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Warning : A photo at your address is you receiving an order

Justin Smith

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Here is a warning to people buying by mail order. This problem occurred with E Bay but it (tracking details or a photo at your address is taken as proof of delivery) may equally apply to other sellers.

I had an order of replacement blind slats sent out by an E Bay business seller, it was sent Evri unsigned for despite the fact it was worth £82 and the seller stated on his product page he used Royal Mail.
The Evri driver left the item in an unlocked porch at the front of my building, which is on a main road and right next to a bus stop, it went missing….
Neither the seller or E Bay would do anything about it because they had a photo of the item in my porch, i.e. they deem that as proof I had received the item.
E Bay said the fact he used a different carrier from that advertised was irrelevant and the only way I could possibly get a refund was if I got a “Proof of Non Delivery” from Evri, but, as anyone with half a brain would work out in 2 seconds that was an exceptionally frustrating hiding to nothing. Note, I was told to do this, not the seller, who was the one with the contract with Evri…

My advice is :

1 - Think very carefully about buying anything off E Bay which is of a significant value.

2 – 98.5% positive feedback is NOT the same as 100% positive feedback. 
The sinning seller I used had 98.5%, but, if you think about it about 1 in 66 of his customers are sufficiently unimpressed with his service to give him negative feedback, and he is not bothered enough about that to ensure he does not get that bad feedback. When we used to sell on E Bay we had 100% positive feedback, and there was reason for that…

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I think you should talk to the payment provider you used to pay for this item. That's what I would do to get my money back. 

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Raise an eBay case... your contract is with the seller.


Our postman only leaves parcels if we are in, and takes a photo with the door open.

Amazon... drop and run. Others also.

Some just take a photo of our drive.

One said... signed by Colin at No.4.  ( There is    NO   No.4 on our road! )

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evri - enough said

Any CCTV on that front door ?

TBH it happens on a daily basis, especially this time of year, the porch pirate's keep tabs on the delivery vans

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1 hour ago, Mojo1010 said:

I think you should talk to the payment provider you used to pay for this item. That's what I would do to get my money back. 

I have raised a dispute with my bank.

I just hope, if it actually goes through, that E Bay charge back the seller (rather than absorbing it themselves). I have been in the mail order game for nearly 20 years and, other than the thief, I blame the seller for this more than anyone. Even more than the driver really. Don't get me wrong the driver is at fault, but Evri drivers don't get paid much per drop and he must have assumed it was a low value order since the seller did not ask for a signature.

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Royal Mail and Evri have a contract.  Can't remember the detail but they now work together. 

The seller certainly has a case that the delivery was not secure.   If it is an insured loss, they should refund you and claim against Evri.

eBay are not responsible for the courier service but should back you up.   Plenty of cases where a buyer has been refunded and the seller charged. 

Getting a charge back from your 'bank' seems a sensible option. 


We had issues with Amazon deliveries just dropping and running.  A book was left out in the rain.  Fortunately it was not damaged but we got a 50% rebate.

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Taking a photo is NOT proof of delivery, as a dishonest driver could simply pick up the item after photographing it, and steal it.  The only way a photo can be proof is if the delivery address door is open, and the recipient also pictured in the photo.

When a photo is taken against a closed door, the item will be low down near to the step. No reliable evidence is present to prove it was left at the right address.

The most important factor for couriers is TIME, and many are using technology to bend the rules to suit their work.  And the photo procedure does nothing to deter dishonest couriers - and the law of averages shows they exist.  The photo method is probably used mainly as an attempt to absolve the Company, rather than protect the recipient from loss, but the Company is still liable for a courier’s failure to deliver safely.

A courier’s duty is to ensure an item is safely received at the delivery address by handing it to a person who opens the door.  Or get a neighbour to accept delivery, and post a note THROUGH the addressee’s letterbox, advising where delivered.

A customer is under no obligation to allow himself/herself to be subjected to a courier’s negligent actions. Delivery companies are well aware of the pitfalls, and must accept liability when their couriers abuse the system.

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45 minutes ago, flash22 said:

evri - enough said

Any CCTV on that front door ?

TBH it happens on a daily basis, especially this time of year, the porch pirate's keep tabs on the delivery vans

Next door has CCTV but aimed the other way.

