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  2. Yaris’s were fitted with Dunlop SP sports from factory. Mines covering the low miles still rides on the originals is what I meant. However signs of cracking appears therefore needs swapping for new.
  3. Like the other guys said, these gearboxes don't do gearchanges. The system can create any drive ratio it likes (within reason) by adjusting the engine and electric motor speeds relative to one another, so you'll find your engine speed is not related to anything except for how much power you're asking for, and it will move up or down in the opposite direction to your right foot. Sounds complicated, but these gearboxes are actually wonderfully simple mechanically compared to a traditional auto, and it makes them very robust.
  4. jimaros

    12v battery maintenance, issues, etc.

    Hi to all. I did try a few searches on the forum but as I'm not a native English speaker I didn't get any results. I'm having a 3 week trip next month and the car (1yo Yaris hybrid MK4) is staying at the airport. I've contacted my dealership mechanic about solar charger and what not but he told me that it wouldn't be necessary or in the worst case I can remove the negative lead of the 12V battery for while I'm gone and that this wouldn't hurt the car in any way. I'll be carrying in the car a Noco for just in case but my question is: has anyone done this? Are there any drawbacks?
  5. 🙂 You've used the button which disables everyone (apart from the driver) from being able to use window controls. This has the unfortunate side effect of disabling the voice controls.
  6. As I understand it, the rubber in tyres, no matter how little they are used, do degrade over time. Maybe someone can confirm? Addit: Just got this from the AA.com website - As tyres are made out of rubber, a naturally occurring material, you can expect them to degrade over time (even if you don't use your car very much). It's best to at least get your tyres professionally checked every 5 years – in most cases, you'll need replacement tyres.
  7. Today
  8. MikeSh

    Yaris cross horn

    I prefer to play or laze. But if work needs doing it's often best then, unless it's heavy stuff when I say 'No, it's too hot' and laze instead. Priorities 🙂
  9. Stecha

    Aygo 2007 blue paint

    I think the code is on the RH side of the ID sticker inside the OS Rear passenger door (on 5 door) = C/TR ...............
  10. At 8,000 miles? And he says they are "factory fresh". Doesn't compute, sorry. There's more to this.
  11. dannyboy413

    The Word Association Thread

  12. Not only is it perfectly normal for a CVT based vehicle it's actually proof that it's working as it should. RPMs only go up and down with conventional gearboxes because they have a limited number of ratios available (typically 4, 5 or 6) so the engine often has to be operated at a less than optimal RPM. CVT based vehicles have a far larger range of ratios to choose from - practically infinite. This gives the ECU freedom to keep the RPMs at the perfect point. This means a CVT based vehicle can accelerate while keeping the RPMs the same or, indeed, accelerate while the RPMs are dropping. The ICE in hybrid vehicles like Toyotas have even more freedom because they can use electrical power to help the ICE. This is in fact why they are so efficient - the electrical motors coupled through a CVT(*) give the ECU A huge amount of scope in how it operates the ICE. https://auto.howstuffworks.com/cvt.htm (*)Toyota like to call it an eCVT because it is somewhat different to most other forms of CVT. Still it shared the same characteristic - an almost infinite range of ratios between top and bottom.
  13. CPN

    Love my new Rav PHEV GR but speed warnings are so annoying

    Everyone keeps on banging on about this and yes, it's true that it's not 100% accurate (even atomic clocks aren't!) but if your smartphone is locked on to more than 20 satellites (and most phones are capable of that) then it gets pretty darn close to that magical 100%. So, I would suggest that it is the most accurate device available (even on twisty roads) to the average driver for a fix on speed across land. It is far more precise than anything else immediately available for comparison purposes.
  14. Rhymes with Paris

    Radio Gaga?

    Have you checked in the boot for asps?
  15. TonyHSD

    Yaris cross horn

    That’s right and it’s exactly what I did. There is nothing better to be around your car and work when the sun is out 👌 Or perhaps a bbq in the garden
  16. Wiz201

    Aygo X radio won't switch off..

    I don't usually turn the radio off, but I think from memory you press in the volume knob to turn it on and off. I agree about the safety features being annoying, but mine never beeps with the speed limit, it just goes red. The suggestion to take a break only came on for me after we had driven a few hours down to Cornwall.
  17. 152bobby

    Yaris cross horn

    If I try this, it will certainly be on a warm sunny day, so that the body panels are as flexible as possible.
  18. Good car at these lie miles. Brake Pads and discs may just need some cleaning and slider pins lube and new tyres , these are typical consumables for Toyota hybrids. The brakes lasts ages but they need attention as above every 2-3 years .
  19. TonyHSD

    Yaris cross horn

    I did it on my Auris last week exactly like that , just removed few screws and few clips , the design of the bumper and grill is very similar to Yaris cross. Thanks to anchorman who kindly presented me with his original horn from his Yaris cross my car horn is working again. There was just enough space to push my hand in and do the job and in your cars might be possible to add extra horn that way but if you need to do anything with wires you may need some more space.
  20. Crickleymal

    Aygo Blue 2010 Bluetooth How to Use

    Following as my son has the same car. He's replaced his radio with a cheap Bluetooth, non CD radio from eBay as it links to his phone where all his music is stored
  21. Perfectly normal with a hybrid with eCVT.
  22. Crickleymal

    Tyre Replacement

    Yes but restraint meaning losing two or three hundred yards? When I had a Lada Riva I used to keep up with a BMW through the twisties in the Cotswolds
  23. As of yesterday when I ask the car ("Hey Toyota!") to open or close the windows it replies (verbally) "I'm sorry, that feature isn't available at the moment". I was previously able to open/close the windows (all of them or individually) this way, it's handy in warmer weather The car is recognising the voice command & displaying it in text on the screen as before I have tried other commands (turning the a/c on, changing the radio volume) and they still work The windows are operating correctly when I use the switches This fault has remained over several journeys Has anyone else had this problem, or know of a cure for it?
  24. gingertips

    Farewell BZ4X

    Not sure. Have to wait 3 months before I can order another car through salary sacrifice. But it will definitely be an EV. I ordered a bz4x purely because it was an absolute bargain - a month later the monthly rental increased by 50%
  25. Hello everyone, Just got a 2022 toyota corolla hybrid tourer 2.0. When I accelerate the revs don't go trough the rpm range. For example I'll accelerate from 30-50MPH while.the rpm stays at 3000. Is this normal or is there something wrong with the gearbox as in any other car it would go 1500-2000-3000
  26. Xanadu_999

    First Toyota (Aygo)

    Hello and welcome, Andrew.
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