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  2. First, read the topic to begin with.. Secondly, you are looking at a photo where there are JUST buttons for a photo on the steering wheel..🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Thirdly, they are of course installed in a normal way. Fourth, I know perfectly well that the cruise runs over 30km/h. WHY SHOULD I BUY THE WHOLE STEERING WHEEL? The photo below is especially for you.!!!
  3. MikeSh

    Flat Battery

    No. If you've driven 100 miles and the 12V battery gives up, either the battery is trash or Toyota ****ed up. It's not a 'user' case. It's time Toyota and other manufacturers building cars (usually hybrid or EV) with non-alternator based 12V systems got their act together.
  4. snobelf90

    X-Touch Software Update?

    Sorry, i don't have understand the quest. This is my info
  5. Yesterday
  6. hi guys how many mk1 yaris owners on here are still running with the origional top and bottom radiator hoses and alternator belts cheers
  7. CPN

    Battery charging

    I've already said that I don't normally dangle it like that. That was just a one of for a photo.
  8. anchorman

    Flat Battery

    It depends Mike. You’d have to know if anything had been drawing 12v power or if anything was left switched on. Assuming not, we know these batteries drop off a precipice all at once and neither driving or ready mode are going to make much difference.
  9. Derek.w

    Hi from Norfolk

    Hi Michale, You alway seem to have good weather down south. Glad to have you join us.
  10. Derek.w

    Battery charging

    Well in that case then look at the wire itself it was not designed to suport the weight of the charger when dangling / hanging loosely from either wire.
  11. CPN

    Battery charging

    Point taken but the car is in a locked garage and only I have the key (and we don't have pets).
  12. CPN

    Battery charging

    I only did it like that for the photo. Ordinarily it would be up on top of the inner wing.
  13. jm89

    Noise underneath car after Catloc impact

    I always got nervous when going over those high bumps with short length with a catloc fitted. I've had 2 occasions where the catloc slammed into the bump and it made a awful noise, had no damage luckily.
  14. MikeSh

    Not installed maps ??

    If it's the back-story I'm thinking of (another thread) I suspect a pint down the pub would more beneficial. rarely has a good outcome
  15. Ak57

    Hi from Norfolk

    Hi Michael, welcome another one from Norfolk.
  16. Flatcoat

    PHEV wheel corrosion

    I will definitely be trying warranty claim. I had a 60,000 mile Volvo with diamond cut polished wheels which were still like new after 4 years so not accepting this.
  17. CPN

    Is it eCVT or CVT

    Indeed and I would agree with that also. The 0-30 time in the 130 is something else! One of these days I will find a quiet road and do some timings...
  18. bathtub tom

    Not installed maps ??

    Mine's like that, my model never came with it, although it has the button. If it was advertised as having sat-nav, then you are justified in approaching the seller for mis-representation.
  19. Ok, it's been a while since I added to my own thread and we've done a fair few long journeys now so here are my further thoughts about the HEV 130. Differences that I have noticed So many but here are a few. I don't know what they've done to the software that works out the mpg but it is proving to be much more accurate than my previous car, The Red Baron. When I pulled in to the filling station earlier, the average for my current tank had just clicked over to an indicated 57.4mpg and so I was expecting a real mpg of between 55-56mpg tank to tank. Imagine my surprise when I filled in Fuelly when we arrived home and the real mpg came up as 57.7!! Obviously, this is only the third fill up so it's a work in progress, so to speak, but it's certainly looking much more accurate now. Another thing that I have noticed (which may be connected to the above) is that the speedo reading is much closer to the true mph than before. I have set up my DRCC for 1mph increments and an overspeed of 2mph difference to true speed (both in the appropriate settings section). At an indicated 32, the car is actually doing a true 30 and 40 & 50 are roughly the same but sometimes fluctuating back to 39 or 49. If I want to cruise at a steady 60, I now set it for 63mph and it doodles along at a true 60 exactly. Previously, I had to set the cruise at 65 to do a true 60. Also (and I know @Cyker will love this!) I have tried the DRCC acceleration settings, all of them (Low/Med/High), and I have to say that High probably works the best in terms of economy because it doesn't mess about getting you to your set speed and then backs off the throttle quickly to a cruising gait at your set speed. Accelerating more slowly will definitely use more fuel in the long run as Cyker has repeatedly asserted and I agree with him. On a long run, this car is even more relaxing to drive; if that's possible! All of the safety aids just work and in a much more subtle way than they did in the Red Baron. A highlight of all those aids is probably the way that it takes bends in its stride now (it was useless on the Red Baron) gently slowing from your set cruise speed as the car traverses the bend (think slip roads) and then gradually regains the speed as the road straightens up. It is really nice and reliable; even with cars around you. The overtake prevention also works well which surprised me a couple of times. It uses both the BSM system in tandem with the proximity detectors on the rear corner of the driver's side and soon flashes up on the HUD and gently prevents you from pulling out but not overbearingly so. I love the PKSB (Parking Support Brake) function and it has saved me from marking the car a few times now because I have misjudged the image that I am seeing in the rear camera. It's a bit of a surprise when you first experience it as it appears to make a "grinding" kind of noise when it actuates but it certainly stops the car suddenly!! Annoyances Again, there are quite a few but here are some. The RSA system, although mildly better is still pretty rubbish and still gets distracted by 20mph limit signs at the entry to estate roads but sometimes it now corrects itself fairly quickly as long as it also has the current map data but this feature still needs much more work to be truly effective and safe. If you are using AA or AC for your Nav, one of the annoying things is that the voice instructions can be cut off in mid flow should a beep or bong happen during the speech stream. This is quite ridiculous and could be easily sorted out in software. I've tried using the built in Nav system (where the latter doesn't happen) and, compared to AA or AC, it is awful in my own subjective opinion; which is a pity as at least directions are able to come up in the HUD as you are approaching a feature or junction etc. I still keep on going back to AA (in my case) as it is much more fluid and the voice instructions are much more natural. The built in Nav voice sounds totally robotic and disconnected in nature and the map display is so low tech for this day and age. I hate it. Following on from the PKSB above, the image from the camera (as has been mentioned elsewhere) is very low resolution and could be radically improved with a better quality camera. However, at least the additional icons that come up for all around the car and showing visually which bit is getting closest to the car is very good so, mixed feelings about the rearward views. Lastly, for this post, and probably the most frustrating is that they give you all these options to set up your dashboard images and when you've got them just how you like them, when you switch the car off and back on again, it changes some of the inset displays back to what it thinks you should be seeing and there doesn't seem to be any way of making your chosen layout the default!! Very annoying!! That's all for now.
  20. Rigsby

