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'88 Starlet Turbo'd corolla


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Just wondering if anybody knows anything about the early Starlet turbo cars (EP82?), as from what I have read they seemed to be fitted with something similar to the 2E (1.3, 12v) engine found in my '88 corolla saloon, plus a turbo obviously. If this is so, would it be possible to fit a turbo unit from the starlet of that era to my engine? Are there any other modifications you think are necessary to make a reliable increase in performance or would this just be a bolt on job, bearing in mind this is just a carb engine, no EFi?

Cheers in advance, happy motoring


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Wow your not gonna believe this James but my names Cuthbertson and i own a Starlet turbo Gt turbo and no im not taking the *****!!How weird is that?Maybe your a relative?lol

Anyway i reckon it would be possible maybe with a few mods. but the people that could give you a definate answer would be FENSPORT

Or pop in to this site toyotaownersclub.com

where myself and loads of starlet owners hang out.Anyway hope this helps!

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My EP82 uses the 4EFTE engine 1.3 16v turbo, the same as ToyTurbos.

I'm not sure but I think all the E series engines can be swapped fairly easily i.e they've got the same engine mounts, so it would probably be easiest to swap your engine instead of trying to fit the turbo, etc.

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Cheers guys!

Big-up to the Cuthbertson crew in Leeds, ToyTurbo! :)

I was kinda hoping I could just strap the turbo on! Fensport said a transplant was best, thats why I thought i'd ask around here. Doh! Recon turbo's only 300 quid as well.

The theory of installing a turbo on an injection motor like 4EFEs is fairly straightforward, but I haven't read anything about fitting to carb engines - might be hard, because there's no brain so you can't gradually !Removed! the timing or add extra injectors to increase fuel input.

Reason I wanted to turbo my car was because a mate of mine is getting a 1.8 golf soon and I still wanna be able keep up!

Corolla: 990kg, 74hp

Golf Driver: 1030kg, 90hp

I think I'll keep lookin into this turbo idea, cheers for the links, but just incase do any of you know how I could get 15hp out of the old beast? And don't say supercharger! How much would I get from a filter element? Don't want to do too much with the exhaust and I've got f*ck all cash!

Oh yeah, whats a starlet Turbo like on insurance, I didn't know they were made until a couple of months ago and might end up getting one!

Cheers guys, drive safe.

Big Love

James and Corolla

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As long as your current engine is is from the "e" family, then either the 2et or the 4efte will bolt in. The 2e will be easier to wire (if your currently efi) up but does have slightly less hp. Overall both engines are easy to transplant as this is what i did into my ep71 starlet daily driver. I started off with the 2e (efi engine), then swapped to the 2et, and now ive got a 4efte.


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Turbochargers run at a lower compression ratio, so not as easy as simply bolting it on.

E series engines are easily swapped - I'm putting a 4E-FTE engine (1300 turbo) into my Toyota Sera (5E-FHE)


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Has anyone put the 4efte turbo kit on a stock internaled 5e? I know that the 4efte pistons should be used but with that amount of compression in the standard form it would have awesome response.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, i need help with a E71 STARLET TURBO that i am building to race on the circuit. I need another EP71 engine and some advise for upgrade, such as what kind of piston, headgasket, down pipe, sway bars, cross drill rotors, short shifter, etc. Please email me at superfly0214@aol.com. DAVID

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