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May be true but have You ever driven an Audi Q7 ??

Nope, but it's nice of the VW group to name it in honour of one of Spike Milligan's series and to be brutally honest, I'd have to be like Spike to be seen in one. i.e. deceased.

Couldn't afford one and probably couldn't put up with the just under 40mpg combined now.

Not the right power/economy comprimise for me, but each to his own :thumbsup:

I think You misunderstand ? I was trying to point out the difference in drive between the tow cars... Q7 or a late Disco for that matter do not feel agricultural..

Q7 is ugly but wow what a drive !! I to could not put up with the fuel consumption...

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Just one comment. IF my SR had the option of a spare wheel, then I WOULD take it, and when I last did a round trip down south, I stuck one of the Winter wheels in the boot, BUT ..... I am not that hung up on it, however I do appreciate that others circumstances may dictate a different attitude and it is a shame that the car makers don't appear to care :(

I still hold that as time goes on, that facility will go the same way as the starting handle and the manual choke.

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Actually I think one of the reasons the spare is being lost is that people don't know how to remove a flat and fit the spare. (Sorry Clare) And No I am Not just talking about women drivers either!! The number of people I see on the side of the motorway with a flat and the recovery vehicle/ Highway Agency or police changing the tyre is beyond belief.

I have a chap in the office that calls the AA out to change his tyre, and his washer bottle only gets filled during the service. I just don't understand it myself, yeah there is a lot under the bonnet of a modern car that I just would not want to get involved with, but checking oil/water/brake/transmission and washer fluid is basic maintenance. . . . It should be part of the driving test, If you can't do that you don't pass . . . with exceptions for people with disabilities.

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I have always thought that to do something well, or even just properly enjoy it, you need to have an reasonable understanding of how it works, be it Cars or Computers, so with you on tha one for sure Tony :yes:

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Spot on Charlie. Whilst I included a high level throw away comment about the engine and the drive it was the internal interfaces I was particularly interested in.

Spare wheels. It does seem everyone is dropping them except on the larger "real" 4x4s. We wanted one so if we got a puncture up yonder hill in bad weather we could change the wheel and be offski. Particularly if it was my wife and child out alone. MrsWibblers is a dab hand at changing wheels. In fact she dumped the lad before me cos he wouldnt change a puncture on his own car. He just stood there watching while she changed it!! That's my girl!!

Interesting reading about the 4x4 drive train and engine mountings. It has to be said my father in laws 2007 avensis which has the same 2AD engine is a whole quieter and smoother than the Rav - Something which has always puzzled me.


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I think whoever is expecting a spare wheel on the 2013 RAV4 is going to be disappointed. I would be AMAZED if there is one or even the hint of an option of one. Spares are dropping on all cars gradually, and even the diehards like the Suzuki GV have lost theirs.

Phone Integration? personally, It sounds like the integration on the Golf is actually bad - phoning and driving don't mix, so having a phone display in the dash where likely only the driver can see it? not a good move IMO. Look at a display set in the dash = not looking at the road just as much as looking at a display in the centre console (but at least a passenger could see theinfo in the centre console)

Sat Nav greying out - apparently a 'gentlemans agreement' from most Japanese makers to try and forestall and prevent legislation to make Sat Nav much more restrictive. Maybe Golf Drivers should thank Toyota, Mazda, Nissan, etc for this?

Sunroofs? Nah, maybe opened my Sunroof in the RAV4.2 about 10 times in 4 years, and as they get old, the fail and leak.

If you are talkiing about Panaromic Glass Roofs like on the Nissan Qashqai for example, then NOW YOU'RE TALKING!!

my current 2AD engine is very smooth - I cannot detect a single gear change al the way from 1 to 6 and back again ;)

I simply will not buy another car that has no option and by that I mean the choice at least to pay extra for a spare wheel and somewhere to put it....

I don't often open the roof on My car but simply leave the blind back.. Without it the car is a dismal place to be partly down to the fact everything in the car is black.... When I do have it open its a treat so I want one and am prepared again to pay extra for the privilege.

