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Reserve Beep


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Hey Guys....

This morning i've experienced the fuel reserve beep for the first time since buyin my cool aygo. Can you advise how many miles the aygo drives on the reserve blinking blob?


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All depend son your style of driving, so its not possible to say 'X' miles. Either way, the beeping gets increasingly more frequent as the fuel gets lower, so start up beep is OK but then the flashing and beeping will increase in rapidity.

But running it so low often could put pressure on the fuel pump...fuel light bingo isn't worth it :P

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AFAIK only the blinking of the last blob increases in speed, the beep doesn't.

I've gone as far as 30mi+, but I wouldn't recommend that: fill up ASAP!

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You will usually get 20 to 30 miles after you hear the beep, but it really depends on what kind of driving you're doing.

The only way of telling how close you are the grinding to a halt is that little blob flashing faster and faster...

I swear I ran our Aygo so low on petrol once I could hear the fuel pump trying to suck in fuel as I was on my way to the petrol station. :eek: Won't be doing that again...

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You will usually get 20 to 30 miles after you hear the beep, but it really depends on what kind of driving you're doing.

The only way of telling how close you are the grinding to a halt is that little blob flashing faster and faster...

I swear I ran our Aygo so low on petrol once I could hear the fuel pump trying to suck in fuel as I was on my way to the petrol station. :eek: Won't be doing that again...

for the best of your car never let it go below a 1/4 full or you will start pulling all the crap from bottom of tank up and into your nice engine and that is never good :)

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My ScanGauge tells me there's anything between 20 & 40 miles after the beep, though I'm not sure whether when I ran out of petrol the gauge "reset" itself in some way as I've got over 8 gallons of fuel into the tank on two occasions since (37.9 & 38.2 litres)

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I managed about 38 miles last time around, I'd be worried about pushing it any further. Those 38 were mostly motorway miles at 60. Keep an eye - the faster the flashing gets, the sooner you should fill up! :)

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you will start pulling all the crap from bottom of tank up and into your nice engine and that is never good

I'm not saying this is a total fairytale, but if you fille up regularly this really should NOT be a problem.

First of all the tank on our cars is PLASTIC, so it doesn't rust. Second, there's a screen on the pickup for the pump

and yet another filter (that doesn't even get mentioned in the service-checklistst at all) up front near the injectorrail...

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you will start pulling all the crap from bottom of tank up and into your nice engine and that is never good

I'm not saying this is a total fairytale, but if you fille up regularly this really should NOT be a problem.

First of all the tank on our cars is PLASTIC, so it doesn't rust. Second, there's a screen on the pickup for the pump

and yet another filter (that doesn't even get mentioned in the service-checklistst at all) up front near the injectorrail...

agreed IF you fill up regularly this really should NOT be a problem, but IF you let your tank run dry ( and that is what that beep means) it will happen and yes there is a filter but that wont stop everything getting through and to be honest doesnt even have to get as far as engine it could just eventually block fuel pipes. So i stand by my statement.

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That's a lot of "IF"s if you ask me... How much junk do you think gets into the tank?

Not a lot IMHO: it's a closed system that only opens up when you fill it.

And then the fuel pistol allmost completely takes up the filler opening...

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you will start pulling all the crap from bottom of tank up and into your nice engine and that is never good

I'm not saying this is a total fairytale, but if you fille up regularly this really should NOT be a problem.

First of all the tank on our cars is PLASTIC, so it doesn't rust. Second, there's a screen on the pickup for the pump

and yet another filter (that doesn't even get mentioned in the service-checklistst at all) up front near the injectorrail...

agreed IF you fill up regularly this really should NOT be a problem, but IF you let your tank run dry ( and that is what that beep means) it will happen and yes there is a filter but that wont stop everything getting through and to be honest doesnt even have to get as far as engine it could just eventually block fuel pipes. So i stand by my statement.

The beep means "low fuel level" - not dry tank. Low fuel meaning you can travel for at least another 20 miles before things get "serious". That's my take. :)

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  • 2 months later...

as soon as it beeps fill up! i had my aygo for just over a week and i ran out of petrol, at the top of a hill at a round about, i panic now as soon as my cars beeps at me. It's so hard to judge how much time you have left before you'll run out.

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[and yet another filter (that doesn't even get mentioned in the service-checklistst at all) up front near the injectorrail...

useful info Jan ! :yes::yes::yes:

must be a pressure metalic filter i suppose, not a plastic one. :g::g:

next check.... :Jumpy::Jumpy::gunsmilie:

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Imho, for what it's worth, I always fill up at the half way mark.

Firstly, you never know when you will need the car, sod's law says you will need it for a long journey when your favourite gas station is closed.

Secondly, in the current climate, if the price suddenly rises, which with our government anything is possible, you have plenty of gas...

Thirdly, although I believe Jan, I'd rather not take the chance of dragging muck into the filters

And lastly, why on earth take the chance of running out?? It just doesn't make sense!!

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must be a pressure metalic filter i suppose, not a plastic one.

AFAIK it's enclosed in the flexible line between the injectorrail and the hardline from the tank.

I used to have an image of the hose/line, but can't seem to find it now, sorry...

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There's a simple calculation to find how much fuel you have left when the beeps start.


If "N" = Number of miles you "think" you have left.

What is actually in your tank = N - 1

If you're desperate, it reduces to N/2

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on topic, i've done 45km. since i heard the... :toot: , i switched to...''economy mode''

driving. :yawn:

There's a simple calculation to find how much fuel you have left when the beeps start.


If "N" = Number of miles you "think" you have left.

What is actually in your tank = N - 1

If you're desperate, it reduces to N/2


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