    12v battery maintenance

    There is a thread on this forum under the heading of Recall for DCM 2022 Rav4 Hybrid Item 3 sates Auxiliary battery may become discharged
  21. Roy124


    Bob a succinct summary, but no suggestion suggestion of how to achieve anything. Just to take immigration, neither main party has the ability to do what is necessary. I think illegal immigration is hyped as the problem for many reasons. I think local concentration, or risk thereof, is the fear. The only real action is deny all access and return to sender. Illegal is illegal. Then we have the human rights, humanitarian actions, evangelical conversion etc, and open immigration centres. No government is prepared to secure them offshore or in secure camps in UK. In many cases an open centre offers better food, accommodation and facilities but they want more. Sorry, this is about Reform. How do they achieve that aim.
  22. Stephen29

    Hybrid battery fan and air inlet

    Another good video (in Japanese) showing the fan assemblies and ducting. Output seems to be low down along the sides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgKcEH2b3ZY
  23. Dave the aygo

    Engine Noise During Acceleration

    I have just done a 250 mile round trip on, the motorway and I am pleased with the way the x behaved It never went over 4000 rpm I noticed you have to feather the accelerator to get the speed required I was overtaking in the outside lane with ease 70/80 mph I never had any noise problem going up hills on slip roads I was able to join the motorway as I did with the old aygo I think we have to change the way we drive to make it easier and a better driving experience
  24. Roy124

    Toyota mapping vs Android Auto

    Frogfoot is a NATO designation for a Soviet aircraft. For several such aircraft I favour Frogfeet rather than Frogfoots
  25. Derek.w

    Battery charging

    Your biggest worry with the CTEK dangiling in the air is if someone or a pet dog walks into the cable then a clamp may be disloged and sparks may fly.
  26. Roy124

    Bottle jack

    https://m-uk.vevor.com/pneumatic-car-jack-c_10308/vevor-triple-bag-air-jack-3-ton-6600-lbs-pneumatic-jack-for-car-suv-lifting-p_010677130252?adp=gmc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=20497631423&ad_group=&ad_id=&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqWAYXZxTej_Lb4DQn7EMVxkZOsBTTP8lQ3-FoQVB-ffiW4oOfbNajMaAuOvEALw_wcB This one is a proper bag jack and of a form used for crash recovery of larger vehicles or aircraft where the load and ground pressure can be spread https://www.sotel.de/en/Household/Sonstige-Elektrokleingeraete/Uhren-und-Wecker/Berger-Schroeter-Air-Jack-Luftkissenheber-3-t-Arbeitshoehe-60cm-max.html?cur=1&shipto=GB
  27. philip42h

    Toyota mapping vs Android Auto

    I really wasn't being serious ... 😄 But, from Wikipedia wot must be far more authoritative: Etymology and terminology Prius is a Latin word meaning "first", "original", "superior" or "to go before". In February 2011, Toyota USA asked the US public to decide on what the most proper plural form of Prius should be, with choices including Prien, Prii, Prium, Prius, or Priuses.[ The company announced on 20 February that "Prii" was the most popular choice, and the new official plural designation in the US. 🤣
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