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Funny Noise?

biker minx

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to follow up my last thread asking if anyone had rebuilt there head gasket as the garage said I needed it doing as well as a new rad and he said 1k to sort it, well I took it home and my mate said he would do it for cheap so I said ok

He looked at it and changed the cam shaft sensor and all oil has stopped (it's been about 48 hours) so far so good also he changed rad

I am hoping it's fixed now but I was wondering what the noise was when we were driving it sounded like something heavy dropped (like the rubber end of the screwdriver) like a thud I did think we had run over something or a bird flew into us but we pulled over and there was nothing so we carried on a few mile down the road we heard a tink noise like a hose clip falling this time :/ the garage who said I needed a rebuild said it was the engine (I can't remember what he called it but he said it's the term used when a engine has bust)

wondering if anyone knows what it could be?

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is your car smoking, down on power or using a lot of coolant? Unlikely to be the head gasket if its no doing this. Noises are hard to say anything about without hearing them :)

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Is the "tink" noise continuous or did it just happen the once? If it's continuous, does the noise increase with engine speed?

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no smoking no loss of power no loss of coolant no loss of anything since that O ring gasket had been put on the oil has stopped also

the thud noise happened once and so did the tink noise a few mile down nothing since then ( it honestly sounded like the rubber end of a screwdriver when dropped and the other was like a jubilee clip falling) I was in passenger seat at the time and I felt it on my right side of leg so whatever is behind all that plastic/carpet (I thought gear at 1st but not sure now) do you know where I mean :)

there was a slight noise when putting accelerator down (like a hoover but only slight) but that has also stopped

this car has a mind of it's own

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Almost sounds like a tool was left in the engine bay and then fell out and clipped a few things on the way out. If there are no unsual sounds continuing from it then it sounds like whatever it was has gone..

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yeh I said that 2 but they said they didn't leave anything in, bit I know how easy it is 2 do I've done it before :)

cheers anyway she's still running good so she must be ok lol

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Strange things these noises how they do your head in, Just changed my front anti roll bar bushes and got rid of an annoying noise of my own, one down more to go :crybaby:

Anybody know if a front stabaliser link has gone will it clunck when going over holes?


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Yeah if a drop link perishes at the joints it will make a knock sound when one wheel goes over a bump. Thats due to one wheel moving and the anti roll bar is preventing it.

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Yeah if a drop link perishes at the joints it will make a knock sound when one wheel goes over a bump. Thats due to one wheel moving and the anti roll bar is preventing it.

Thanks :thumbsup:

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