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Good Old Days

jerry phipps

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Hi everyone

Got this email from my sister in Canada. It made me think how far we have come along and how things have changed. Some of you guys wont remember all of these stuff but some of you will. So for all of you peoples who remember read on and enjoy. And for those who are to young still have a read to see the way how we were :thumbsup:

This was MY life!!!


All the girls had ugly gym uniforms?

It took five minutes for the TV warm up?

Nearly everyone's Mom was at home when the kids got home from school?

Nobody owned a purebred dog?

When a quarter was a decent allowance?

You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny?

Your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces?

All your male teachers wore neckties and female teachers had

their hair done every day and wore high heels?

You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped,

without asking, all for free, every time?

And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading stamps to boot?

Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box?

It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner

at a real restaurant with your parents?

They threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed. . .and they did?

When a 57 Chevy was everyone's dream car...to cruise,

peel out, lay rubber or watch submarine races, and people went steady?

No one ever asked where the car keys were

because they were always in the car,

in the ignition, and the doors were never locked?

Lying on your back in the grass with your friends

and saying things like, "That cloud looks like a "

and playing baseball with no adults to help kids with the rules of the game?

Stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals

because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger?

And with all our progress, don't you just wish, just once,

you could slip back in time and savour the slower pace,

and share it with the children of today?

When being sent to the principals office was nothing

compared to the fate that awaited the student at home?

Basically we were in fear for our lives,

but it wasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.

Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat!

But we survived because their love was greater than the threat.

Send this on to someone who can still remember

Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Laurel and Hardy,

Howdy Dowdy and the Peanut Gallery,

the Lone Ranger, The Shadow Knows,

Nellie Bell, Roy and Dale, Trigger and Buttermilk.

As well as summers filled with bike rides, baseball games,

Hula Hoops, bowling and visits to the pool,

and eating Kool-Aid powder with sugar.

Didn't that feel good, just to go back and say, "Yeah, I remember that"?

I am sharing this with you today

because it ended with a double dog dare to pass it on.

To remember what a double dog dare is, read on.

And remember that the perfect age is somewhere between

old enough to know better and too young to care.

How many of these do you remember?

Candy cigarettes

Wax Coke-shaped bottles with coloured sugar water inside

Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles

Coffee shops with table side jukeboxes

Blackjack, Clove and Tea berry chewing gum

Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers

Newsreels before the movie

P.F. Fliers

Telephone numbers with a word prefix....(Raymond 4-601).

Party lines


Howdy Dowdy

45 RPM records

Green Stamps


Metal ice cubes trays with levers

Mimeograph paper

Beanie and Cecil

Roller-skate keys

Cork pop guns

Drive ins


Washtub wringers

The Fuller Brush Man

Reel-To-Reel tape recorders


Erector Sets

The Fort Apache Play Set

Lincoln Logs

15 cent McDonald hamburgers

5 cent packs of baseball cards -

with that awful pink slab of bubble gum

Penny candy

35 cent a gallon gasoline

Jiffy Pop popcorn

Do you remember a time when...

Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-moe"?

Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "Do Over!"?

"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest?

Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening?

It wasn't odd to have two or three "Best Friends"?

The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was "cooties"?

Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot?

A foot of snow was a dream come true?

Saturday morning cartoons weren't 30-minute commercials for action figures?

"Oly-oly-oxen-free" made perfect sense?

Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles?

The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team?

War was a card game?

Baseball cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle?

Taking drugs meant orange-flavoured chewable aspirin?

Water balloons were the ultimate weapon?

If you can remember most or all of these, then you have lived!!!!!!!

Pass this on to anyone who may need a break from

their "grown-up" life . . .I double-dog-dare-ya!


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ah... feeling al nostalgic and I'm only 24 !!!!

ah like i said before good old days ;)


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I'm 42 and reading this... GOD DO I FEEL OLD... :crybaby: THANKS JERRY. :eek::thumbsup:

Hey it's good to take a trip down memory lane :thumbsup:


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Wait till you are 62 & then you will know what "Old" is :crybaby:

Well done Jerry. That was brilliant. Took your double dog dare, too. I forwarded it to relations in Canada. :thumbsup:

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Wait till you are 62 & then you will know what "Old" is :crybaby:

Well done Jerry. That was brilliant. Took your double dog dare, too. I forwarded it to relations in Canada. :thumbsup:

Great stuff :thumbsup: Hope that they enjoy it as well ;)


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Hey asha theres only 5 days between our birthdays!

