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You Can't Load Your Rav4 Like This :-P

St Thicket

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Went by the gardening store today and picked up a plum tree...


The split tailgate on my Outlander is superb! I just had to brag :P

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I hope that you never took that illegally loaded vehicle on a public road!

Loaded like that it is a danger to pedestrians and other road users and would certainly attract the attention of the Police had they seen you

Most self respecting Rav owners would not want to load their vehicles without protecting both the tree and the vehicle from damage!

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Went by the gardening store today and picked up a plum tree...


The split tailgate on my Outlander is superb! I just had to brag :P

Looks like it's eating the foliage :lol:

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You have a serious rising damp problem there !!! :lol:

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I hope that you never took that illegally loaded vehicle on a public road!

Loaded like that it is a danger to pedestrians and other road users and would certainly attract the attention of the Police had they seen you

Most self respecting Rav owners would not want to load their vehicles without protecting both the tree and the vehicle from damage!

The tree was secured on the inside of the boot, an the boot lid was secured with wire. From the picture, it might appear that there were brances sticking out to the side of the vehicle, but that was never the case. Also it might appear that the tree was rubbing the asfalt, but it was not. I am very aware of road safety, and in this situation i was never in doubt if this was safe or not. The tree was transported just a few miles, and there were no damage on neither the car nor the tree. (Or anything/anyone else)

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I hope that you never took that illegally loaded vehicle on a public road!

Loaded like that it is a danger to pedestrians and other road users and would certainly attract the attention of the Police had they seen you

Most self respecting Rav owners would not want to load their vehicles without protecting both the tree and the vehicle from damage!

Wow someone's got their health and safety hat on!

I see his car doesn't have a UK plate - perhaps the Norwegians still have common sense to hand!

I wouldn't normally post on something like this, but honestly catch yourself on.

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Tell you what I did find out on Friday, may prove useful to someone......

3 metre lengths of copper pipe (just) fit in a RAV4 and you can close the back door :thumbsup: takes a bit of jigglin' and you put them through the rear middle armrest, after folding it down natch, stuff them as far forward in the passenger footwell and the back door will close :yahoo:

So if yer stood in Wickes and wondering, the answer is yes!


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Sunroof! :lol:

Rare as hens teeth mate in these parts. Don't think they're allowed coz I don't think I've ever seen a RAV4 here with a sunroof....

WE get spare wheels hung on the back door though to make up ferrit :yahoo:

The sunroof would be handy for transporting pipes though!


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Hey St T, Hows that Mitsi going? It has a spare wheel right?

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Yes indeed Anchorman. We made use of it the day after we recieved it. I'm sure i must have told you about it before.

Anyway, the mitsu is a great car, but feels a bit cheap when closing the doors. It has a sound to it that I used to hear on my moms mid '90s corolla. The space is tremendous though, the audio system is really nice, and the comfort is good. We'll take another one of those epic road trips this summer. Looking forward to testing it out :)

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I guess someone with a wee short car is a tad jealous they can only fit carnations in the back of their car ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Yes indeed Anchorman. We made use of it the day after we recieved it. I'm sure i must have told you about it before.

Anyway, the mitsu is a great car, but feels a bit cheap when closing the doors. It has a sound to it that I used to hear on my moms mid '90s corolla.

Funny you say that, I had the same observation the other way coming from a Mitsubishi Challenger (aka Shogun Sport) to the Rav4! I guessed it was simply a case of age, that is the mid-90s Mitsubishi was built 'like a tank' (people often commented on the reassuring clunk from the doors) but the later cars are thin metal crumple-zone and recyclable shells full of creaks and rattles. I've not been in any recent Mitsis so sad to hear confirmation they've gone the same way.

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I guess someone with a wee short car is a tad jealous they can only fit carnations in the back of their car ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ah yes, but think of how much happier the better half is when you come home with a big bunch of carnations rather than a load of copper tube and a bag of fittings - or a tree for that matter!


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Ah yes, but think of how much happier the better half is when you come home with a big bunch of carnations rather than a load of copper tube and a bag of fittings - or a tree for that matter!


If I took my wife a bunch of flowers after all these years I can imagine the scene: Hands on hips, hard looks and "wot you feeling so guilty about, then?"

Mike D :yahoo:

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If I took my wife a bunch of flowers after all these years I can imagine the scene: Hands on hips, hard looks and "wot you feeling so guilty about, then?"

Mike D :yahoo:

They all do that Sir, it's a model feature :thumbsup:


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Ah yes, but think of how much happier the better half is when you come home with a big bunch of carnations rather than a load of copper tube and a bag of fittings - or a tree for that matter!


If I took my wife a bunch of flowers after all these years I can imagine the scene: Hands on hips, hard looks and "wot you feeling so guilty about, then?"

Mike D :yahoo:

Two blondes talking at the gate, one sees her partner coming down the road with a huge bunch of flowers, says to her mate "that'll be me on me back with me legs in the air to-night" the other blonde says "why?... have you not got a vase" :shutit: Stew
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I hope that you never took that illegally loaded vehicle on a public road!

Loaded like that it is a danger to pedestrians and other road users and would certainly attract the attention of the Police had they seen you

Most self respecting Rav owners would not want to load their vehicles without protecting both the tree and the vehicle from damage!

