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Mandatory conscription if Tories win the election.


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Having read the details given on BBC News - or lack of details depending on your point of view - I can only say what a load of codswallop (had to control myself there).  From the vague information available, it is totally unclear what are the parameters for exemption or what the punishment might be for refusing to serve.  He does claim to know that it will make conscriptees proud of their country.

Come off it, Rishi.  At the time of 2 years conscription for military service, people were more subserviant then.  Today’s youth will not be so willing to be forced into any form of “service to the country”, and there is a large Human Rights movement ready to back the resistance.

Millions gave their lives to protect their country, and “make it a place for heroes”.  Indigenous descendants have watched the country being handed out to outsiders on a plate

My late Dad had a record in his collection, and the song was “There’ll always be an England” and he played it regularly.  It is now in our attic, and will never be played again - more likely a candidate for the tip on the next clear out.

Sunak’s only gain (or should I say loss?) is that thousands of young folk, who just might have voted Conservative, will now turn to other parties to cast their vote!!!

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Harrumph,do 'em good, lazy good for nothings, make a man of 'em.

A few star jumps and squat thrusts at 6 am in the snow never did anyone any harm.

If reluctant to comply, stick 'em in the glasshouse for a few days, that'll sort 'em out.

Not sure how they would fit this in around playing on their phones though, and snacking on sugar.🤔


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As far as I can see it isn't mandatory military conscription, it is either 12 months military service or one weekend a month (25 days) in community service with organisations such as the fire service, police and NHS.

Too little detail on how it would work.

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My understanding is that this isn't just armed forces conscription.It would be made up of two broad streams for 18 year olds to choose from.Community volunteering, spending one weekend every month  which equates to 25 days over a 12 month period volunteering with organisations such as the NHS, fire service, ambulance, search and rescue, and critical local infrastructure

Military training,applying for one of up to 30,000 selective military placements reserved for teenagers deemed the brightest and the best in areas like logistics, cyber security, procurement or civil response operations over a year-long period.The vast majority of 18 year olds would not take part in any military training at all.:huh:


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Yeah,all headline grabbing nonsense from what I can see.

Politicians get a bit desperate when a general election is looming, and in this case trying to grab what the naive would call the gammon vote.

Or maybe maple cured thick cut bacon.

But a lot of older people I'm sure, think that youngsters who are not employed,or in education,or training, should be doing something.

If only for their own sake,a few years of indolence and inactivity after leaving school at what ,18 years old now?, coupled with social media nonsense , leads to what I wonder?

Maybe the monosyllabic, grunting morons that manage to get jobs somehow, and don't know how to do anything.




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All In preparation for the war with Russia so America can have it's total control over all resources, so we have an military awaiting the given word by America, ready to die 😂 rushi and Keir all the same, he'll introduce later on, because of a growing concern, all while we shouldn't even be involved in anything but sorting our own country out

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13 hours ago, Rhymes with Paris said:

Harrumph,do 'em good, lazy good for nothings, make a man of 'em.

A few star jumps and squat thrusts at 6 am in the snow never did anyone any harm.

If reluctant to comply, stick 'em in the glasshouse for a few days, that'll sort 'em out.

Not sure how they would fit this in around playing on their phones though, and snacking on sugar.🤔


I was conscripted at the end of my apprenticeship.  The 2-year conscripted men were treated atrociously - they did not have to do anything wrong to be targeted - and were segregated in off-duty hours.  They were on half regular pay and even had their own low grade conscripts’ mess.

I signed on for 3 years in the RAF - that got me regulars’ pay, admission to the non-commissioned mess, and a little less unwarranted attention from my Flight Sergeant.  But, during the medical at Cardington, they found some fault with my leg, and the MO decided to drop me to grade 5 and  send me home.  He even apologised - obviously thinking I was there because I really wanted to be.

A few short years later, being made redundant, I landed a job as a civilian maintenance electrician with the Leicestershire Regiment.  This involved working on all the Regiment’s army sites in Leicestershire, including married quarters.  I only stayed for 6 months, but in that time I saw how bullied the Other Ranks could be treated.  It was common to see them sent to do housework duties in the married quarters for officers.  On one occasion I even saw a private made to wear a frilly apron whilst washing up at the kitchen sink.