Im 1st july so were both cancer the crabit! ;)

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wooo hoooo and we both like KITT, must be something to do with the moon. :group-cuddles:

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Hey Jerry.Nice of you to put that up.Yeah,I'm only 34 this year ,but those were them good old days...

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Blimey! Cheers Jerry.

I only joined this forum ten minutes ago and already I feel at home!

I remember all of that (except for a few of the more obscure American TV shows).

For those of us in England. Do you remember Sherbet Fountains? Can you still get them? I have a new grandson today (by adoption - he's three). I'd love to give him one and watch his face! (is that cruel?)

I remember my first one - biting off the end of the liquorice straw and sucking (too hard) until a huge lump of sherbet shot up the back of my throat and blew back down my nose! WOW! I think it was a kind of aversion therapy. I never once was tempted to shove any other kind of powder up my nose. And I was a teenager in the sixties!

Let's hope none of us grow up and forget the good things in life. Now where did I put my Khaftan?

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Yes you can still get sherbet fountains!! they are sooo nice... tho I dont like the licorice... I give that to someone else and eat the sherbet :P

I remember some of those things... ahhh the life... on a similar note...


1. 6:00 am is when you get up, not when you go to sleep

2. Having s*x in a single bed is absurd.

3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

4. Your fantasies of having s*x with three women with !Removed! tendencies are replaced by fantasies of having s*x with anyone at all.

5. You don't volunteer for clinical trials at the local hospital.

6. You know all of the people sleeping in your house.

7. You hear your favourite song in the lift at work.

8. Informative TV does not include Richard and Judy.

9. The bank manager doesn't write threatening letters any more.

10. You carry an umbrella.

11. Seven-day benders are no longer realistic.

12. You don't go to Morrisons with all your friends.

13. You have standing orders and direct debits.

14. The heating works in your house.

15. Your friends marry and divorce instead of get together and break-up.

16. You pay the government thousands of pounds every year.

17. You go from 130 days of holidays to 20.

18. Jeans and a jumper no longer qualify as 'dressed up'.

19. You're the one calling the police because those damn kids next door won't turn down the stereo.

20. You get out of bed in the morning even if it's raining.

21. Washing up is not an annual ritual.

22. Older relatives feel comfortable telling s*x jokes around you.

23. You don't know what time the kebab shop closes anymore.

24. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

25. You feed your dog Pal instead of McDonalds.

26. You don't get ideas for drinks from local tramps.

27. You don't put half-finished curries in the fridge to eat later.

28. You don't spend half your day strategically planning pub crawls.

29. You "hate scrounging students".

30. You no longer have a strange attraction to road signs when drunk.

31. Sleeping in the lounge is a no-no.

32. You can't persuade your flatmates to 'Drink till dawn'.

33. You don't spend Wednesday afternoons in the pub.

34. You always know where you are when you wake up.

35. You no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.

36. A fire in the kitchen is not a laugh.

37. You go to the chemist for Panadol and antacids, not condoms and pregnancy test kits.

38. A £2 bottle of wine is no longer 'pretty good stuff'.

39. You can remember the name of the person you wake up next to.

40. You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.

41. You don't have mice living in your kitchen.

42. Grocery lists are longer than pot noodles & cans of lager.

43. You don't go to Nettos to buy Vodka.

44. You have vacuumed.

45. Breaking the law means doing 40 in a 30 zone.

46. 'I just can't drink the way I used to' replaces 'I'm never going to drink that much again'.

47. Over 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.

48. You don't experiment with banned substances.

49. You don't get drunk at home, to save money, before going to a pub.

50. Lunchtime is not 'the morning'.

Some of them apply... but not all!! I must be clinging on to my studentness :P

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Thanks very much Jerry! :(

I remember most of them. :crybaby:

Bet nobody remembers the "dolly tub and posher"

Les :D :thumbsup:

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a few ammendments...

2) no its not....

3) definately not, just changes to wine and alcopops

6) usually

9) erm...

32) no it's the norm on a night out...

39) but then relaise shes married

44) or you have a cleaner :D

49) rubbish

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I still put half curries in the fridge....and sometimes forget the names of the person I wake up next to!!! apart from that most of those are pretty true :P

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I personally think road signs never truely lose their appeal.... about half to 2 3rds of the list does still apply tho :P hehehe

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Hey Jerry.Nice of you to put that up.Yeah,I'm only 34 this year ,but those were them good old days...

Snap just turned 34 in june mate. Makes me wonder where has the time gone :help:


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I never lived in the states Jerry.. was it any good as a kid? :D :D

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