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Im A Very Upset Member


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on my 18th i had a test drive of the t-sport yairs and them i expressed my veiws on the yaris forum, but all i got bak was personal attacks at me do i not have a right to express an opinion on here i have never ever met a buch of sensless idiots in all my life (http://toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=62482) now i run a car club with some of my friends and if we spot any one taking somthing too farr and taking it beyond what is acceptable we stop the conversation and put the offending people on a probation period now the expireance ive had over my stay is on this owners club is diabloical i drive a yaris im passionate about my cars and driving and coming to an owners club id expected a better aproach but this has yet to happen.

so if any 1 can shed any light on why i have been treated so badly id love to hear there veiw.


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Sorry that you feel that you have received abuse.

Did you realise that if you feel that about any posting you can use the REPORT button which is at the bottom of every post. This will notify a moderator who wil consider your gripe and (possibly) do something about it.

You should realise that if you criticise a Yaris TSport on a Toyota forum you will of course lay yourself open for "Flaming" (They do love their T Sports you know :) )

Sometimes the gentle "leg pulling" on these forums can get slightly spirited, but as said before it is in your hands to report any abusive postings to the moderators.

Please don't give up on TOC yet..........................we do not all bite ;) :lol:

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My apologies for the reception you have walked into from some of the Yaris community.

I have added my thoughts onto the thread and raised this issue in the Moderators section so it can be monitored.

As with any forum, if you have strong opinions regarding something then a full explanation can help your argument. In saying that it does not mean you should be subjected to personal attacks.

Leave it with us and we shall try and ensure these personal attacks will stop. As Red has said... Press the report button below a post should you want to alert a member of the moderators team.



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Thats a shame to hear mate .

Nobody deserves to be ridiculed like that on any forum , i hope the moderators and managment are proud that new members are treated this way . Someone should have stopped that before it got too far .

I only joined here because my cousin told me about how he became banned for no apparant reason , but after being a member for a while now i can see how people on here get frustrated at these personnal attacks and constant bitching.

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Nobody deserves to be ridiculed like that on any forum , i hope the moderators and managment are proud that new members are treated this way . Someone should have stopped that before it got too far .

I agree, it should have been stopped earlier in the thread, but if we don't see it we can't do much.. this is where the report button comes in handy, if other members see this sort of thing then they SHOULD report it to us so we can deal with it.

We are NOT proud the members get treated like this, we try to promote TOC as a family friendly forum, but sometimes things need brought to our attention, we can't be at the computer 24 hours a day.. so we need members to help us on those occasions.

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In all honesty... if you go onto a car section and basically tell them all that the top of the range is a "pile of sheep s**t" in pigeon English, don't expect to be greeted with open arms!

I am not known as the hugest Yaris fan on here, and some of my comments in the general sections have provoked responses which is fair enough, but I'd hardly go onto their area and start ranting about how rubbish I thought their top model was! What exactly were you aiming to achieve??

Maybe you would find yourself more suited to a saxo or something......

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So this guy comes in roaring, screaming, effing and blinding and suddenly he's the victim?

Maybe had he taken a more measured approach in his first post then people wouldn't have copied his tone for their subsequent replies. If people wish to be taken seriously then perhaps they should express their opinions lucidly and clearly.

imho, of course...


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So this guy comes in roaring, screaming, effing and blinding and suddenly he's the victim?

Maybe had he taken a more measured approach in his first post then people wouldn't have copied his tone for their subsequent replies.


No one said his approach was appropriate but that does not give anyone the right to have digs directly at him in a personal manner.

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I thought he took it quite well...


i have never ever met a buch of sensless idiots in all my life

if any 1 can shed any light on why i have been treated so badly id love to hear there veiw.

Read your first post and where you posted it :thumbsup:

And I’ll keep my other views to myself :yes:

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In all honesty... if you go onto a car section and basically tell them all that the top of the range is a "pile of sheep s**t" in pigeon English, don't expect to be greeted with open arms!

I am not known as the hugest Yaris fan on here, and some of my comments in the general sections have provoked responses which is fair enough, but I'd hardly go onto their area and start ranting about how rubbish I thought their top model was! What exactly were you aiming to achieve??

