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I reflect on the following by a chap in essex




AND A HELL OF ALOT MORE RELAXING TO DRIVE.....merry xmas to the more helpfull ravers

Sorry chaps and chapesses.

I'm really quite a fragile person at heart. Having lost my first wife thru sudden death in 2001; my best pal was murdered in 1998; we closed our specialist care home for mentally ill working age adults in 1998 after a lot of hassle and legal fees (and nothing was ever proven/taken to court/ involved the police/ or given a fair hearing...as yet)

we gave a lot of time to supporting Gulf War Veterans in Scotland and you can ask any of them or Dr D Alun Jones from wales to confirm)

After my first wife died I took a major mental breakdown and my accountant sold my hotel for £260,000 only to have it sold for £590,000 4 months later and this year it was sold again - nothing done to it lying empty - for almost a million.

Various other trauma has happened in my life recently - in this year my bearded collie having to be put down at the age of 14 cos he had a brain tumour on 22/10/2007 then my mother dying on 22/11/2007 after suffering from Alzeimhers for almost 10 years.

I post to this forum partly as a light-hearted go at you folk who have 5 door diesel RAVs. To be honest, it really doesn't matter a damn to me. I am passionate about my 3 door 1994 RAV and I have spent a bit in getting it converted to a 3SGTE turbo engine with a lot of safety upgrades reagrding the brakes and the suspension.

I have owned or driven very many diesel vehicles over the years. I have the greatest respect for train drivers and anyone else who is in the public service industry.

If over 2007 I have hurt anyones feelings then I am truly sorry. It was all done as a wind up and I accept that people like to drive new cars.

I had to retire early through spinal injury following me catching a young guy who fell from scaffolding when he, as an employee, was helping me buy some wood. I retired at the age of 44 and was told by the consultant that i could look forward to a life in a wheelchair unless NHS technology advanced to be able to replace 3 badly damaged vertebrae and discs. I don't think I have too much longer to enjoy walking - I take 16 tablets a day/am fully recognised as disabled/ and have had my RAV converted not just to have a very fast engine/ good brakes/ stiff suspension/ but also a seat and special harnesses to keep me in place.

In my time, I have driven many diesel vehicles ranging from cars - vans - lorries and as a wee hobby - excavators. Thats why I have a 'dig' at some of you - my favourite diesel is a 4 ton excavator!!!

maybe things like this don't happen in your world.

It happened in mine and I don't find it easy. unless essex man is a psychiatrist?? I'll restrict my postings cos i don't want to waste what some people think is a serious forum.. I thought life could be lighter now and again.....

no matter - i will be buying the software that runs this type of forum for our charity forum where people have real disabilities and nowhere to express themselves.

Best wishes to all of you train drivers; diesel drivers ; etc have a happy christmas and a good New Year and remember not to drink and drive !


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One of the reasons I like writing to and reading this forum is the fact that there is good hearted banter and no-body gets wound up. There was a local forum I joined about 5 years ago that was often heated and too serious, I gave up writing to it shortly after joining. I am from Bannockburn origionaly and sometimes have to read your posts twice, so god knows how the english cope :P , but from what you write it is obvious you have great mechanical knowledge.

Don't change a thing you do. Continue just as you are. I am sure that your posts are taken as light hearted banter by 99% of the folks who write on here.

One thing I would like from you is a plan of when that Caravan is going to be getting towed anywhere. I want to ensure that when I am racing up the M74 no bits that have fallen off are going to damage my lovely new T180 :P

My sad story is that when I convinced my wife to change to Diesel the price suddenly went above Petrol. :(


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I too receive some utter clap trap, and when I try to be helpful, get shot down in flames. It sometimes makes me think, why do I bother?

Then I look at the forum and read your posts and my faith in the human being is restored, don't give up a thing you are doing, you will never please all the people all the time, but you do please many with your "North of the wall" ramblings!

Keep it up, my days in the office would be a poorer place without having to decipher Bothys posts

John AKA Kingo :thumbsup:

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If somebody would have told me 12 months ago that I would be spending so much time on an internet forum talking about RAV 4s and generally poking fun at one and other I would have thought they were mad but I cannot believe how addictive this place is.

