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The Olympics 2008.


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Anyone going to be watching it?

Any points of views regarding this years games?

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Got this Friday off work so may well watch the opening ceremony :thumbsup:

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Never been a sports fan so it's on a par with Big Brother to me :yes:

You're not see much through the smog anyway :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

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I always like to watch the open and closing ceremony. B)

I like to keep tabs on the Equestrian events. See who the up and coming ladies and gents are.

Was pretty miffed that Zara Philips had to withdraw, but she did the right thing. :)

The gymnastics is also another event I like to watch.

As the all events take place on I will be keen to see who gets what medals.

Good luck!!!!

Well I have to say I am very impressed by what I have seen of the opening ceremony so far, my eyes keep welling up with tears :rolleyes::blush:

Its amazing and the fire works are the best I have ever seen.

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Never been a sports fan so it's on a par with Big Brother to me :yes:


Yeah, the fireworks'll help with the smog loads!

Still, was that BMX racing?

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Not a huge fan of athletics so the olympics don't mean too much to me but having sport on the telly all the time is great so I'll certainly be watching at times. Loads of medals are often decided by the smallest fraction so that's always exciting to watch

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Watched all of the Opening Ceremony yesterday and I thought it was spectacular! :yahoo:

The whole show was just marvellous, the fireworks were amazing - how do you design fireworks to represent faces :eek::toast:

The performers (some 10,000 of them) spot on :thumbsup: I can't remember ever seeing anything to compare with it.

The section with the movable type pieces - how do you get that many people to coordinate their movements to precisely when they can't see each other! :eek::toast:

The children singing was wonderful, the little lad from Sichuan walking in front of the Chinese Olympic team - so emotional! :crybaby:

The thought, planning, training and hard work by everybody taking part was first class. Even the little details, like I assume having air blowers pointing at the flags, so that they would fly properly - incredible :toast:

The lighting of the Olympic flame was genius! :toast:

I wish London 2012 well but I don't think they have a hope in H*ll of coming anywhere near that!

PS. Having visited Beijing several times, the pollution problem, while not great, is vastly overstated by the Western media. :thumbsup:

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Fujisan you have basically summed up my thoughts on the opening ceremony.....the firework foot prints and the drummers at the beginning were spectacular. I have never seen anything like it.

I would of loved to have been there in person.

And like yourself......I would like to see what London can come up with in 2012, because personally I think they have a huge tough act to follow.


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And like yourself......I would like to see what London can come up with in 2012, because personally I think they have a huge tough act to follow.


The opening ceremony is invariably themed to reflect the place that hosts the Olympics. The Fireworks were always going to be amazing as the Chinese invented them in the first place !

Our 2012 attempt will most likely depict drunk hoodies knifing someone for a phone :(

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Well London will have the Red Arrows... NOT...!

And then we can have the incredibly fast paced and exciting TROOPING THE COLOUR...

It should be more than just about who spends the most and has the most pretty colours up in the air anyway.

Isn't the Olympics all about the harmony of competition and the taking part rather than the razzmatazz...

Surely the UK should be spending lots of money on their team and training facilities rather than wasting it on trying to outdo or even match anything the Chinese have put on flair wise.

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I could have watched it & didn't :(

Am kicking myself after seeing the photos in this morning's paper.

I know that the Olympics are all about the taking part & the competition , but The Opening/ Welcoming Ceremony is a Statement made by the Host Country of its capabilities & commitment to its its guests. It will be a very hard act to follow.

I hope politics are kept out of it. I am not saying that the Chinese are Saints. Their treatment of Tibet is wrong, but they are only in the Ha'penny place behind America with its armed intrusion into the affairs of other countries. Its (USA) treatment of its own citizens who are not WASPs leaves a lot to be desired, too

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Isn't the Olympics all about the harmony of competition and the taking part .......................

You forgot about the Pharmacists Gordy!

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