Maybe you would find yourself more suited to a saxo or something......

please dont net me started on the saxo thing i hate the saxo simple as its french to start with im a (jap till i die guy) i wasent hoping for open arms but i also dident think it go so far as people would make personal digs now the final post on that topic from the voice of reason has made me want to leave now so if a moderator could please delete my account it would be much appriceated he took it much too far when i started to calm down again i wud continue but i feel this is the best approach to avoid confrontation in the future. down to the way ive been treated over the time ive been a member i think its more than time to leave.

im sorry for the anger,hate and words ive braught on here.


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We ALL have opinions on different things and reactions vary to the subject and content of any post, these can be from minor skirmishes to outright warfare this is all well and good if it is related to the posters comments but when that persons spelling and grammar is brought into the argument that to me is a sign that they don’t have a valid or constructive reply and making it personal is the only answer available to obtain a reaction.

If members were berated or penalised for grammatical or spelling mistakes this club would be minus a great number of people, me included (god bless Microsoft Word)

I can only apologise on behalf of the club for any upset caused by those replies responsible.



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Where's Fidgits or Bibbs when you need them!!!!

I don't know where to start - Calgon started the personal attacks by posting in the yaris forum in the first place......

I would have expected a similar response to this on any other forum whose members are passionate about their cars.

In the space of 2 topics he has slated the members of TOC & branded a top off the line Yari model ****.

Also labeling French cars in the same league.


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dude seriously i havent slated any 1s ride and personal attacks are on you as a person, read the topic before you commnet please.

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Calgon - I think if you take a step back & read your 1st post objectively you'll find it's quite aggressive & insulting of the T-Sport. What you've got to remember is a lot of people love their car & take a dig at their car as a personal dig to themselves so any new member who joins a forum & insults a car in a way that you appeared to shouldn't be suprised if the reactions they get are of a similar aggressive nature.

Whether or not you meant to came across the way you did, only you will know, I'm happy to give you the benefit of the doubt. As a new member though, nobody has had a chance to judge your character & know how to take certain comments & as such, you were asking a lot if you weren't expecting anybody to bite at your 1st post. I agree though, getting personal is unnecessary, as is pulling somebody up on spelling mistakes.

I don't think you should feel the need to leave the site, yeah, maybe you got off on the wrong foot but that's no reason to disappear to never come back. We all say things that are misinterpreted at 1 point or another, especially on the internet, that's just 1 of those things that happens. Let's just start with a clean slate & I'm sure you'll find TOC to be a very friendly & informative place.

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Calgon - I think if you take a step back & read your 1st post objectively you'll find it's quite aggressive & insulting of the T-Sport. What you've got to remember is a lot of people love their car & take a dig at their car as a personal dig to themselves so any new member who joins a forum & insults a car in a way that you appeared to shouldn't be suprised if the reactions they get are of a similar aggressive nature.

Whether or not you meant to came across the way you did, only you will know, I'm happy to give you the benefit of the doubt. As a new member though, nobody has had a chance to judge your character & know how to take certain comments & as such, you were asking a lot if you weren't expecting anybody to bite at your 1st post. I agree though, getting personal is unnecessary, as is pulling somebody up on spelling mistakes.

I don't think you should feel the need to leave the site, yeah, maybe you got off on the wrong foot but that's no reason to disappear to never come back. We all say things that are misinterpreted at 1 point or another, especially on the internet, that's just 1 of those things that happens. Let's just start with a clean slate & I'm sure you'll find TOC to be a very friendly & informative place.

I think Kevs put it quite aptly there! :yes:

Calgon: I am sorry you feel victimised, as I said in my post on the thread (Post 14), we are a friendly forum, however you did air some very "personal" views about a certain make of car that is incredibly prolific on this particular forum.... in fact its officially the most popular make of Yaris owned on TOC.

The moderation team do not condone personal attacks in any way and I apologise for it being taken so far.

Stick around and let TOC prove what a friendly and informative place it actually is to be and perhaps this episode can be a lesson to ALL of us, to remember what we're here for - to help and support each other, not to be at each others throats. Respect each others views and in turn your views will be respected :thumbsup:

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I think that if you hadnt described it as "sheep s***e" you would've helped yourself a lot - you could've just said, "I had a drive of a Yaris T-Sport and it wasnt for me, I'll stick with my current Yaris".

There are ways of getting things across, everyone has different levels of grammar, spelling, punctuation so that in my opinion, is something that is a part of internet life.

So perhaps just take a minute to think how your comments also come across to other forum users, just like some of the comments have come across to you.

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Calgon - I think if you take a step back & read your 1st post objectively you'll find it's quite aggressive & insulting of the T-Sport.

