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The Way Toc Is..........


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Right BEFORE I say what I want to say I would like to ask all mods to not step in unless it is getting to personal insults or breaking forum rules big time, not just because they dont like a discussion or freedom of speech (you know who you are)

I have been a member on TOC for over 4 1/2 years, in this time I have seen members come and go, chamges of management, great events, thrilling posts and arguements that have run their course.

BUT imho TOC has gone back into its quiet cycle, where people do not post as much, do not view as much, and possibly could even be worried about a bit of banter incase a mod becomes unhappy

Where has the fun gone, the constant laughs, the influx of great people.

I have become a quiet shadow of my former forum self due to these reasons.

What do people think about the current TOC?


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I agree with what you are saying, but it’s not all the mods. I’ve seen mods come and go over the years and you can see the same pattern emerging with certain people. It only takes a couple to put a dampener on things. I’ve been here as long as you to Hou and have seen many changes. Nowadays I don’t respond as I use to as I know some people like to play ‘School Teacher’ and start waving the big stick. I find that patronising and extremely irritating so the answer is not to get involved which invariably means don’t post a reply.

A response will lead to another reply and then the subject/topic starts to warm up. Any disagreements tend to resolve themselves or fizzle out but topics are locked or deleted when things start to heat up. I got banned a long time ago for 7 days for calling someone a fool :o funnily enough that fool subsequently got a life ban for something unrelated :thumbsup: but what do I know eh?!

God forbid anyone that’s strays off topic! In my experience conversations tend to go full circle anyway.

What do I think of the current TOC? A great site... but I think more attention should be paid to who is made a moderator because it feels like there is a referee sat in the corner ready to blow a whistle at any minor misdemeanour.

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Right BEFORE I say what I want to say I would like to ask all mods to not step in unless it is getting to personal insults or breaking forum rules big time, not just because they dont like a discussion or freedom of speech (you know who you are)

I have been a member on TOC for over 4 1/2 years, in this time I have seen members come and go, chamges of management, great events, thrilling posts and arguements that have run their course.

BUT imho TOC has gone back into its quiet cycle, where people do not post as much, do not view as much, and possibly could even be worried about a bit of banter incase a mod becomes unhappy

Where has the fun gone, the constant laughs, the influx of great people.

I have become a quiet shadow of my former forum self due to these reasons.

What do people think about the current TOC?


Remember the wise words of Alan Bradley posted in January 2007:

It is all still relevant, particularly paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6.........................(Reposted below with thanks to Alan)

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Alan's "Brief Guide to Being Annoyed with a Forum"...


Maybe there are new members to your forum-of-choice, maybe old members have left or maybe you just feel you've grown out of a place you were previously happy. This guide is meant to help you to come to terms with these issues and decide what to do without causing undue anger or offence to those around you.

1. Don't Let Yourself Get Wound Up

Try to avoid sections of the forum and forum users who may antagonise you. If that's a certain sub-forum (possibly labelled General, Off-Topic, The Restroom or similar) then maybe its best not to visit it if you can help it. Remember, what you can't see won't infuriate.

Perhaps its a certain user(s). If that's the case then a brief jab of the "Ignore User" button will suddenly stop their irritating little post from being flagged to your attention.

2. Tact and Diplomacy

If you do find yourself in a disagreement, know when to let it drop.

Sit at your screen and think "I know I'm right". This works well on both counts as if they're right thay'll have to come back and admit their mistake at some point (knowing you were correct) and if you were wrong... Well, you're not going to look nearly as big a prat as you would have if you'd argued for a further 2 pages, are you?

The moral high ground is a comfortable place to sit.

3. The Past

There is no point harking back to "The Old Days". In much the same way as the dead cannot, except under very special and disputed circumstances, be made to walk then it its impossible to somehow wind a forum back to The Glory Days where the posts were brighter, the conversation more sparkling and the banter wittier. Members leave, members join.

Forum members should strive for new Glory Days. A forum is what it is now, not what it was 18 months ago.

4. Time Out

If it gets really bad, take some time out. Spend some time posting on other forums. Maybe even speak to people or read a book when you would have been surfing. After a couple of weeks you'll have forgotten what all the trouble was about and you'll have so many posts to catch up on that you won't want to waste time squabbling.

Weaning yourself back in slowly is a good thing too. Too many posts and The Anger may return.