It should also be remembered that conscripts were sent to witness atomic tests on Bikini Atoll, and some later contracted cancer as a result.

So I fully agree with compulsory community service, but NOT military conscription. 

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Aye Albert, I like your describing your experiences, as I coincidentally said on another thread, before the government announcement,my old pal who had done national service in the 1950s had some interesting experiences too, also he did sea school and went all over the world in the merchant navy before returning to more or less straight away go on to army.

I am assuming (maybe wrongly) that you realise my post that you quoted is very much tongue in cheek.

Although I am still of the opinion that some sort of direction would be of benefit to the young people who have no idea of the direction in which they are heading.



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Just what we need chavs with guns..

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20 minutes ago, Primus1 said:

Just what we need chavs with guns..

They are pretty dangerous round here anyway with just electric scooters, mattress fires, and leaping about screeching and throwing things, never mind guns.

In fact only today I was driving back through the high street and a a shirtless mindless creature was fighting and shouting at a couple of female women.

He looked to be getting the worst of it however, with abrasions on his chest, and lumps on his head.

I don't think he had read the memo, thinking can cause lumps, thinking you can fight that is.


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It seems a real generation gap when it comes to fighting for this country. Young people today face a much tougher economic landscape. High housing costs, student loan debt, and stagnant wages that make it hard to feel invested in a country where basic needs are a struggle. This does lead to a feeling of disconnect from the government and a lack of motivation to fight for a system they feel doesn't work for them.

Warfare has changed.Technological advancements mean battles are less about large scale ground conflicts and more about drones and cyberwarfare. The long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with the current conflict in Ukraine and extensive media coverage, have made the human cost of war a stark reality for younger generations.

Love of country doesn't to them have to look like traditional warfare. Today's youth express their idea of patriotism through activism and civic engagement. They may be more likely to fight for social justice or environmental causes than for territorial gain. 

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to veterans who fought for our freedoms.But the government needs to address the concerns of younger generations and show a willingness to understand their perspective. Young people need to feel invested in the country's future. If they don't, no younger generation will ever consider defending this :smile: country.

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1 hour ago, Rhymes with Paris said:

 at a couple of female women.

The mind boggles as to what other sort of women you have down South/

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You know someone's a northerner when they think Lincolnshire is "Down South" :laugh: 


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Towards the the very end of national service we had a batman.   His job was to look after a small block with about 16 rooms.  We were allocated a room each in this block, supposedly for 4 weeks but it suited us better and we all remained for 4 months.  He was discharged shortly after.

His job was to polish our shoes, make the morning tea   clean the rooms, make the beds, and despatch and collect our laundry, and keep his nose clean. 

We didn't bother him and as there were complaints no NCO bothered him either. 

Really no different from getting a job in a hotel doing the same except free food,  accommodation,  and clothing.

What exactly are they hoping to achieve in 12 months?  There is a TV series on RM recruits with haircuts and hygiene top of the list before the modern beasting to get fit.

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11 hours ago, Mjolinor said:

The mind boggles as to what other sort of women you have down South/

I sometimes wonder too John.

I think they were female, but it is a bit tricky to tell when they have heads like XL bullys and bodies spilling out of their joggers like a Lincolnshire sausage.

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19 minutes ago, Roy124 said:

Towards the the very end of national service we had a batman.   His job was to look after a small block with about 16 rooms.  We were allocated a room each in this block, supposedly for 4 weeks but it suited us better and we all remained for 4 months.  He was discharged shortly after.

His job was to polish our shoes, make the morning tea   clean the rooms, make the beds, and despatch and collect our laundry, and keep his nose clean. 

We didn't bother him and as there were complaints no NCO bothered him either. 

Really no different from getting a job in a hotel doing the same except free food,  accommodation,  and clothing.

What exactly are they hoping to achieve in 12 months?  There is a TV series on RM recruits with haircuts and hygiene top of the list before the modern beasting to get fit.

Roy, they have said the UK government hopes that mandatory conscription for 18 year olds will yield several benefits for the individuals involved.

