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Speed Cameras


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Just seen this article.


But more worryingly, seven in 10 drivers feel they focus more on the speed camera than the road ahead when they see one.

I am obviously not trying to say we should be speeding but only 5% of accidents caused by speeding last year. It seems to me we should be removing drivers who dont speed from the roads. Perhaps they can change the way a speed camera works and fine the drivers and give them 3 points if they are not going fast enough.

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Not quite sure I'd go that far, if you make people go faster that aren't comfortable with it they'd probably end up binning it... Then blame speed and the whole thing starts all over again ;)

It is pretty scary really though, more accidents caused by drink driving than breaking the speed limit. Now virtually everyone I know routinely breaks the limit (whether they admit to it or not). Nobody I know drinks and drives.

Very restricted sample set, but lots of people speeding cause fewer accidents than very few people drink driving. Yet we concentrate on the speeding... Completely harmless the vast majority of the time, yet nice and easy to measure, make money out of and keeps the general population feeling guilty about using their cars in a safe and sensible manner.

It'd be funny if the obsession with catching speeders wasn't killing 500 people a year now.

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I cant remeber the last time I seen a cop car on the road - and I do alot of miles :yes: !

However everyday I see bad/agressive driving, people on mobile phones, people with their fog lights on, lane hogging etc.

Speed camera's aren't going to catch these people braking the law - which I think is more dangerous than speeding <_<

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I saw the full breakdown of the accident statistics in one of the papers on Friday (I think it was The Times). According this this breakdown there are still sigificantly more deaths caused by drink driving than by speeding. Drugs are increasingly becoming a problem (I hear that a certain pop star got pulled over again at the weekend).

Some people would say that the answer is to reduce the Drink Drive limit. But the problem is that Drink and Drug Drivers cannot be prosecuted by a Speed Camera. Speeding isn't the problem, it is reckless driving.

In the 18 years I have been driving I have been breathalysed once (ironically after an accident), but I go past speed cameras every day.

We need more traffic cops.

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Agree - more traffic cops.

Unfortunately though, it cost more to hire a traffic cop than maintain a speed camera.

I see perhaps one police car a week on average in the time I'm driving.

I did see a scamera van today though, whilst on my way back from our Stratford office.

Parked in the middle of a village (30mph zone), on a Monday, at 10:30am.

How many cars are around at 10:30am?!?

If they're going to use them, at least use them at peak times....

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I find that at peak times the cops are only interested in keeping the traffic flowing.

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totally agree with the comments made. i guess it just makes me mad that all you ever hear is speed kills, kill your speed not a child. they really do need to look at the whole road safety issue. and they definately need more traffic cops to stop the dangerous driving.

one idea would be every new car and all cars going in for an mot would be fitted with a device to block mobile phone signals while the car is in motion. perhaps this would stop the lunatics texting at 90 in the outside lane, and the other car drivers in the inside lane unable to maintain a steady speed as they are on the phone.

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There are more and more speed camera signs sprouting up around Northern Ireland but I have yet to see the distinctive yellow box...maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. Around Belfast it's not problem because usually you can only just about get to 30 with the traffic and the roads are a glorified car park around peak times especially near where I live where there is a school and the "yummy mummys" all drop their one kid off in their SUVs when the kid can walk it to school within 15 minutes. :censor:

Wonder why I never take my car into work with me.

I do tend to stick to the speed limit most of the time myself unless I'm overtaking someone on the motorway but it's probably more the fact that I've such a small engine in the car than anything else. :lol:

I would agree with banning/blocking mobile phones somehow, I've seen too much idiotic behaviour by people using them in the car.

There is a theory that we have so many signs, lights and markings around and on our roads that we've become nothing more than robots when driving and don't think for ourselves as much as we should and hence the amount of accidents on the road. Apparently there are some areas in Europe where there isn't a single road marking, sign or traffic light and yet somehow the accident rate is lower. Of course it could be because maybe they don't report accidents as often as we would here but it's an interesting theory. I remember there was a part of London last year that had all signs and road markings taken down for a while as an experiment to force people to think for themselves when driving to see if the theory is correct. I haven't actually kept up to date with the results but this thread has just reminded me of it. Guess what I'll be doing the rest of today? :P Googletastic.

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Agree - more traffic cops.

Unfortunately though, it cost more to hire a traffic cop than maintain a speed camera.

I see perhaps one police car a week on average in the time I'm driving.

I did see a scamera van today though, whilst on my way back from our Stratford office.

Parked in the middle of a village (30mph zone), on a Monday, at 10:30am.

