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Help Needed, Damaged Aygo!


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Hello, this is my first post here and I was hoping for some help!

I hit a munt jack deer the other day and I've damaged my poor Aygo :(

It has cracked the bumper slightly and pushed the centre grille in. It also smashed the offside front arch liner.

I took the bumper off today and saw the following...




The slam panel is dented, and the vertical bar pictured is also bent back quite far. What are all these parts called and would it be easy enough to replace them?

How much am I looking at to do it myself compared to taking it to a garage to fix?

I also need a new arch liner, does anyone know a price for that?

Thank you in advance for any help :)

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The front bumper ......

Take it off, it's only a few bolts. If you've removed the plastic front, you can easily manage it.

Off to a breakers, it's only a bolt on bit.

It has done exactly what it is supposed to do and saved major damage to more important bits of the car.

The bottom vertical bit......

Manly friends, male or female and a long bar should have it back in place to match the other side.

Measure both sides until they match.

If the paint cracks, get a small aerosol of "Waxoyl" to prevent any rusting.

Wheel arch liner......also from the breakers.

When I ruined my wife's front plastic bumper, I went to my local Toyota dealership.

They supplied me a new bumper and used a modern paint scanning machine to match my car paint.

(I took one of the bumper inserts and the towing eye cover).

Came to about £300.00. Very good match.

You can JUST get one inside an Aygo with care!

Look on eBay for "Aygo Breaking".

The steel part is I BELIEVE the same on the C1 and 107.

Not sure about the arch liner.

Good Luck.


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