Phone system on a modern car is essential in this day and age as a lot of folk would resort to using the phone without.. I see lots of this when travelling up and down the country..

I too prefer not to take calls on the move !! But when I was in business it was something I had to do.. I find no issues with the phone system in the Rav.. It has an auto answer facility that keeps it totally legal so no issues...

As for the greying out when on the move ?? !Removed! hell is it not irresponsible to mess with the nav when on the move ???

Many have complained about the lack of a spare wheel on the later and certain other Ravs... Toyota have the choice to listen as Webblers points out above or simply loose customers .... Hoovie insists He is happy with a repair kit... Sorry for Me or the Wife (In the event of Her driving once We get an automatic car ) its something I would quite simply refuse to rely on..

I have a Mate who recently bought a brand new Shogun.. 3.2 litre engine .. The ride quality is something a rav Owner can only dream of. It has a massive sunroof, Full leather. a spare wheel mounted on the rear door. More toys and kit than a Rav by miles. Returns 34MPG and has a super smooth auto box.. Toyota really need to up its game !!!

It cost £28700

Long or short wheelbase? Manual or Auto?

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Phone Integration? personally, It sounds like the integration on the Golf is actually bad - phoning and driving don't mix, so having a phone display in the dash where likely only the driver can see it? not a good move IMO. Look at a display set in the dash = not looking at the road just as much as looking at a display in the centre console (but at least a passenger could see theinfo in the centre console)

Are you serious??? Fairy-Nuff if you're driving in the city at rush hour and you are travelling approximately one baw-hair from the bumper in front of you, you need to keep yer eyes on the road (if you can see it!). If you're out on the motorway I should be able to make the call as i can do it safely.

The golf's interface is the best out there (short of being a headup display!). It's directly in front of you so it is possible to keep an eye in front of you whilst controling the menu system from the steering wheel.

I'm a big boy now and lone behold am able to make such decisions for myself. I find it simply staggering that there is a law against using your mobile phone in a car yet it seems to be ok to put a hold a flame 10cm away from your face to light a cigarette. Worse still are those in car lighter things... drop that on the seat and you will more than likely have an accident.... Surely that is more distracting than a mobile phone???

Utter BS if you ask me..

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One of the good things about the ban of smoking inside Business Premises is that is actually extends to Company Vehicles, so Truck Drivers, Van Drivers (doesn't matter if self employed or not, if the van is owned by a business, it is applicable), Taxis and Company Cars (again, doesn;t matter if during company time or not) are all Business Premises and so no one inside those vehicles should be waving naked flames 10cm away from faces :thumbsup: Roll on an extension to the ban on ALL Vehicles - except Motorcycles fitted with Ashtrays, that is.

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Tony. Changing the wheel on the Motorway is taking Your life in Your hands...

I spend a huge amount of time on the Mway and see lorrys wandering all over the place when the drivers are trying to stay awake.... But at least if I choose not to swap the wheel and wait for the RAC to arrive the RAC man can park his van with the light flashing a dew yards behind the car and then can change the wheel If of course We have one ??

Blimey I have never yet spoken to one person who is happy with having NO spare wheel..

I too like David carry a spare whenever I go longer distances...

I was away over near Saltcoats two weeks ago with 3 Mates to an HFT ( Shooting event) I was unable to take the wheel because all the rifle cases and gear for four of us did not leave enough space... Sorry to complain but this is not ideal.....

As for using Sat navs phones or smoking on the move..... I make NO apologies for complaining about any of those !!!

We all consider We are capable of doing it and the law is only in place for those that cant multitask ??

It is dangerous plain and simple. It is not only the drivers life He or She is risking but others as well..

As for the ban on smoking in vehicles (Company or work) Again I see lorry drivers smoking all the time. A Mate is an HGV driver and tells Me that no one takes any notice any more....