How many cars are around at 10:30am?!?

If they're going to use them, at least use them at peak times....

its hard to speed in peak times ;)

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Agree - more traffic cops.

Unfortunately though, it cost more to hire a traffic cop than maintain a speed camera.

I see perhaps one police car a week on average in the time I'm driving.

I did see a scamera van today though, whilst on my way back from our Stratford office.

Parked in the middle of a village (30mph zone), on a Monday, at 10:30am.

How many cars are around at 10:30am?!?

If they're going to use them, at least use them at peak times....

its hard to speed in peak times ;)

Perhaps where you live.

Not here though....

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one idea would be every new car and all cars going in for an mot would be fitted with a device to block mobile phone signals while the car is in motion. perhaps this would stop the lunatics texting at 90 in the outside lane, and the other car drivers in the inside lane unable to maintain a steady speed as they are on the phone.

I would agree with banning/blocking mobile phones somehow, I've seen too much idiotic behaviour by people using them in the car.

Sorry guys but I dont agree... there are perfectly legitmate reasons why someone would want to use a Mobil phone while the car is in motion... and perfectly safe ways to do it... handsfree in car kits... headsets... or bluetooth..

I myself have a bluetooth headset and a normal handsfree kit for my phone.. and I find it invaluable for letting people know where I am... e.g. if I am on my way home (2.5 hours down M6 and M1) and I cant exactly stop to use the phone (without finding a service station... or come off motorway increasing journeytime etc.

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with being on the phone via these methods.. as its simply like having a conversation with someone sat in the passenger seat...

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I agree JJ.... I use my phone in the car, but only with my handsfree kit and only if I have to (namely if I'm stuck in traffic etc)

Its those who hold the phone in one hand and steer/gear change with the other that get to me.... so dangerous, especially at high speed :unsure:

I would agree with more traffic cops, I think the problem of drunk/drugged drivers is worse than statistics say, mainly because people rarely get caught... and someone who is inebriated behind the wheel is so much more dangerous than someone going 5-10 mph over the speed limit....

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i know there are bluetooth kits available. i myself have one fitted into the car. they are still distracting and you compare them to talking to a passenger in your car this is a distraction too. are you telling us you can hold a conversation with people in your car or on the phone and still give the road your 100% attention. i very much doubt it.

20 years ago we didnt need phones to say we were going to be 10 minutes late. why now?

i wasnt really talking about the odd "i'm going to be late" or "road works are delaying me i dont know when i will get there". it's more the people, and dare i say it mainly young women who get in their cars start the engine, seat belt on then dial a number start chatting and pull away. i see it all the time in the public car park i use for work. those are the dangerous ones as they are not making a quick call.

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Using a phone while driving just comes down to priorities really. If your first priority is chatting on the phone then you're likely to do something stupid while driving and be a danger to everyone on the road.

If I have to use a phone (handsfree) and drive, I'm still paying full attention to driving and just use whatever concentration I have spare for talking and listening. That often means I stop talking in the middle of sentences or completely fail to hear what the other person is saying... I'd rather that than completely fail to spot the red light / queue of traffic that I'm about to plough through etc.

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Just JJ

You do have a legitimate point there. I suppose it's a case of each to their own in that some people can fully handle conversations with their passenger(s) while others can't. I would put myself in the latter as I often find myself just stopping to concentrate on the road in the middle of a conversation with my passenger. Thankfully this usually is my bf who doesn't mind as he would understand why I suddenly stop mid flow in a sentence and start again a few minutes later! :rolleyes:

Guess it's a case of if you can't even handle a conversation with a passenger don't even bother thinking about using your mobile hands free or not. But as you've said a hands free kit is great when you're stuck somewhere and can't exactly find somewhere to park, brief quick conversations, not those long obviously emotionally involved ones that I see people getting into...without a hands free!

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I would agree with more traffic cops, I think the problem of drunk/drugged drivers is worse than statistics say, mainly because people rarely get caught... and someone who is inebriated behind the wheel is so much more dangerous than someone going 5-10 mph over the speed limit....

thats one of my pet hates. my brother got drunk, drove out the pub rolled his car into someones front garden then did a runner. he was trying to get sympathy from the family because he didnt like the fact the police came knocking at 4am and when he didnt answer the door they forced entry.

he got an 18month ban. personally i think he should have been locked up. he knew what he was doing and doesnt see that just because he didnt kill a small child he could have done if the timing was different.

this was kind of the point o was trying to make when i started this post. there are so many worse things that doing 85 on the motorway but the government seems to have brainwashed the nation.

just as an aside point who else has had someone pull an emergency stop on them in a 60 zone and reduced their speed to 30 because of a speed camera and being unaware of the speed limits. this is far more dangerous.

