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  2. First thought is wondering who at Toyota (?) - or what (AI?) - wrote this garbage. A candidate for a Crystal Mark from the Plain English Campaign it isn’t. Auto-translated I suppose. Second thought is that if this the reality of owning a hybrid (Toyota and probably others too) then so be it; the problem could be considered as not being with the cars but with dealer sales people who don't make this clear to potential buyers. Diesel cars fitted with DPFs (so since 2009ish) aren't suited to regular short journeys either; but do car sales people still sell them without asking potential customers about their intended use (rhetorical)?
  3. Paul john

    AC smell

    Ozone generator? o3 is toxic. Doubtful he generates it.
  4. 1.33

    Dashlight dimmer

    Looks nice after a wash. Polishing can help remove some of the oxidation. The only difference between yours and the EU ones were the side repeat indicators on the front wings. It seems to have been well looked after and looks good for a 32 year old car. It would've been interesting to have tried the earlier RWD versions, especially the coupe and estate station wagon versions. Some markets recently sold the Starlet as a badge engineered Suzuki Baleno. Weighing only 800-900kg and with a turbo, it could probably out accelerate most modern hot hatches.
  5. Poor you! That sounds expensive.
  6. Nick72

    PHEV advice

    Of f.... Not good.
  7. Today I used my brain to send a message to my finger to open the window, it worked perfectly 😁

    new member

    Hello John - welcome to Toyota Owners Club.
  9. Tarak

    new member

    Hello John, Welcome to our forum
  10. Roker

    AC smell

    My son has a car detailing business and has an ozone generator which I am going to try. Apparently it's toxic when operating and must not be breathed un
  11. Today

    YC Insurance Renewal Price ?

    Said this before - we renewed our house insurance in December 23, increased the contents cover by 50% and got an £80 refund on the renewal. This is with LV=.
  13. Flatcoat

    PHEV advice

    Twice it jammed and wouldn’t open and once it jammed fully open. Compounded by the dealer making a total b8ll8cks of the third repair.
  14. I’m looking for a LandCruiser to take to east Ukraine for conversion into an ambulance. It needs to be structurally robust - no MoT advisories for rust - and mechanically sound. The budget is £4000-4500. Please drop me an email if you have anything suitable. I’m based in Birmingham. Jerry.marsden@btinternet.com
  15. Nick72

    PHEV advice

    Took about 10 years off my life expectancy 🤣
  16. wildtapholer

    YC Insurance Renewal Price ?

    Wait till you the your house buildings and contents renewal through, ours last year was £323, this year £760 and no we have never made a claim, I don't think the triple lock will keep pace.
  17. As Neil sugest, Just maybe the car disagrees with a fastend seat belt without the door itself opening and closing.. If it still a problem after that try handbrake switch just a felt pad if you can see it to push the pin down just a touch more as it maybe failing or a replacment micro switch.
  18. funky2nite

    Yaris Key Programming

    Oh *******, it's the most imp bit then, that i missed. I've actually looked up several tools that might do it but price varies from £300-1k which is obv insane for a non commercial locksmith. Should yoy have any pointers or stuff to read through re mk3, let me know pls. Mine isn't keyless, it's mk3 with regular key
  19. 152bobby

    YC Alarm Activation via Remote Key Fob

    And what about EVERY car advert on British TV that has the small print at the bottom of the TV screen that's states Not A UK Specification!!! That's because if it showed the UK spec car, it would be a wooden cart with a horse with a starting base price of £30k and if you want some Hay, it will be another £5k. We are just a easy touch in so many ways!!
  20. MardyMarvin

    360 degree camera

    It would be an interesting idea but would be costly. The tesla camera videos from what I have seen are terrible quality but something is better the nothing when trying to prove who hit who or why. Give it a few years more and It might become some safety feature that NCAP gives more points for.
  21. Ex Tiff

    Plastic Inside Where You Fill up Oil

    Best guess, it's a shield to stop oil spray hitting the underside of the filler cap when the engine is running. If you look it only leaves a narrow gap along the rear edge to allow oil to flow past when re-filling. Had to take my cap off to have a look as I've never had to add oil between services. As the car has never been touched by anyone other than the local main agent it must be a standard fitment.
  22. MikeSh

    Yaris Key Programming

    Which is how modern thieves can operate. Plug computer into OBD port, access the security system, tell it the 'new' key they have nearby is now added to the system. Drive away. (Yeah, it's a bit more complicated maybe, but that's essentially it.)
  23. Pretty sure that's not true. All businesses in every country will aim to maximise their profit, which translates to shafting their customers whenever possible. Different countries have different cultures and thus different priorities, so international companies tailor their products to the different markets. I expect bullet resistant glass is probably an option for some/many US cars but I doubt it's in much demand here (politicians excepted). Adding things like panic buttons to a car costs money and pushes up the sticker price. If only one in a thousand buyers wants it then they'd be effectively shafting the other 999 by forcing them to have and pay for it. Personally I feel shafted in not being able to get a car these days without 'privacy' glass in the back - a Yaris is not a limousine. So I'm paying for something only teenagers really care about.
  24. 152bobby

    360 degree camera

    Yes, I probably agree, but if Toyota (or any car manufacturer) got into partnership with Garmin, ThinkWare, Nextbase etc, it would happen pretty quickly, it's totally doable, Tesla are heading in the right direction with it. It's similar to how Garmin integrated with the car manufacturers with their sat navs !!
  25. Rhymes with Paris

    My Aygo is killing starter motors

    Aye, it's a good idea to keep a big heavy weight of house keys off the car keys I think, irrespective of any problems Just the car key and fob in the barrel I think is best.
  26. MardyMarvin

    360 degree camera

    I suspect very hard, the processing power to constantly record from them and stitch the images together and have them record at a decent frame rate to a recording device can be taxing on any processing unit. Showing realtime video is far less taxing as you can just pipe the feed straight to the screen.
  27. Don Mac

    Acquiring connected radio signal...

    Unfortunately I think that you can only have the car use the internet radio as a fallback. My radio swaps to the internet a fair bit because of signal loss (it's worse than my last car, I don't think that the Toyota aerial/set is great for reception). I'd love the option to stick with the internet because there's a significant time difference between the two (causing the transmission to skip backwards & forwards when it switches) and the volume is different.
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