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Again, spot on, and not sure if it is even legal to change a wheel on a motorway! More on the spare wheel bit- We here in Spain can still order a new car with or without spare wheel, and the sunroof is an option or included on premium models. So, we in UK are getting a bad deal from Toyota, and as for the marketing managers at Toyota saying they want a higher European market, maybe they mean anywhere but UK!

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it is kind of tempting to do and order a rear door and wheel from the continent! (though probably means a new bumper as well) - It makes you wonder if TGB listen to their customers?

Oh, BTW, yoyu cannot use most of the TGB website if you have an iPad or a Mac as it is Flash based, with no non-Flash alternative - very poor show there!

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Unless I can get completely off the road/carriageway I never consider changing a wheel at the roadside - far too dangerous, especially with the prolific use of mobile phones, laptops, tablets etc. whilst driving, let alone the somnambulant truck and coach drivers.

Far safer to call for roadside assisstance as Charlie says.

As for other folk changing a wheel, I suspect that many would struggle to manhandle a RAV spare.

That's where the 'gunk' can be useful but personally I'm happier having the spare and the option of calling for assisstance.

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.... But at least if I choose not to swap the wheel and wait for the RAC to arrive the RAC man can park his van with the light flashing a dew yards behind the car and then can change the wheel If of course We have one ??

You know I've wondered about that one more than once and had a slight grin.

Do wonder whether it is more for show than anything else. Of course, the warning light help, but......transit parked at an angle for protection versus 40ish tonnes at sixty mph?

The transit is of course going to stop the truck dead :).

I wonder if there is an optimal distance. Far enough where the transit doesn't have the potential to end up shunted into you, but close enough so that the truck doesn't swerve into the gap between you and the rescue transit.

Well, I suppose the RAC man gets it rather than you anyway, unless you happen to get hit by any flying debris. So that's OK then (not!).

Interesting experiment maybe. Anybody got a few old trucks, cars, transits and a runway to play on? Wonder if the Top Gear boys would be up for it? :).

Juggernaut billiard or croquet? Bounce the transit into the car by using the truck?

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Phone Integration? personally, It sounds like the integration on the Golf is actually bad - phoning and driving don't mix, so having a phone display in the dash where likely only the driver can see it? not a good move IMO. Look at a display set in the dash = not looking at the road just as much as looking at a display in the centre console (but at least a passenger could see theinfo in the centre console)

Are you serious??? Fairy-Nuff if you're driving in the city at rush hour and you are travelling approximately one baw-hair from the bumper in front of you, you need to keep yer eyes on the road (if you can see it!). If you're out on the motorway I should be able to make the call as i can do it safely.

The golf's interface is the best out there (short of being a headup display!). It's directly in front of you so it is possible to keep an eye in front of you whilst controling the menu system from the steering wheel.

I'm a big boy now and lone behold am able to make such decisions for myself. I find it simply staggering that there is a law against using your mobile phone in a car yet it seems to be ok to put a hold a flame 10cm away from your face to light a cigarette. Worse still are those in car lighter things... drop that on the seat and you will more than likely have an accident.... Surely that is more distracting than a mobile phone???

Utter BS if you ask me..

Actually, I think you'll find that you can be prosecuted for smoking, eating or drinking whilst driving if the plod concerned believes that it is affecting your ability to control the vehicle. There have been a number of fairly high profile cases of people being prosecuted for eating apples, chocolate bars, etc.

The issue about phoning on the move has caused alot of debate and although I used to be an almost constant user when driving, I now find that it is a bigger distraction than it used to be. Whether that is because there's more traffic about which needs more concentration or I am simply getting old & decrepit, I'm not sure. I think that the big risk is that people will use the more extensive features on their phone whilst driving or, even worse, will text on the move, which is a definite no-no in my book. Hence a global ban to make sure no one is tempted.

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I think whoever is expecting a spare wheel on the 2013 RAV4 is going to be disappointed. I would be AMAZED if there is one or even the hint of an option of one. Spares are dropping on all cars gradually, and even the diehards like the Suzuki GV have lost theirs.