One thing that does come from spending so much time here is that you begin to build up a mental profile of various regulars and in some cases either through helping somebody with a problem or a more private discussion via a pm, you begin to develop a more personal bond - what amounts to a good friend even though you have never set eyes on them. The prospect of meeting you all face to face hopefully during next year really appeals to me and I think can only serve to strengthen any relationships and help us to understand peoples characters a bit more; We are all different.

One of the things that draws me to the forum is the banter and goodwill but I suppose eventually it is bound to be misunderstood.

Bothy. I personally look forward to your posts because I think you have a superb sense of humour and I only ever take them in good spirit. I do worry that somebody looking might think we are either hogging the forum or having a proper go at each other when we a flinging mud at each other but I can assure any onlookers that it is all good fun.

In other cases I have seen just a few hints of people being offended but this has quickly been remedied by a direct apology or withdrawal of the offending statement.

To maintain a "status quo" I make a point of taking the !*ss out of myself at times and just take the flack as it comes. But I maintain that one of the nice warm feelings that any reader, old or new can obtain from looking in is that you can debate any subject, resolve a problem, get entertainment (look at the very popular music and photo threads) and have a lark - what I would call a nice balance.

When I read eanjohns message I couldn't determin if he was truly offended or just joining in the banter. I think part of the confusion is the use of capital letters which are banned from some forums on the grounds they can be misunderstood. I only ever use them to emphasise a point like "remove the wheel ONLY AFTER jacking the car up!". But look we are all entitled to an opinion and I am not in a position to judge what somebody should or should not write.

However, eanjohn if you do look in on this then I feel equally responsible because I am one of the ones that has perpetuated bothys line on the 5 door/diesel thing. I don't find it offensive nor anything else bothy has said and without sounding patronising I know you have made good inputs to the forum in the past and as I have said, I don't feel any more entitled to make judgements on here than you are.

I just hope this is all a big misunderstanding that will blow over.

For what it is worth and I am very wary that this could be seen as me giving a lecture so please do nat take it that way, I urge contributors not to be sensitive and be insulted by what is written. If you are unsure about whether something is meant to be offensive it probably isn't.

So gang, tis the season of goodwill to all men (figuratively speaking of course - this means gals an'all) (and sheep) so lets all have a good Christmas and a happy forum.

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As a non RAV owner I must say that I look forward to reading Bothys posts and the good humour and banter that he generates on the forum.

Long may this particular type of TOC RAV humour continue on these forums.................I may well consider doing a Scottish language course to help me understand his posts ;) :P :lol:

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IMHO, first, please don't restrict your posts. Most of us enjoy poking (and receiving) the banter. :D

However, if I am brutally honest, I can partly understand where eanjohn is coming from. For me, the 5-door/diesel thing is beginning to "wear a little thin". On the other hand, we have the option of not reading it if we don't want to.

Again, only IMHO, I think all that is needed (and please don't take this the wrong way), is to "change the record" for a little while. i.e. don't use the 5 door/diesel thing quite so much. That should be easy for a bloke of your wit and intellect (that's sincere, I don't mean to be patronising there).

Perhaps a few more emoticons in the posts would help convey the true meaning :unsure: (that's the problem with the written word, it can be mis-interpreted and that's what the emoticons are partly there for - to help overcome that mis-interpretation).

Anyway, I prefer to celebrate all RAVs - 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, petrol, diesel, clapped out ones, shiny new ones, highly modified super turbo ninja ones and to ridicule the Child Refuse Vehicle (opps I've just offended at least one person on here - sorry! :unsure: :D)

At this time, can I extend Peace and Good Will to all, whatever you may or may not believe and whatever the density of your fuel :P. That even extends to CRV owners (I'm allowed those letters just once :yes::unsure: - it's Christmas. We've even sent a card to an owner of one :unsure:).

Cheers :D

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I just logged on to the forum for my usual laugh, but, by the time I had read this post I felt quite sad :(

I have used many forums, and I think it is important that people can freely say what they want. None of us really know the situations of others on these forums, and for many it is best that way, the forums are really a way of escape from the real world for some of us.

