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How To Turn Things Off


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Hi there,

We've just bought a Verso which on the whole I'm liking very much. But there are a few things which are driving me crazy and I'd like to turn them off, but the manual is pretty useless. I need to know if they can be turned off and how to do it...

1) When you drive above 12mph the doors all lock. There is a way to make the locks all automaticlly unlock when I open my door, but I only seem to be able to make this work once. What is the point of me putting the key in and pressing the unlock button to do this just once? It seems to reset every time I start (or potentially lock and unlock) the car. Can this be set for good? I don't mind the doors locking but I constantly forget to unlock them when I get out of the car to get the kids out or take stuff out of the boot, then I am fishing around in my pocket for the key again.

2) The alarm - sometimes I leave my kids in the car if I nip in to pay for petrol. I'd like to lock the car and not have the alarm go off and completely freak them out. Also - what is the point of the valet key? How can I lock the car and give the key to the valet without them setting off the alarm when they try to open the door without the remote locking key. Is there a way to just turn off the alarm while still having the car locked?

Any help? Thanks very much,


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Hi Alison

Your dealer can disable the auto locking feature (they should do it for free), as I don't think there is a way to program the system to unlock once the key is taken out.

The second problem is much easier to solve... There is a little button next to the front interior light that disables the interior sensor on the alarm. If you press this before you lock the car the alarm will not sound :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the reply. Really? This is something the dealer has to do? From the message boards I thought I was doing something wrong as the automatic cars seems to have a way of switching it off permanently. Even the manual implies this is something you can cancel and then reinstate by repeating the procedure - not just switching the car on and off again.

You're saying the only way around this is to take it into a dealer and disable the entire mechanism? Surely a terrible design fault.


Hi Alison

Your dealer can disable the auto locking feature (they should do it for free), as I don't think there is a way to program the system to unlock once the key is taken out.

The second problem is much easier to solve... There is a little button next to the front interior light that disables the interior sensor on the alarm. If you press this before you lock the car the alarm will not sound :thumbsup:

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You're saying the only way around this is to take it into a dealer and disable the entire mechanism? Surely a terrible design fault.


Hardly a "terrible design fault" You go into your dealer who switches it off for you. It does not disable the entire mechanism, it switches OFF the auto lock feature. The least customers can "Fiddle around" with settings the better, otherwise they come back in for us to fix :D: :D:

Kingo :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...

On a similar tack… I have just bought a 2008 Corolla Verso SR 2.2 D4D and it has no seat belt beeper (good), no lights warning beeper (bad) and no You've-left-your-key-in-the-slot-dumbo bleeper (bad). There may be other missing beeps I am unaware of. Elsewhere on this site is the following for disabling/enabling the seatbelt beeper:-

1) Turn the power on (ie ignition to ACC, do not start engine)

2) Set the trip meter to ODO (using ODO/trip button)

3) Power off ignition

4) Turn power on

5) Hold down the ODO/TRIP button for 10 seconds

6) While Keeping the ODO/TRIP button down , put the drivers seat belt on (plug in the belt)

7) You will see b_on/b_off choice in the ODO LCD display, make your choice with the ODO/Trip button

What I would like to do is have the good beeps on and the bad beeps off. Maybe I should ask the dealer to turn everything beepable on and then silence the seatbelt beeps with the above? Providing it works of course…

PS. I am not anti seatbelt - just anti nagging.

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