coating

    Generally ceramic coatings should be mostly maintenance free - The whole point of them is they're much harder than wax and don't abrade just from being rained on like wax does; The only thing you have to be mindful of is they are razor thin coatings so any physical contact from e.g. scrubbing, polishing etc. should be minimized, but this is true normally anyway as if you don't have the coating then you're wearing into the clear-coat layer. If it's a good coating, you can normally get away with foam lancing then jet washing the car as the dirt shouldn't be able to stick on hard enough to require e.g. use of a clay bar. Alas reality and FRIGGIN BIRDS mean that isn't always the case and some gentle agitation is sometimes require to remove more stubborn dirt deposits... If you like to clean the car regularly, a good wax is much better IMHO; I feel ceramic coatings are more for lazy people like me who cba to clean their car every week because it gets covered in **** again almost immediately...!
  20. SouperChris

    Ceramic Coating

    I really don't understand you
  21. Today
  22. Big_D

    Tyre Replacement

    This is quite often the problem. Many drivers have no idea how to read the road and plan ahead.
  23. And then there is the issue of the car deciding the speed limit signs are km rather than miles. I’ve had this before when I was doing about 24mph in a 30 zone and had the RSA show I was speeding (i.e., doing about 40km/h)..
  24. Big_D

    12v and usb in boot

    I had the side covers in both my C-HRs. The supply sockets, do indeed, look like they may have been fitted by a previous owner.
  25. Corolly Poly

    Ceramic Coating

    I have a coating and have no doubt that they will protect the paint to some extent but they need to be applied properly and looking after them seems to be far more effort than standard wash and occasional polish of a non coated car. Unless you are prepared to put the time and effort (or pay for regular valeting) to look after it properly and avoid swirling or it being worn away I think they are more aggro than they are worth. They do look shiny when properly looked after but my car is not a show car and is dirty more often than it is clean so I see no benefit there. I didn't pay for mine and on balance I would still have preferred not to have it.
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