Bothy keep up the posts, we all enjoy them. I own a 5 door diesel and laugh at your jest. I drive it for economical reasons, and if it were not for money we would all be driving a V8 Vanquish or similar.

Lets keep it light hearted, and just wish each other a happy Christmas. Some people on here may even be by themselves this Christmas, which would be a very lonely time without these forums....

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I think it's easy to miss-understand people on forums, as you're only reading words and not getting the expression from speech.

To be honest, I don't mind if people take the p**s out of me, as I've never taken myself to seriously. That comes from being one of the youngest in my respective roles throughout my railway career! :D

The fact is, the Rav 4 section is the best part of all the forums on TOC, because we make it so :thumbsup:

Lets all have fun, and if you have a problem with something someone says, then use PM's to sort it out like grown ups... :P

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So sorry to read about your troubles in life and your hurt feelings. It's inevitable that the former makes you a bit more vulnerable to the latter, no matter how hard you try to be brave and cheerful. The thing is that the people with whom you interact by such inadequate means as forums and emails do not know of your troubles and your fragile heart; I think they simply respond to the banter and perhaps don't realise the effect on you if they take it a step too far and get overly boisterous or appear a bit aggressive.

Like the others, I very much enjoy your posts and the ripostes from other forum users (even though I have to read yours slowly, and that is after living in Scotland for 16 years!). My husband gives me strange looks as I sit behind my PC chortling to myself. I wish I had your wit.

Please don't let this little incident upset you too much - as you can see from all the posts above, you have many friends on this forum who appreciate your contribution. Have a good Christmas, and here's to many more happy, funny, cheeky exchanges in the New Year.


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I have only been a member of the TOC/Rav4 forum for a short time; but have enjoyed reading the posts form the regular contributers esp Ian (Bothy). His sense of humor is infectious and I always enjoy reading his posts... he has also given good advice on technical matters. Keep up the good work Ian and don't change a thing with the style of your posts B)

DaveH (another proud 4.1 3dr petrol owner)


So sorry to read about your troubles in life and your hurt feelings. It's inevitable that the former makes you a bit more vulnerable to the latter, no matter how hard you try to be brave and cheerful. The thing is that the people with whom you interact by such inadequate means as forums and emails do not know of your troubles and your fragile heart; I think they simply respond to the banter and perhaps don't realise the effect on you if they take it a step too far and get overly boisterous or appear a bit aggressive.

Like the others, I very much enjoy your posts and the ripostes from other forum users (even though I have to read yours slowly, and that is after living in Scotland for 16 years!). My husband gives me strange looks as I sit behind my PC chortling to myself. I wish I had your wit.

Please don't let this little incident upset you too much - as you can see from all the posts above, you have many friends on this forum who appreciate your contribution. Have a good Christmas, and here's to many more happy, funny, cheeky exchanges in the New Year.


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As somebody who's driven oil burners for years (and many of them were Citroens) I'm used to having the proverbial taken. Some folk grow up far too soon and lose their sense of humour/the ridiculous; me? I plan to never grow up - and I've managed that for 55 years so far. I frequently get attacks of flippancy that sometimes annoy my wife but we both know that's just part of me being me (I just have to try and control them a bit better when in the pulpit). [Yes - it's my part-time Sunday job in the Kirk.]

Stay with us Bothy - we all love the banter (though I sympathise with my fellow Sassenachs who haven't had the benefit (and pleasure) of living in the land of the Scots for almost 30 years - your accent can get a little thick at times - brilliant!!!!

God bless.

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Forums are a good way of finding information out and also passing on other information and chatting to other members on a range of interesting and sometime obscure topics... :wacko: :wacko:

It's inevitable that some of this banter will upset some........We do play close to the mark sometime (The Child Refuse Vehicle is not excusable though :unsure: :unsure: ) we try to please all and help out many as we can...average topic gets answered in the first 5 to 7 post's then rest is off topic and free for all...ranging from trains, camera's to sock puppets :lol: :lol:

We're all like minded people brought together with a liking (sometimes LOVE :wub: ) to the Toyota RAV4, be it in the form of the superb 5 Door or the chop shop 3 door variety...Diesel or Petrol power or even Moon shine and nitrous mix with a hint of Old Grouse.....