Phone Integration? personally, It sounds like the integration on the Golf is actually bad - phoning and driving don't mix, so having a phone display in the dash where likely only the driver can see it? not a good move IMO. Look at a display set in the dash = not looking at the road just as much as looking at a display in the centre console (but at least a passenger could see theinfo in the centre console)

Sat Nav greying out - apparently a 'gentlemans agreement' from most Japanese makers to try and forestall and prevent legislation to make Sat Nav much more restrictive. Maybe Golf Drivers should thank Toyota, Mazda, Nissan, etc for this?

Sunroofs? Nah, maybe opened my Sunroof in the RAV4.2 about 10 times in 4 years, and as they get old, the fail and leak.

If you are talkiing about Panaromic Glass Roofs like on the Nissan Qashqai for example, then NOW YOU'RE TALKING!!

my current 2AD engine is very smooth - I cannot detect a single gear change al the way from 1 to 6 and back again ;)

I simply will not buy another car that has no option and by that I mean the choice at least to pay extra for a spare wheel and somewhere to put it....

I don't often open the roof on My car but simply leave the blind back.. Without it the car is a dismal place to be partly down to the fact everything in the car is black.... When I do have it open its a treat so I want one and am prepared again to pay extra for the privilege.

Phone system on a modern car is essential in this day and age as a lot of folk would resort to using the phone without.. I see lots of this when travelling up and down the country..

I too prefer not to take calls on the move !! But when I was in business it was something I had to do.. I find no issues with the phone system in the Rav.. It has an auto answer facility that keeps it totally legal so no issues...

As for the greying out when on the move ?? !Removed! hell is it not irresponsible to mess with the nav when on the move ???

Many have complained about the lack of a spare wheel on the later and certain other Ravs... Toyota have the choice to listen as Webblers points out above or simply loose customers .... Hoovie insists He is happy with a repair kit... Sorry for Me or the Wife (In the event of Her driving once We get an automatic car ) its something I would quite simply refuse to rely on..

I have a Mate who recently bought a brand new Shogun.. 3.2 litre engine .. The ride quality is something a rav Owner can only dream of. It has a massive sunroof, Full leather. a spare wheel mounted on the rear door. More toys and kit than a Rav by miles. Returns 34MPG and has a super smooth auto box.. Toyota really need to up its game !!!

It cost £28700

Long or short wheelbase? Manual or Auto?

Auto long wheel base..

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That's blooming good for a car that size. I'd love one!

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Actually, I think you'll find that you can be prosecuted for smoking, eating or drinking whilst driving if the plod concerned believes that it is affecting your ability to control the vehicle. There have been a number of fairly high profile cases of people being prosecuted for eating apples, chocolate bars, etc.

This is true. Plod can do you for 'driving with undue care and attention'. I think a number of mobile phone users were prosecuted under this before the actual ban on using mobiles came in.

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Actually, I think you'll find that you can be prosecuted for smoking, eating or drinking whilst driving if the plod concerned believes that it is affecting your ability to control the vehicle. There have been a number of fairly high profile cases of people being prosecuted for eating apples, chocolate bars, etc.

This is true. Plod can do you for 'driving with undue care and attention'. I think a number of mobile phone users were prosecuted under this before the actual ban on using mobiles came in.

I don't disagree. But why is using a phone seen as so bad as to get a law all to itself whereas smoking, which IMHO is worse, is covered by a catch all that the police clearly don't care about??

You mention high profile cases. What about the millions of normal punters who do it every day?? Id rather see my tax being spent on catching these sorts of people as opposed to those doing 78mph on the motorway...

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Actually, I think you'll find that you can be prosecuted for smoking, eating or drinking whilst driving if the plod concerned believes that it is affecting your ability to control the vehicle. There have been a number of fairly high profile cases of people being prosecuted for eating apples, chocolate bars, etc.

This is true. Plod can do you for 'driving with undue care and attention'. I think a number of mobile phone users were prosecuted under this before the actual ban on using mobiles came in.

I don't disagree. But why is using a phone seen as so bad as to get a law all to itself whereas smoking, which IMHO is worse, is covered by a catch all that the police clearly don't care about??