What you've got to remember is a lot of people love their car & take a dig at their car as a personal dig to themselves so any new member who joins a forum & insults a car in a way that you appeared to shouldn't be suprised if the reactions they get are of a similar aggressive nature.

Would you go up to someone in the street who you haven’t met before and say to them about their car (which they love by the way):

“had a test drive of the 1.5 t-sport yaris to see if what every body on here sez is true and to be honest it was a pile of sheep s**t”

“it was apporling”

“i walked away discusted”

I don’t think so! :boxing:

I think you got away quite lightly, you’ve had some stick given back to you and like I said in a previous post, if you can’t stand the heat etc

A bit more tact and diplomacy would had prevented you from getting singed :blowup:

There is no need to throw your teddy out the pram and leave... :no: put it down to experience :thumbsup:

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I agree people shouldn't hav digged at him personally! However there is noway the 1litre GS is better than Tsport. It is better in no way factually at all! :P It may not be the best car in comparison to OTHERS, but if you compare the bottom and top spec cars the top one turns out to be better! I don't mean that to sound in anyway a dig at you and i agree you have been picked on! I also agree your first post was badly worded and to a point (before it got personal) you were getting what you gave!

Hopefully you will get over this and realise you offended as you were offended (even if you got worse than you gave!). If you word things more carefully in future so as to offend less i'm sure you wont find the offensive returns! I have been known to be very critical about peoples cars in the past and i also got knocked into line about it due to the way i put it! I also didn't realise to what extent the way you word things affected how they were interpretted! Remember on the forums the words are all they see and they build up a view of you based on your posts! This means they don't neccesarily fully understand senses of humour, dont receive facial expressions etc.

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today being my 18th i decided to have a test drive of the 1.5 t-sport yaris to see if what every body on here sez is true and to be honest it was a pile of sheep s**t ive never driven a uprated car where its worse tan the lower spec it was apporling also the service was dispicable i booked an appointment i was waiting 1hour to achually get the car and a further 10minits to get a price for a facia panel for the headunit i cud of been longer but i walked away discusted all the prase you lot have been giving it was nothing to what came of it the stiff suspention is nice and the bucket seats but the rest is really dissapointing

The start of the topic...

name='Blue84' date='Jan 23 2007, 10:52 PM' post='608606']

Everyones different mate, some like it - some dont. I wouldnt go as far as saying it's a pile of sheep s**t tho!

His mistake.. but then again, it was/is his opinion....

today being my 18th i decided to have a test drive of the 1.5 t-sport yaris to see if what every body on here sez is true and to be honest it was a pile of sheep s**t ive never driven a uprated car where its worse tan the lower spec it was apporling also the service was dispicable i booked an appointment i was waiting 1hour to achually get the car and a further 10minits to get a price for a facia panel for the headunit i cud of been longer but i walked away discusted all the prase you lot have been giving it was nothing to what came of it the stiff suspention is nice and the bucket seats but the rest is really dissapointing

Proof that today’s education system doesn’t work...

Anyway... seeing as you have only been driving for a maximum of one year but in reality maybe a few months and judging by your comments, which I tried to decipher, your driving experience is obviously limited. If you are more than happy with your 1 litre GS then knock yourself out.

When you say your willy is your best physical feature and call it ‘Bob’ you tend to lose any credibility with your observations/comments!




Totally out of order.. this is the 1st personal attack in this topic.. It shouldn't have happened and there was absolutely no need for it.

tut tut.

perhaps if you spoke English to the sales and service staff then the service wouldn't have been "apporling or dispicable"

I always say the car is only half of the equation, so perhaps you should try swapping the driver then maybe you would see what a great little car the yaris t-sport really is.

Another personal attack.. I take it you both know for certain that calgon isn't dyslexic or suffer from another type of learning difficulty?... think before you say such things about other peoples level of education.


I drove a 1Ltr Yaris courtesy car on Saturday, and I can honestly say it was much better than my T Sport. Yeah right!! :), It was terrible and I wanted my TS back ASAP :) :lol: It’s a good car, but the T Sport is in a different league.

Perhaps the long wait was because they didn’t have a T Sport, so they nicked some T Sport badges from someone’s TS in a local car park and stuck them on a 1Ltr Yaris :lol:

A humorous reply... more in keeping with the type of post that gets the message of disagreement over without being too personal.