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Just JJ

You do have a legitimate point there. I suppose it's a case of each to their own in that some people can fully handle conversations with their passenger(s) while others can't. I would put myself in the latter as I often find myself just stopping to concentrate on the road in the middle of a conversation with my passenger. Thankfully this usually is my bf who doesn't mind as he would understand why I suddenly stop mid flow in a sentence and start again a few minutes later! :rolleyes:

Guess it's a case of if you can't even handle a conversation with a passenger don't even bother thinking about using your mobile hands free or not. But as you've said a hands free kit is great when you're stuck somewhere and can't exactly find somewhere to park, brief quick conversations, not those long obviously emotionally involved ones that I see people getting into...without a hands free!

Indeed... I do find there are people who can handle the conversations in the car and those who genuinely cant... must be some way the brain works or something. My driving instructor always used to chat to me... about the car.. what I was doing... where I was going (as normal) but also about Formula 1... things going on outside of driving lessons etc... So much so.. that when I took my test, I tried talking to the examiner... and finally about half way through for some reason we got onto the subject of caravan holidays (i think there was one down the road from where I did a 3 point turn) and he was quite friendly... (tho apparently one of the nastier examiners... I didnt find that :P )

Perhaps it comes down to how we were taught?...

I honestly can say that I give the road my full concentration if I have to use the phone... or if I am talking to passengers... I am much like the above who mentioned stopping mid sentence if I need that extra bit of concentration for the road... the road is always my priority. I am certainly not the kind of person who fires up the car and instantly gets on the phone and drives off... its not needed.. and I certainly wouldnt get into a 'deep and meaningful' over the phone in the car :P lol (not that I thankfully see this happen a lot)

My phone is more often in the car... and people tend to ring me rather than me ring out... be it.. prospective jobs... my family catching up.. or people wondering where I am etc... I dont always take the call... but sometimes its necessary.. and moving back to the original point made above... I honestly dont think that a 'moving car' should have some sort of 'mobile phone banning/signal interferance' system... its similar to saying drinking causes accidents/deaths/etc.. ban all alcohol..... or kitchen knives hurt people... get rid of them....

Ok perhaps not the best of points.... but in both cases... if a sensible person consumes alcohol within reason.. or uses the kitchen knives for their intended purpose (usually food prep) then its ok... for me.. same goes for mobiles when driving.. if used properly.. with correct equipment in the hands of people who believe they are able to chat and drive at same time (and I understand there are those that cant... and hence if they know they cant.. they shouldnt - common sense)..

*wonders off again... man you can tell im bored :P

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(and I understand there are those that cant... and hence if they know they cant.. they shouldnt - common sense)..

They shouldn't...........but more often than not they still do !

Just wait till it snows ! They can't, they know they can't, they shouldn't but they'll all be out ..........at 2mph

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I say just get rid of all speed cameras, scrap the offence of speeding altogether, sack any politician or policeman that even dares say someone was going too fast and concentrate on the consequences of what actually occurs after an incident. There simply isnt any need for 'speeding' to be an offence

Common sense... thats all thats needed.... and the government , police, and unscrupulous money raking machine makers are relying on the fact that most people dont have very much and thats why speeding kills. NO it &#33;Removed&#33; well DOES NOT. the IMPACT of a 1 tonne vehicle(or more :D) connecting with another CAR or PERSON is what kills... its more appropriately called neutonian physics not speeding ffs. WHen was the last time you saw a car wizz past a load of pedestrians, and as a result of the car speeding they all fell dead huh? and theres the rub

If it isnt an accident then theres likely a criminal offence to call it...

if it is an accident ...well theres a fundamental thing about accidents that makes them accidents... it wasnt intended....

Maybe they should prosecute car manufacturers next with aiding and abetting criminal activity... after all they supply us with tools that allow us to do way over any legal limit anywhere public...

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I've seen alot of people saying that they don't see many police cars when they are out and about - I think the reason for this is because they are now used to attend priority incidents (burglary in progress type things) rather than being solely focussed on car related crime.

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Or it could be because forces all over the country are disbanding their dedicated traffic units (as indeed Cheshire has).

The spin put on it might be so they can be used for other priority incidents, but they're just cost cutting and think they can rely completely on automated enforcement for traffic offences. So more people die...

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So more people die...

hmmmm and maybe thats actually the plan.... after all it doesnt really seem like the government really likes its populace does it.... we are cattle.

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