You mention high profile cases. What about the millions of normal punters who do it every day?? Id rather see my tax being spent on catching these sorts of people as opposed to those doing 78mph on the motorway...

I guess the mobiles got targetted thanks to the number of casualties (dead & injured) that resulted from accidents where the guilty party was on the phone or, worse, texting. If there were lots of apple-munching killer drivers out there then I suppose apples would have been legislated against. As it was, most of the Apple eaters were stopped at traffic lights when plod nailed 'em.

Having said that & despite my previously posted concerns, I've never fully agreed with the no-mobiles law since personally I've never felt that I was out of control when using one and, if I felt it was a distraction, I had no problem hanging up and calling at a better time. Nevertheless there are so many folk around now who use only text as opposed to voice, it was inevitable that they'd end up txting whilst driving and on occasion killing some innocent people. So, on balance, bearing that in mind, I can see the sense in the ban.

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Actually I think one of the reasons the spare is being lost is that people don't know how to remove a flat and fit the spare. (Sorry Clare) And No I am Not just talking about women drivers either!! The number of people I see on the side of the motorway with a flat and the recovery vehicle/ Highway Agency or police changing the tyre is beyond belief.

I have a chap in the office that calls the AA out to change his tyre, and his washer bottle only gets filled during the service. I just don't understand it myself, yeah there is a lot under the bonnet of a modern car that I just would not want to get involved with, but checking oil/water/brake/transmission and washer fluid is basic maintenance. . . . It should be part of the driving test, If you can't do that you don't pass . . . with exceptions for people with disabilities.


I think they do something called show me as part of the test now where you show how to check oil, washers lights and where you get info to how much tyre pressure is needed for your car

Only thing is they get shown by instructors but once passed weather they do it or not is another thing

I might be wrong I think if you have a flat tyre on Tbe motorway on The O/S you are not allowed to change it for safety reasons. I might be wrong on that though


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Actually, I think you'll find that you can be prosecuted for smoking, eating or drinking whilst driving if the plod concerned believes that it is affecting your ability to control the vehicle. There have been a number of fairly high profile cases of people being prosecuted for eating apples, chocolate bars, etc.

This is true. Plod can do you for 'driving with undue care and attention'. I think a number of mobile phone users were prosecuted under this before the actual ban on using mobiles came in.

I don't disagree. But why is using a phone seen as so bad as to get a law all to itself whereas smoking, which IMHO is worse, is covered by a catch all that the police clearly don't care about??

You mention high profile cases. What about the millions of normal punters who do it every day?? Id rather see my tax being spent on catching these sorts of people as opposed to those doing 78mph on the motorway...

I guess the mobiles got targetted thanks to the number of casualties (dead & injured) that resulted from accidents where the guilty party was on the phone or, worse, texting. If there were lots of apple-munching killer drivers out there then I suppose apples would have been legislated against. As it was, most of the Apple eaters were stopped at traffic lights when plod nailed 'em.

Having said that & despite my previously posted concerns, I've never fully agreed with the no-mobiles law since personally I've never felt that I was out of control when using one and, if I felt it was a distraction, I had no problem hanging up and calling at a better time. Nevertheless there are so many folk around now who use only text as opposed to voice, it was inevitable that they'd end up txting whilst driving and on occasion killing some innocent people. So, on balance, bearing that in mind, I can see the sense in the ban.

Mobiles are a massive distraction. My opinion is weather it's law or not there will always be people that will break the law

I had a friend that was very badly injured due to someone texting which as you said is what most people do

I think as technology develops manufactures will always integrate it into their cars and I think more and more people will want as much as they can in their cars

I do actually agree with the mobile phone laws there have been quite a lot of incidents of people being killed due to people using there phones whilst driving and these days the amount of people using their phones seems to be increasing by the day. It's horrific what you see some drivers doing whilst they are driving


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I agree with the law about phones. What im saying in a roundabout kind of a way is that the law should more stringent on things like smoking too...

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