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8 minutes ago, Roy124 said:

Royal Mail and Evri have a contract.  Can't remember the detail but they now work together. 

The seller certainly has a case that the delivery was not secure.   If it is an insured loss, they should refund you and claim against Evri.

EBay are not responsible for the courier service but should back you up.   Plenty of cases where a buyer has been refunded and the seller charged. 

Getting a charge back from your 'bank' seems a sensible option. 


We had issues with Amazon deliveries just dropping and running.  A book was left out in the rain.  Fortunately it was not damaged but we got a 50% rebate.

I agree with you entirely, the seller should have sorted it out one way or another.

He may have decided that dealing with Evri on a loss was not worth the stress on his heart (and I would not blame him), but he must then send me a replacement order.

dealing with Evri on a loss was not worth the stress on his heart

I was told by E Bay to get a certificate of non delivery off Evri.....

As I expected it was a nightmare trying to get a proof of non delivery off Evri. 
Evri's webchat (Gawd I hate them...) just kept going round in a circle repeatedly showing the picture of the order in the (unlocked glass).... porch then not giving me the option to ask any more questions, except to re-enter the loop....
I then tried phoning them but I never got through to a human being, the system just kept repeating the same message that the item has been delivered.
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I was going to say, but Roy beat me to it!, because Royal Mail have been in such dire straits since they were privatised, they've been unable to meet their delivery standards and because of what happened last year they've partnered with Evri to help clear the back log and cope with demand.

Why they chose Evri I don't understand - They are literally the worst rated courier company in the country, even rebranded to try and shake off their terrible reputation, instead of actually fixing it

It's really sad - Royal Mail had been building their reputation up after being blasted for being caught routinely throwing things in ditches when they were behind schedule some decades ago, and these days were regarded by most as a quick and reliable delivery service until their decline these past few years, but by using Evri they are going to flush all that down the toilet as Evri have an even worse reputation for throwing things in ditches than RM ever did!

I'd rather get my stuff delivered late by RM than not at all by Evri... I just don't get why they don't do what they did in the past and recruit temporary workers over the holiday period - It was a good gig for college and uni students needing some income over the holidays!


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Evri clearly has an unenviable reputation but at our last home and this we rate Evri better than some.

Previously a courier was a member of our club.  We could drop off at his house.   

Here there was one courier,  always cheerful and never a problem.   The load has increased and we now have 3, around woman, a nan, and our original.   Never an issue. 

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Any deliveries we do have from Evri are made by a local woman who is as good as gold if we are not in she will leave them with either a neighbour, somewhere safe or come back later when you are in.

However I suppose it does depend on where your property is located and no doubt if it's easy access for the opportunist. ☹️

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Every time we get a new Evri (My Herpes) delivery man they make the mistake of leaving parcels inside our front gate which is actually 40 metres from our house and not visible from it.

They almost always disappear before I know they are there (usually when I get an email off eBay to say the item has been delivered).

In every case (there have been maybe ten in the last few years) I have merely opened a case on eBay and either got my money back or another item sent.

The recipient cannot open a "not delivered" case with Evri, it has to be the sender that opens the case as that is the person with the contract.

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We had an expected Amazon delivery while we were away, name dropping, in the Greek Islands. 

I could see the parcel on the front door step so I WhatsApp Ed a neighbour who took it in 🙂

Some years before we alerted our police in Lincolnshire via a 999 call in Hampshire to a video camera alert. 

A home camera system can be very useful if not actually reassuring to know there are intruders in the property. 

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And, this is why I have a video doorbell and security cameras around the house

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In my opinion none of those big delivery firms: DHL, DPD, Evri, UPS are any good.  Everyone one of the vans I’ve seen has been either illegally parked, obstructing a road or footpath, dangerously driving or overtaking. 

then there’s the lack of care for the deliveries as discussed. 