Wow someone's got their health and safety hat on!

I see his car doesn't have a UK plate - perhaps the Norwegians still have common sense to hand!

I wouldn't normally post on something like this, but honestly catch yourself on.

My post was based on a sad personal experience!

When my eldest son was a toddler (Many years ago) he was knocked to the ground whilst standing on the pavement next to me, by a dangerously and illegally overloaded vehicle carrying a tree out of the back as it turned a corner

Common sense should tell drivers that having such loads overhanging from the back of their vehicles is not really a good idea......No matter how short a journey!

Condoneing such actions will never be on my agenda......Maybe you should re examine your comments?

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I hope that you never took that illegally loaded vehicle on a public road!

Loaded like that it is a danger to pedestrians and other road users and would certainly attract the attention of the Police had they seen you

Most self respecting Rav owners would not want to load their vehicles without protecting both the tree and the vehicle from damage!

Wow someone's got their health and safety hat on!

I see his car doesn't have a UK plate - perhaps the Norwegians still have common sense to hand!

I wouldn't normally post on something like this, but honestly catch yourself on.

My post was based on a sad personal experience!

When my eldest son was a toddler (Many years ago) he was knocked to the ground whilst standing on the pavement next to me, by a dangerously and illegally overloaded vehicle carrying a tree out of the back as it turned a corner

Common sense should tell drivers that having such loads overhanging from the back of their vehicles is not really a good idea......No matter how short a journey!

Condoneing such actions will never be on my agenda......Maybe you should re examine your comments?

I can read where you are coming from but the error is in the way that the driver was driving rather than the car/load. Given that the overhang was obviously beyond the drivers ability to recognise. I drive cars, trucks and trailers pulled by trucks and cars frequently and the load can be longer than the vehicle/trailer. We load up and add rear warnings as to the length of the vehicle and whenever possibl;e get another truck to follow behind if we think there may be a hazard. As a charity, we need to minimize any possible claim for neglect etc.

However, its amazing how many buses and Class 1 trucks mount kerbs - and altho governed by VOSA, they don't seem to get reported.

A bad driver is a bad driver.

A good driver knows his/her limitations.... and their vehicles.

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Red Yaris 54, obviously that event with the toddler would distress any caring parent however after re-examining all our comments I cannot accept some loose plum tree branches protruding from the rear of a large family car as contributing to any form of misadventure unless they somehow caught fire. A multi-bike rack with three sets of rigid handle bars and wheels, or a canoe mounted on the roof would both be considerably more dangerous to pedestrians but are quite acceptable in law, which as I understand it from a quick search will (in the UK) allow up to one metre of overhang without even the slightest signage and up to two metres before the type of flags/signs seen on mobile cranes are required. There appears to be no limit in length or form as to what are referred to as 'projecting loads' other than in relation to the size (weight) of the vehicle and that they "are not likely to cause danger or obstruction" which is somewhat open to interpretation but could not possibly apply in the view of the reasonable man to what we have seen in the first post (n.b. 'likely').

Summary details here: http://www2.dft.gov.uk/pgr/roads/vehicles/vssafety/info-overhangingloads.pdf

When I was younger, a friend riding his bicycle in front of me pushed a branch out of his way and it swung back as he passed and hit me in the face, which hurt. On that day I learnt not to chastise the forest rangers for their treacherous paths, nor to warn others to avoid the forest, nor even to scream at my friend, but just to stay further back from the cyclist in front. I'm afraid my view of health and safety policy is that as a 'no tolerable risk' movement it favours the first few possible conclusions in that scenario rather than the last, and your initial missive seemed to embody that. I now understand your reaction and apologise if you were offended by my post. Ultimately, however, as the Buyer says above, so much in this sort of event depends on the driver rather than the object.

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Apology accepted, Thank you for your understanding of my position on the subject.

Maybe we can now draw a line under the "legal" aspects of extended loads :)

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I suppose you could call him a "Soul Man" (now thats a blast from the past)

Regards Clare

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Weedol works for when there are growths in the back. However if you need to use it then maybe hoovering the back would have prvented it. More power to the vacuum cleaner. I'm gonna use one in my car one day once I've got the rhodadendrun out.:rolleyes::rolleyes:;)

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funny.... when I was coming up the M6 from a visit to the family in Manchester, it was a very very windy day. So much so that a canoe which must have been strapped onto a car/van roof, had blown off and landed on the fast lane of the southbound carriageway. Were going to phone the polis to say there was some guy posing as Noah, but then saw a polis car screaming down the motorway - I guess it must have been first come first served :wacko:

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funny.... when I was coming up the M6 from a visit to the family in Manchester, it was a very very windy day. So much so that a canoe which must have been strapped onto a car/van roof, had blown off and landed on the fast lane of the southbound carriageway. Were going to phone the polis to say there was some guy posing as Noah, but then saw a polis car screaming down the motorway - I guess it must have been first come first served :wacko:

Young blonde driving down the M6, her boyfriend phones her and tells her to be careful as its just been on the news that some idiot is driving down the wrong side of the motorway, blonde replies, " I know, but theres not just one of them, theres hundreds of them" :eek: Stew
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