I just think that the whole point is that if the T-Sport wasn't a better car then it wouldn't be priced higher and they wouldn't fly out of the showrooms. Generally speaking each person is totally entitled to their opinion, however, if you tell me that a bottle of Blue nun is "better" and a Chateau Lafite-Rothschild then you were plain wrong - opinions aside.

And that's what he is doing. At the ripe age of 18 he's comparing the bottom spec Yaris to the top spec one and saying that the top spec one sucks, I'm afraid sir, you are wrong.

The point also stands that due to the diabolical spelling and punctuation he has been considered "uneducated" and how seriously or how much weight are we going to allow his opinion to carry?

Naturally the question is rhetorical; the answer is simply "none".

Next please.........

Because his English was poor his opinions don't count?... Just because a person has poor English, doesn't mean their opinions don't count.

look alot of you to me now i think your all a bunch of :censor: seriously ive had 2 test drives of the t-sport now to see if its any different from the first time and to be quite honest i dont like it, and going off some of your commets saying im only 18 i dont have that much expireance get :censor: ! yer it dosent matter how long you've been driving its what kind of driver you are it does'ent take a idiot im passionate about my driving its all i want to do and seriously comparing me on myspace i am my own person i dont follow a crowd and for you to try and and say *so appologies if any offence was caused......* im sorry but taking on my personality you can f :censor: off i honestly thaught a owners club is where there are nice people willing to help and not pass judgement also *BAN HIM * you have no basis to ban me on i was just expressing my opinion if you lot dont like it let it go its that simple and even tho i havent replyed to this in ages is because i have a car club to run and collage to go to. so to cap it all off quite frankly i think you all apart from a small few are complete and utter cretins im sorry for my rude context and swearing but seriously people grow up!

CalgonUK! :angry: :censor: :angry:

OK.. you fed him bait and he took a bite.. unfortunately.

I wouldn't have expected any other type of response from any other member if the same things were said about them... it is only natural that a person would feel angry and a little peeved off.

Calgon - I think if you take a step back & read your 1st post objectively you'll find it's quite aggressive & insulting of the T-Sport.

What you've got to remember is a lot of people love their car & take a dig at their car as a personal dig to themselves so any new member who joins a forum & insults a car in a way that you appeared to shouldn't be suprised if the reactions they get are of a similar aggressive nature.

Would you go up to someone in the street who you haven’t met before and say to them about their car (which they love by the way):

“had a test drive of the 1.5 t-sport yaris to see if what every body on here sez is true and to be honest it was a pile of sheep s**t”

“it was apporling”

“i walked away discusted”

I don’t think so! :boxing:

I think you got away quite lightly, you’ve had some stick given back to you and like I said in a previous post, if you can’t stand the heat etc

A bit more tact and diplomacy would had prevented you from getting singed :blowup:

There is no need to throw your teddy out the pram and leave... :no: put it down to experience :thumbsup:

A bit more tact and diplomacy???? If you had used more tact and diplomacy in the first place, the topic may not have developed into this.. all it seems to take is for one member to act in this manner then a few other members jump on the band wagon.

All that was needed was to find out what he didn't like about the car and why.. then who knows??..maybe we could have discovered that there was a problem with the particular TS he had a test drive in.

Maybe time (if calgon wishes to) to start the full topic again.. on a level playing field with a clean slate, and everyone has a chance to think about what they want to say?

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id just like to say, that when you have a car that you love and have spent ages on and some one slates it off because they dont like it thats normal coz not everybody likes the same car as every body else and telling me to have a saxo is like telling my mate who loves his veedubs hes more suited to fiats or fords its a massive insult, if its possible its either constructive critism your gonna get where a person lays bak on their achual veiws of the car youve spent ages on. its like what would you rather have the persons real opinion or a half whit mostly un-true opinion. its fine if you dont agree with peoples opinions of your ride that youve worked on their entitled to it so you dont have to listen quite frankly i find all this personal attacking pathetic, showing that you cant take a bit of critism about your car. i have people slating my car all the time but i dont care coz i love it.

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In all honesty... if you go onto a car section and basically tell them all that the top of the range is a "pile of sheep s**t" in pigeon English, don't expect to be greeted with open arms!

I am not known as the hugest Yaris fan on here, and some of my comments in the general sections have provoked responses which is fair enough, but I'd hardly go onto their area and start ranting about how rubbish I thought their top model was! What exactly were you aiming to achieve??

Maybe you would find yourself more suited to a saxo or something......

haha love it! :thumbsup:

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