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Favourite Urban Dictionary Words......


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Some great word on there, so I thought, why not get people posting words they feel should be used more?? So post up your fave words guys (remembering its a family forum)


Ill start with - MUNTER

1. munter

an ugly woman (British slang)

Gaz got drunk and pulled a right munter last night!

2. Munter

A particularly ugly young lady. Can also be used as a verb, see example.

She's a bit of a munter. She munts for England. She's so ugly, she'd get gold everytime if munting was an Olympic sport.

3. Munter

Most often used to describe an incredibly unattractive female who you wouldn't touch with a shi*ty stick.

Sometimes pronounced "mun'er" with a Glottal stop in scotland

I widnae dae her, she's a fckin' munter!

4. munter

Very very ugly person, the next step up from being a minger, who is just ugly.

5. munter

a girl unblessed by the beauty fairy

"O my god! did you see the right munter kevin picked up last night"

6. munter

The word used to describe a truly hideous beast of a woman.

Lambert says :"OMG Steve that must surely be the biggest munter i have ever seen"

Steve says : "Yeah i know look at the face"

7. Munter

A less than attractive lady.

You, my dear, are a munter

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And a good one for Forum members I like (that is a word that I like, not Forum members that I like)


Loosing your connection to the internet

"Johnny was interneutered suddenly by his cable company which left him feeling much like his cat who was neutered a few days ago"

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Doom Buggy

1.A car that is wrecked, totaled or not drivable.

2.A very old car that needs a lot of servicing.

3.A car that is a lemon.

4.Any car that either looks like it will, or has fallen completely apart while someone was driving it

Clint took his doom buggy in the garage, they told him there was nothing more they could do and suggested that he buy a new car.

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Charity Mugger. One of those people who stands in the street with a big brightly-coloured bib and quite possibly a clipboard soliciting donations to the Feline Liberation Army or some other worthy cause.

Bloody hell, I had to pretend to be on my mobile phone for about ten minutes walking down the High Street to avoid all the chuggers.

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The sh1te youth of today.

Aged about 12 - 16, thats only a guide line this speice is growing and younger and older memebers are turning.

You will never see a scroat on their own, hey always are in gangs, usually hanging around wasting their lives outside shops, on street corners and other public places.

Its certain you will this high squeeling noise wen near a Scroat which goes like "EEERREEEEEEE!"

Dressed in Rockport boots, adidas tracksuit bottom (socks over the bottoms) a dirty jumper, and FAKE Burberry Baseball cap. What a mint statement :lol:

Take care, you will be asked for a "CIGGIE"

Kingo :thumbsup:

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The sh1te youth of today.

Aged about 12 - 16, thats only a guide line this speice is growing and younger and older memebers are turning.

You will never see a scroat on their own, hey always are in gangs, usually hanging around wasting their lives outside shops, on street corners and other public places.

Its certain you will this high squeeling noise wen near a Scroat which goes like "EEERREEEEEEE!"

Dressed in Rockport boots, adidas tracksuit bottom (socks over the bottoms) a dirty jumper, and FAKE Burberry Baseball cap. What a mint statement :lol:

Take care, you will be asked for a "CIGGIE"

Kingo :thumbsup:

When I worked for a living this is the definition we used for miscreants on our services

Scroat = Society's crap roaming on all trains

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Super Mario

1: The star of Super Mario Brothers. An icon to gamers worldwide.

He takes shrooms and gets beefed, saves the princess, gets laid, and goes home to fix household plumbing systems.

2: A 4 foot, 200lb. Italian Plumber from Brookyn, NY who's been in about 30 video games. The plumber, who's said to be in his early 40's today, is the mascot of Nintendo, as well as their oldest employee (next to Donkey Kong Sr.)

3: The super icon of Nintendo that takes shrooms to grow big while jumping around on bad guys, usually in very high strides. He also breaks blocks with his head, presumably he knows karate. No womder he kicks bowser's ***** so much.

A saint who takes shrooms and hallucinates the weirdiest things while still being kid-friendly.

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