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2009 Auris gear shift boot ("gaiter")


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Has anyone successfully removed the gear shift reversing ring? This is required to change my gear shift gaiter.

I can find plenty of instruction on installing the new gaiter into the plastic console trim. But no information about how to get the gaiter behind the gearshift ring. I've looked at this ring for ten minutes, and it isn't clear to me how to remove it.


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I got a new hand made gaiter, and replaced it, took me 1 hour, without any tools. 

To get the trim on the top part, you unscrew the knob, take off the bottom part of the trim, and pull the gaiter out. 

Once you get the new gaiter onto the plastic ring, just pull it over the top, and screw things back.

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Thank you, I think I need more specific terminology. Here are some photos to explain. (next three or four replies)

  • Start. Here is my trusty Toyota trim tool, and the car interior to be repaired.
  • Spudge. Here is how I initiate popping off the gearshift area plastic trim.







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  • Reversing ring. After I twist off the knob (14 turns, in case you are ever wondering "how much??" when you reinstall). After unscrewing the knob, the movable ring to allow for reverse gear is exposed. It is fixed on the shaft and there is no obvious way to remove it without risking breaking something (or a spring popping somewhere to get lost)
  • If I pull up the skirt, this is how the gaiter is attached. It appears to be a thin wire or some spring steel. Notice the retaining ring is much bigger than the aperture in the vinyl material.
  • Are those four tiny holes on the white nylon disc a clue? Does this white disc perhaps rotate off the threads? It seems too thin to possibly be threaded.



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  • New part. As for the new part, there is a chromed plastic ring on there, but of course I don't think it is actually needed. The inner diameter does fit however onto the shaft.
  • New part, interior. Turned inside out, it is clear that by snipping the cable tie, I can probably release the plastic ring. But that doesn't help me install over the reversing ring.



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The gaiter you have is for 5 speed, which does not have reverse ring. 

Maybe remove the chrome ring, put the gaiter onto the gear shift, then pull up, and cable tie it from the underside.

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. OK, that explains a lot. 

I think it will be best if I undo a few stitches on the cone. Will check with the wife, she manages the sewing machines around here.

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On 9/11/2020 at 1:09 PM, furtula said:

The gaiter you have is for 5 speed, which does not have reverse ring. 

Maybe remove the chrome ring, put the gaiter onto the gear shift, then pull up, and cable tie it from the underside.

Great, thank you.

  1. We undid some of the stitches and completed a wider opening. The old one was a little bit elastic and did indeed pull right off.
  2. I did a rough fit in the hole with the skirt, to assess exactly where the four stitches should lie in relation to the retaining ring.
  3. The original was stapled into the retaining ring. I don't have a heavy stapler, so I used my wife's super strong thread, I think it is kevlar or something. Before any poking I used some stationery binder clips to hold each section taut, to prevent any wrinkles around the perimeter.3.stitches_replacing_staples.JPG
  4. right-side-out, I carefully slid the skirt over the various bumps without yanking any of the remaining stitching.
  5. with the stitched cuff in its proper groove on the reversing ring, I got a chance to rotate the assembly into the final position. Note we made the new cuff just a bit too big.
  6. flipping inside out, I tightened a cable tie, pulling the red stitches downward and out of view.6.tighten_underneath.JPG
  7. The final installation!


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