5. Grand Goodbyes

If it has all become to much and you've decided that the forum is - for whatever reason - no longer for you then you should probably leave.

Grand Goodbyes are not a good way to go. They cry "Attention Whore" and make even the most respected former-member look like a petulant child. More to the point they make a return so much more difficult should, at some point in the future, opinions be sought or required.

Better to slip away quietly and have people ask, "where's that old rogue gone?" than say, "Thank **** that ****'s left".

6. Its only the Internet

Remember, above all else, that you're only posting on the internet.

Nobody can hear you scream. It can be impossible, despite the most careful use of smilies, to relay your emotions or emotional state accurately. Take this into account and treat people as you yourself would like to be treated - surely then you can't go wrong.

Good luck and happy posting,


[JAN 2007]

Still relevant today :thumbsup:

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Well thanks for your insite into a post made by someone who has left for the reasons above, but not actually answering the original question "What do people think about the current TOC?"

Also why post a link and then copy the whole text across, pretty pointless in my opinion, and I feel slightly patronised by it.

Lets look into it in more detail shall we?

3. Are we not allowed to miss something we crave? When, going on the example above, someone is dead, do we not miss that person and wish they were still alive??

4. Why should time out be taken from something you once loved due to the actions of a select few? Isnt that just ignoring the problem rather then coming up with a solution? I was hoping that this thread would make people realise its changed and also for those that miss how it was to xstart posting more.

5. Are you calling me an attention !Removed!? ;)

So it would be great if you could actually give your opinion on what was asked rather then skating round it.

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Just my contribution to the discussion as requested by yourself.

The text was copied for those who did not want to be bothered to follow the link. I am sorry if you feel slightly patronised by my actions. I will delete the link if it will make you feel better ;)

The words were those of Alan Bradley, a member of TOC for whom I have the utmost respect, and whose contributions to the forum and humour are missed by myself and many original members. His words, however, in my opinion, are still relevant.

That is why I reposted them.

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I believe the DISCUSS was regarding what people thought of TOC, not what people should do if they do not like it, which is what Alan's origional post was about.

I wanted to know what people felt on the "current TOC", to which you still havent answered or contributed to. Your original post seemed more to be a post of "well if you don't like it read this"

It would be great to be able to get an opinion from everyone, especially mods

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The current TOC is (and always has been) still about the etiquette refered to in Alan Bradleys original post.

TOC has many new members who will not even remember Alan but they still have humour and banter still takes place on the forum.

I hope that this thread does not turn into a "Mod Bashing" session as that is not in the true spirit of the TOC forum.

The forum is a platform to allow people with similar interests in Toyota cars to discuss those mutual interests in a friendly and amicable way.

Controversial issues do occasionally arise which add to the spice of the discussions.

It should be remembered, however that it is only a post on the internet. Nobody can hear you scream. It can be impossible, despite the most careful use of smilies, to relay your emotions or emotional state accurately. Take this into account and treat people as you yourself would like to be treated - surely then you can't go wrong.

;) :) I have heard that before somewhere ;)

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TOC has reached a record level of new unique visitors, it grows by about 5% a month

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The problem is Hou that members out grow the forum and end up going down different paths...Its the same with all forums.

Having been a mod for years on here (until recently) i have just noticed that TOC is getting a much younger audiance and as such the longer standing members who have a in depth knowledge of cars seems to move elsewhere to try and continue their learning. This does not mean that TOC is changing for the worse but just a new croud of people coming through.

Personally have seen cases where individuals seem to bear a grudge for whatever reason but continue to come back and try to cause rifts withint he club. Of course this is not on but sadly due to this im sure you can understand when a mod may have got a bit twitchy with the finger in a topic where this was not the intention.

I personally have other priorities in life and as such stepped down from being a mod after my daughter was born. Im also one of the 'old school' (for lack of a better term) members who has reduced posting significantly over the last couple of years as TOC members have moved on. This was highlighted when i raised a thread abotu leaving for 3 weeks and someone asked who i was! :lol:

Its all good.. TOC is still great and im still happy to put suggestions forward etc and i still come to the meets even though i aint been driving a toyota for almost a couple of years now.

One love people!

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I rather like TOC as it is. I have only owned a Toyota for some 16 months and joined about that time. Since joining I have enjoyed the humour posted on here.

I don't read too much of the technical side of the forum as I am not very mechanically inclined so hence I look for the banter provided.

