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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2014 in Posts

  1. Only 1 option from your choices, Get seats with air bags as whilst the light is on none of your airbags will work, the airbag light being on is an MOT fail and covering/removing the lamp would fail to as it has to be present and operating during the test.
    1 point
  2. Something fragile I tend to put on the floor between the front and rear seats. That works. The supermarkets I soo enjoy being dragged around tend to flatten the boxes and whisk them away Does your car not have the hooks on the back of the rear seats to hang the bags from ? Del
    1 point
  3. So installed these week ago. Before the installation weather was nice and dryish, next day after the install it started to snow and there's even more snow now (approx. 10cm). So it's total winter, but car's been washed and will be not used for some time now so cannot really test the wheels. Offset: On the front the nuts are "longer" than on the rear. Going to install some 5mm spacers maybe to fix that and bring the rears more out aswell. This is how everything looked after I got the car washed. Perfect timing! Spacers ordered and they're TPI. Going to use them on the front during the summer to make offset 35 as it causes no problems. During winter probably on the rear.
    1 point
  4. This is for a Rav 4: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Synergy-Jumbo-Organiser-Dividers-100x49x25cms/dp/B003G2THJ4
    1 point
  5. you an also get nets (both horizontal & vertical).
    1 point
  6. Have a browse through the boot organisers at Amazon to see if anything suits - http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=BOOT%20ORGANISER Check the sizes though ....
    1 point
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