I honestly think it’s a policy thing. Their employers are so tight on them. Potentially commission. Cutting corners / rushing to make more or maybe even just stay employed.  

sad state of affairs.  

our postman is punctual, friendly and will stop for a quick chat.  I’d rather that to be honest. Although RM has its issues too, nothings perfect. 

eBay usually do side with the buyer. Keep us updated 

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Shane, your mention of DPD jogged my memory about their all-electric EVs.  There are about 4 charging bays at our local Tesco.  Early one evening, about a week ago, there were three of these vehicles at the charging points, and one was parked across two of the bays.  Keep up these selfish antics, and it won’t be only their delivery practices that come under fire!

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Not sure how specific this is to other areas but for the last few years we have noticed how these companies have created a central delivery point where they unload the parcels for local domestic agents to deliver. We often see many people sorting and loading the parcels into there cars. From our experience we have found this a better system as the local people seem to take more care when delivering parcels etc, but we might just be lucky.:smile:

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15 minutes ago, Haliotis said:

Shane, your mention of DPD jogged my memory about their all-electric EVs.  There are about 4 charging bays at our local Tesco.  Early one evening, about a week ago, there were three of these vehicles at the charging points, and one was parked across two of the bays.  Keep up these selfish antics, and it won’t be only their delivery practices that come under fire!

That’s just the world we’re all being pushed into with EVs 

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We only have ourselves to blame, buying online, trying it on and sending it back, far too easy and doing away with the retailers and jobs in our high streets.

But that's progress and my family are just as guilty. 

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Being out at work all day (week days) I often opt for delivery to a secure locker which solves some of these problems.


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6 hours ago, Hybrid21 said:

We only have ourselves to blame, buying online, trying it on and sending it back, far too easy and doing away with the retailers and jobs in our high streets.

But that's progress and my family are just as guilty. 

On the whole that’s true. I never was really big into Amazon tbh. I genuinely in recent years have started buying clothes from Next, M&S, shoes from Clark’s etc. Even now for Christmas as much of what’s suitable from the likes of Boots 3-for-2 Xmas shop.   Even this year getting my Toyota parts from the dealer too. 

I sort of enjoy going to these places and buying the things and stopping for a coffee or something. Maybe old fashioned for 27 🤣 


I only use online when I have to or when the price difference is massive and too big to swallow. 

sometimes, often enough, the cost of postage to NI is enough to mean we don’t save anyway for a lot of things that are free mainland delivery/ next day.  It’s nearly worth paying a few £ more to have it there and then

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5 hours ago, Hybrid21 said:

We only have ourselves to blame, buying online, trying it on and sending it back, far too easy and doing away with the retailers and jobs in our high streets.

But that's progress and my family are just as guilty. 

We are guilty too.  But what else can you do?  Councils are forever making it more difficult to find space to park, and pushing up the charges.  Our own council have scrapped all of the 3-hour free parking spaces, and charges apply at all times (except Sundays, I think!)  In addition, one of our town’s car parks has been earmarked for building development.

So I don’t really care if the town centre dies - I haven’t contributed to the unreasonable impositions by the council. They want us to use the bus, or go by bike.  Idiots! You can’t carry heavy or bulky items by bus or bike - even if you are youngish and fit, and age worsens the problem.

I am a member of Prime, so much of my Amazon orders are delivery-free, and arrive quickly.

Another thing that is killing off town centre shops is the problem with shoplifters.  In the future, it would not surprise me if a “store” consisted of dummy items to allow some degree of touchy-freely, perhaps video demonstrations and a couple of assistants to answer questions and take orders - possibly a streamlined version of what Argos do now.

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24 minutes ago, Haliotis said:

Our own council have scrapped all of the 3-hour free parking spaces, and charges apply at all times (except Sundays, I think!)  In addition, one of our town’s car parks has been earmarked for building development

Labour council? 👀 I lived in Runcorn and there was a lot of stuff going on like that there… having to make the money back in sneaky ways. 

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25 minutes ago, Haliotis said:

You can’t carry heavy or bulky items by bus or bike - even if you are youngish and fit, and age worsens the problem.

For more intents and purposes, I agree.  But, it is possible.  Electric bikes are a revolution in other countries in Europe. Sadly not here.  You can carry two kids, another adult, or all sorts of bulky items like Christmas trees with modern cargo bikes. I’ve actually been tempted to sell my car and go this way a few times. 

We don’t have the culture or geography for it to come as naturally I suppose. 

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