Conscription can provide young people with valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, discipline, and stress management, which are beneficial in both military and civilian careers. The experience can also promote healthy living habits and self defense skills.

Mandatory service can foster a sense of national unity and civic responsibility by bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds to work towards common goals. This shared experience can break down social barriers and encourage a greater understanding of national issues.Serving in the military can make young people more aware of governmental decisions, particularly those related to national security. This heightened awareness can lead to more informed and engaged citizens who are better prepared to participate in democratic processes.

Conscription promotes equality by requiring all eligible individuals to serve, thereby ensuring that no particular group is exempt from national duties. This can help in reducing social disparities and promoting a sense of shared responsibility. By increasing the number of trained individuals, conscription can enhance national defense capabilities. A larger and more diverse pool of trained personnel can contribute to a more robust and versatile military force.

These benefits are intended to prepare young people for various future challenges while simultaneously contributing to national security and societal cohesion.Well all sorted then.:tank:

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28 minutes ago, Rhymes with Paris said:

I sometimes wonder too John.

I think they were female, but it is a bit tricky to tell when they have heads like XL bullys and bodies spilling out of their joggers like a Lincolnshire sausage.

Problem is that if you are not sure nowadays you are not even allowed to ask. I do suppose you probably have some female men, they do seem to be getting everywhere now.

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4 hours ago, Mjolinor said:

Problem is that if you are not sure nowadays you are not even allowed to ask. I do suppose you probably have some female men, they do seem to be getting everywhere now.

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5 hours ago, Rhymes with Paris said:

I sometimes wonder too John.

I think they were female, but it is a bit tricky to tell when they have heads like XL bullys and bodies spilling out of their joggers like a Lincolnshire sausage.

We had a woman working with us who fits that description nicely.  She once aired her views of we male colleagues by stating that there wasn’t a man in the Company who could satisfy her.  One fellow chimed in by replying that he couldn’t imagine anyone who would want to.  That did silence her.

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I reckon l might know her Albert,her name wasn't Crusher Clampet by any chance?

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17 hours ago, Cyker said:

You know someone's a northerner when they think Lincolnshire is "Down South" :laugh: 

Oooh there's a debate. One of my minor pet peeves is that the government refuses to recognise 'The South Midlands' as a region :devil2:

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3 minutes ago, AndrueC said:

Oooh there's a debate. One of my minor pet peeves is that the government refuses to recognise 'The South Midlands' as a region :devil2:

North: Where men are men

South: Where sheep are nervous.

Owt below Liverpool is South, end of.

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3 minutes ago, AndrueC said:

Oooh there's a debate. One of my minor pet peeves is that the government refuses to recognise 'The South Midlands' as a region :devil2:

Cyker knows I was ordained an honorary southener in the 80s.

I had to come back like so many though, I just missed the 3 legged snarling dogs in the street, and wet mattresses all over the place.

When I was down there I visited Slough if I felt a bit homesick.

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6 hours ago, Bper said:

Roy, they have said the UK government hopes that mandatory conscription for 18 year olds will yield several benefits for the individuals involved.


The experience can also promote healthy living habits and self defense skills.

Mandatory service can foster a sense of national unity and civic responsibility by bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds to work towards common goals. 


Conscription promotes equality by requiring all eligible individuals to serve, ......

Well all sorted then.:tank:

You got that direct from CCO?

The lucky 20 000 learning to salute, up 2 3, down 2 3, shouted at by some beastly corporal and overseen by a wodney or wupert might get paid for 12 months of square bashing, bed making, trouser pressing and ablotion polishing but no longer benefiting from the No Aim, Ambition or Feeing interest organisation.

They might, just, get some who see it as a no commitment taster opportunity.

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13 minutes ago, Roy124 said:

You got that direct from CCO?

The lucky 20 000 learning to salute, up 2 3, down 2 3, shouted at by some beastly corporal and overseen by a wodney or wupert might get paid for 12 months of square bashing, bed making, trouser pressing and ablotion polishing but no longer benefiting from the No Aim, Ambition or Feeing interest organisation.

They might, just, get some who see it as a no commitment taster opportunity.

Roy, of course it's from CCO what right minded person would think this BS would ever work. 😂

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