If any member has upset others it was not intentionally or aimed at...just some humour is not to all liking...dialect can be a big factor in some topics and others not...all members here have in some way or form helped out on this forum over and above any expectation....some have joined then left others have disappeared... :unsure: :unsure: It is as Anchorman says "very addictive" and some members use this site daily...(hope my boss is not watching...then again he has a BMW...so maybe not :rolleyes: )

Bothy we like your sometimes warped sense of humour and now I only have to read you topic postings twice to fully decipher the code and actually work out what you are saying...

No get off line you lot and enjoy the Christmas break...and tuck into the tins of sweeties.... :newyear: :newyear: :newyear: :newyear: :newyear:

***The views and opinions above are mine and based solely, after consuming a bottle of wine, 4 bottles of beer and now on another bottle of wine....any issues PM me and my secretary will reply to all messages received***

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we try to please all and help out many as we can...average topic gets answered in the first 5 to 7 post's then rest is off topic and free for all...ranging from trains, camera's to sock puppets :lol: :lol:

But please remember a sock is for your foot (unless it's a wind sock - not sure where that goes - maybe on a sprout? :unsure:) and not just for Christmas. :D ...........and of course you'll be getting lots of them in just over a day's time (socks and sprouts). Bet you can't wait! :rolleyes: :P . (You see Ian - I'm at it again, can't stop it - so why should you?, it's addictive, just keeps rolling. We're all just TOC junkies :o ).

***The views and opinions above are mine and based solely, after consuming a bottle of wine, 4 bottles of beer and now on another bottle of wine....any issues PM me and my secretary will reply to all messages received***

Which basically means we're all definitely Chatman's bessht mates at the moment. Have another :beer: mate! :D

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Bothy, we love you the way you are. Don't go a changing!!

(Even if I have to read your posts 2 or 3 times, before I even have an idea what you're talking about!! :D )

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Fully agree with Simon,s comments.Stick with it Ian, You are seriously well liked


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Bothy, we love you the way you are. Don't go a changing!!

(Even if I have to read your posts 2 or 3 times, before I even have an idea what you're talking about!! :D )

Here here!

I have only been reading this forum for a week or so but already I am extremely impressed with the banter and the helpful, knowledgable folk here. Most notable is you Bothy. Some of your posts have had me laughing out loud and it has been obvious, to me at least, that nothing you say is said in a malicious way. Stay exactly as you are and I sincerely hope your troubled times are over.


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:o Huh, ark at you lot " I've to read your threads twice to understand them" really ?

I live 4 miles from Bothy and I've got to read them twice as well :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ok Ian, reading this I'm kinda getting the jist of what they are trying to say. So being that I've

taken on the roll of the music thread DJ, I selected a song that sums it up ;)


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If somebody would have told me 12 months ago that I would be spending so much time on an internet forum talking about RAV 4s and generally poking fun at one and other I would have thought they were mad but I cannot believe how addictive this place is.

One thing that does come from spending so much time here is that you begin to build up a mental profile of various regulars and in some cases either through helping somebody with a problem or a more private discussion via a pm, you begin to develop a more personal bond - what amounts to a good friend even though you have never set eyes on them. The prospect of meeting you all face to face hopefully during next year really appeals to me and I think can only serve to strengthen any relationships and help us to understand peoples characters a bit more; We are all different.

One of the things that draws me to the forum is the banter and goodwill but I suppose eventually it is bound to be misunderstood.

Bothy. I personally look forward to your posts because I think you have a superb sense of humour and I only ever take them in good spirit. I do worry that somebody looking might think we are either hogging the forum or having a proper go at each other when we a flinging mud at each other but I can assure any onlookers that it is all good fun.

In other cases I have seen just a few hints of people being offended but this has quickly been remedied by a direct apology or withdrawal of the offending statement.

To maintain a "status quo" I make a point of taking the !*ss out of myself at times and just take the flack as it comes. But I maintain that one of the nice warm feelings that any reader, old or new can obtain from looking in is that you can debate any subject, resolve a problem, get entertainment (look at the very popular music and photo threads) and have a lark - what I would call a nice balance.

