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OEM rear view camera on new Android Radio


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I've bought an Android radio and I'm facing two issues that aren't working. I was wondering if people here have experience with this and how I can fix it.

I have a 2014 Auris 2 (hybrid sports touring). Previously, it had a Touch and Go 1 installed with an original rearview camera. However, now when I put it in reverse, nothing happens.

Also, not all buttons on the steering wheel are working. Volume + and -, mute, and answering and rejecting calls work. You can manually set these with the radio by selecting the button on the screen and the button on the steering wheel. Thus, you can configure which button does what. But buttons for skipping forward or backward and the OK button are not recognized.
Also there is no electric information screen anymore. 

Are there people who have managed to get their original rearview camera working? I did receive a separate camera with cables, but I want to use the original camera.

This is the wiring diagram: https://ae02.alicdn.com/kf/S237fa7f3c77940bd86d9291c134d8547l.jpg

This is an overview of the camera (which I don't want to use): https://ae02.alicdn.com/kf/S734a89f9de724e48a04a16f3eb3683d2M.jpg

Also, I didn't receive a CANbus module. I asked about this beforehand. The seller said I didn't need it. I'm not exactly sure what that module does because the rest of the unit works, and some buttons on the steering wheel do work.

This is the radio: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005006665369834.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.7dbb79d2nz8Fx4&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld

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Is there no one who can help me with this issue?

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do you have the camera adapter? is the camera on the a 16 pin connector or the 24 pin, did you wire the reverse signal?

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16 pin. I have the adapter. 
I could not find the reverse signal. 

I did found an signal that got 12V when in reverse. But that dit not work. 

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