When I read eanjohns message I couldn't determin if he was truly offended or just joining in the banter. I think part of the confusion is the use of capital letters which are banned from some forums on the grounds they can be misunderstood. I only ever use them to emphasise a point like "remove the wheel ONLY AFTER jacking the car up!". But look we are all entitled to an opinion and I am not in a position to judge what somebody should or should not write.

However, eanjohn if you do look in on this then I feel equally responsible because I am one of the ones that has perpetuated bothys line on the 5 door/diesel thing. I don't find it offensive nor anything else bothy has said and without sounding patronising I know you have made good inputs to the forum in the past and as I have said, I don't feel any more entitled to make judgements on here than you are.

I just hope this is all a big misunderstanding that will blow over.

For what it is worth and I am very wary that this could be seen as me giving a lecture so please do nat take it that way, I urge contributors not to be sensitive and be insulted by what is written. If you are unsure about whether something is meant to be offensive it probably isn't.

So gang, tis the season of goodwill to all men (figuratively speaking of course - this means gals an'all) (and sheep) so lets all have a good Christmas and a happy forum.

Bothy.How's the cold by the way? :yahoo:

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Bothy Bothy Bothy.... ;)

Sorry to hear your story....

Mate dont let Peen@rses get to ya.... :nono:

your posts have been very informative :toast: , and when you switch to your other personality it cracks me up :lol2: :lol2: ...well after a while anyway..need some time like to decypher some stuff of yours - or take it home to my translator, shes from the Glasgow/larnark scotland area herself... :huh:

As chatman mentioned earlier, these forums are for information/help and off-course for banter n all ;) I mean where would we be in the world if we did not have a sense of humor :ph34r: . However one thing mentioned by Chatman I would not do... if someone were to be boring and get to serious about stuff I would not waste my time and pm them...just ignore the :censor::ffs: :ffs: :censor:

So chin up me old mucka...keep on posting the way you do :cheers:

Happy Crimbo to you n all who celebrate it and for those who dont....Happy Christmas anyway.....





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Mate dont let Peen@rses get to ya.... :nono:


the guy genuinely thought Bothy was being serious, in which case I don't wonder that he responded the way he did.

If people are going to write stuff that even those who know them have to read twice then it's little wonder that sometimes they're misunderstood. It's t'internet and it's very easy to think someone's being serious especially if you don't know them and/or if they don't use smileys to confirm their mood.

You have my sympathy Boothy and your humour is appreciated, but I don't like this bandwagon that seems to be rolling here.

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I have read the posts in this thread and frankly I find it appalling. The mis-use of the Scottish language is beyond comprehension. As my Grandmother was English, I can fully understand the sentiments of some of the posts here. I read some of the posts as I like to keep up with the times. Here in Scotland, things are a bit out of date shall we say, so i find the information on this forum occasionally helpful.

I am an avid driver of diesels and have had a few in my time. I also used to drive a Citroen BX 1.9 diesel estate - the best car I ever owned that also pulled. My caravan.

I and my 4 children had many happy holidays using the diesel car to pull.

I even used to drive a Commer diesel van based sleep wagon. How I loved that. One can stretch out fully and enjoy the stars and oneself. There was nothing like a brisk walk amongst the heather, and a few shots at the Grouse. Of course, I abhor shooting live animals but my cousin talked me into it.

I now have a petrol Rav - perhaps I'm a bit old for this sort of thing, but I find it can pull caravans too. As far as my other nightly activities, its a bit too short! I'm hoping to arrange a test drive with the nice salesman from my local Toyota Dealer. Maybe one of those XTR jobs? Of course I can't afford a new one, but the salesman is almost my age, and perhaps will take pity??

I and my family, who are holidaying in Egypt just now as Scotland is far too dangerous for holidays, wish all of you a very merry Christmas to those who believe; and to those that don't, perhaps one day you will. If not at least enjoy the sales - Debenhams have already priced their Ladies clothes down to the Boxing Day sale price for those girls amongst you.


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Back to normality! Oh how I love this place.


Jane Doe

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Christmas Eve an ah've solved ma problem. Ditch the GP.

Aifter a very quick 30 mile dash fur a curry masel, ah realised that sum fawk cuid tak me the wrong way. Weel ah'll tell ye this - a dinna tak onywan onyway so there/their/they're/ oar whitever way ye unnerstan. Nae passengers = nae complaints.

Aifter consulting wi professionals in New zealand (ah dinna think it wis that new but there we are), ah realise ah can get anither few bhp frae changing ma petrol filter. the pumps ok but the filter capacity/thruput is causing misfiring/petrol starvation....at 6800rpm+.

N bgr me, ahm gettin imbalance at 110. Onywan else suffering frae this problem???

A wee prat in a souped up Nisaan Micra tried to out-accelarate ma beast, but got lost in the road spray. Ahm still waiting fur Kingo tae quote me fur a full set o front wipers - metal bits an aw -itherwise ah'll be forced tae drive doon tae Chester an pick em up masel.

To each and all of you; regardless o yer religion/political persuasion altho I back Charlie kennedy hisself; car ye drive whither it be petrol/diesel/red diesel/lpg oar goose fat; and whether ye have a stretched limo wi 5 doors......a pleasant an happy time tae wan an aw.

Sum o yer micht no be aware, but 8% o fowk in the UK suffer frae some form of disability. Often at this time of year, its mair difficult fur them.

Pittin it intae nummers; 500,000 people in scotland alone suffer/live with a form of disability. Assuming a UK population of aroon 60million, then that means that almost 5 million people suffer from a disability. Noo think aboot it. How mony fawk in wheelchairs dae ye see in trains?? How mony in buses?

Maist of these people whit are jist like you and me live life watching daytime TV; ostracised frae normal living by restraints...how would you like to be seen entering a swimming pool via a hoist??

Or whit dis yer community dae tae empower those wi mental health problems - pit them in a locked ward - or whit aboot those wi autism??

Take time this Christmas to think about some of these folk. Some of them would love to be able to drive a RAV around an off road course. Even if they are jist a passenger. Theres almost 6 million people in the uk that we frankly don't look after. Gulf war veterans - how many have you met and helped? No criticism here - just me asking you to spend a little time to reflect and to help locally to you. RAV cars are special and can go off road to give someone else a wee thrill - even if it is just for an hour or two.


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I have read the posts in this thread and frankly I find it appalling. The mis-use of the Scottish language is beyond comprehension. As my Grandmother was English, I can fully understand the sentiments of some of the posts here. I read some of the posts as I like to keep up with the times. Here in Scotland, things are a bit out of date shall we say, so i find the information on this forum occasionally helpful.

I am an avid driver of diesels and have had a few in my time. I also used to drive a Citroen BX 1.9 diesel estate - the best car I ever owned that also pulled. My caravan.

I and my 4 children had many happy holidays using the diesel car to pull.

I even used to drive a Commer diesel van based sleep wagon. How I loved that. One can stretch out fully and enjoy the stars and oneself. There was nothing like a brisk walk amongst the heather, and a few shots at the Grouse. Of course, I abhor shooting live animals but my cousin talked me into it.

I now have a petrol Rav - perhaps I'm a bit old for this sort of thing, but I find it can pull caravans too. As far as my other nightly activities, its a bit too short! I'm hoping to arrange a test drive with the nice salesman from my local Toyota Dealer. Maybe one of those XTR jobs? Of course I can't afford a new one, but the salesman is almost my age, and perhaps will take pity??

I and my family, who are holidaying in Egypt just now as Scotland is far too dangerous for holidays, wish all of you a very merry Christmas to those who believe; and to those that don't, perhaps one day you will. If not at least enjoy the sales - Debenhams have already priced their Ladies clothes down to the Boxing Day sale price for those girls amongst you.


:g::g::g: Hmmmmmmmmm, Betty, you would not per chance be a friend of Doreen Plantpot, or Gearknob, or their friend Mr Red Herring ?

And who's your friend who works at Summerlee heritage park ?

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I sometimes feel unstable and I'm only 49. I can tell you the RAV is OK at 100 with about 3/4 ton of wine on board but I'll need a few more filters before I can catch up with that thing of yours.

I wonder if we could get Betty to come to Warrington, you two would get on like a house on fire.

Glad to see you back with that musket in your hands ;)


PS: As I have said before the time you spend with less fortunate ones is commendable.

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