TOC really is not much different from others sites I have used and like those other sites I am sure it evolves and changes with time and it's membership. So, in my opinion, it is unlikely that a site will be exactly the same as it was previously. Change is a healthy thing but one element that will not change is the enjoyment of the cars we drive and the Badge they carry.

Moderators have a tough job and occasionally they feel like they are walking on eggshells in order to keep as many people as happy as possible. I have done the job and been slated for doing it but sadly people will become :censor: off from time to time.

So lets keep enjoying TOC and the members on here :thumbsup:

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I have been a member of Toc for a few years now and there have been some good and some not so good times.

When I became a Mod it was strangely satisfying to know that my contributions were recognised and appreciated, then being asked by Steve to join the forum as a manager was the icing on the cake. I am by no means perfect (Almost, but not quite) and can put my size nines in it as much as the next person.

As Steve said Toyota Owners Club is growing day by day (Check the number of registered members and you will see), some of the forums are more active than others at the moment but that is the same on plenty of other sites, it can almost be seasonal.

I Know in the past we have had very large attendances on our national meets and these have gradually dwindled due to members moving on or changing to none Toyota's, again this isn't peculiar to Toc as we still have a stand at this years JAE, unlike some other clubs who have had to pull out through lack of interest, this is a great shame but I hope the members of those clubs will still attend in some way or another.

As far as moderation goes, I am more than happy with our team and the unpaid time they spend in keeping Toc a place where I want to stay.


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This is better, we are starting to put our opinions forward, although bit of mod brown nosing never goes a miss :lol:

I am not put to cause trouble or create a "mod bashing" thread but to get a discussion going about a subject without people getting scared of a mod stepping in and things being deleted and changed.

Great that TOC gets 5% more members each month but how many actual monthly active members are there?

Its just been a while since there has been some good banter on the forum without someone stepping in. To use an example, and not attacking you here stevee but there was banter in a northern meet thread where a bit of non toyota bashing was going on and you told us to chill. You aint northern mi old cocker spadge!

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This is better, we are starting to put our opinions forward, although bit of mod brown nosing never goes a miss :lol:

I am not put to cause trouble or create a "mod bashing" thread but to get a discussion going about a subject without people getting scared of a mod stepping in and things being deleted and changed.

Great that TOC gets 5% more members each month but how many actual monthly active members are there?

Its just been a while since there has been some good banter on the forum without someone stepping in. To use an example, and not attacking you here stevee but there was banter in a northern meet thread where a bit of non toyota bashing was going on and you told us to chill. You aint northern mi old cocker spadge!

Take no notice....That's Donny speak, not the proper Northern stuff tha' knows :P

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Its just been a while since there has been some good banter on the forum without someone stepping in. To use an example, and not attacking you here stevee but there was banter in a northern meet thread where a bit of non toyota bashing was going on and you told us to chill. You aint northern mi old cocker spadge!

No ..........you misunderstood my post (Must be a regional thing :P ;) ) TOC Banter :lol:

I said..... "Cant you just feel the lurve ......chill ".......................meaning that I could feel the love that existed on the thread had cooled down somewhat.

I never told anyone to "Chill-out"............................that is not my style ;)

I apologise if you thought that I was trying to control your emotions. :)

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.... You aint northern mi old cocker spadge!

Take no notice....That's Donny speak, not the proper Northern stuff tha' knows :P

Is it even English :unsure:

This is better, we are starting to put our opinions forward, although bit of mod brown nosing never goes a miss :lol:....

Oh darn it.... I have just looked in the mirror and I have one of those stains on my nose again :o .... Hou, can I have a tissue :huh: ;) :lol:

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My Tuppence worth :D

I've been a member for 4 years now, though I went missing for a while, due to pressure of work & the need to sleep @ times.

General Discussions, where I spend most of my time, is a bit subdued @ the moment. If I go to the bottom of Toyota Forums to see who is logged in, I could find 30+ members, but running my eye over them I'd find that they are people who never post on General, which indicates that TOC is in a healthy state, with people concentrating on the forums for their own model, rather than the Intellectual :lol: chat, ideas & banter of General.

Yes, famous & well liked members disappear. I did a post a few days back about a member I'd forgotten, & in the replies 2 more were mentioned whom I'd forgotten about too.Some of the departed are possibly part of a group who actually, physically knew each other. This would tend to spice up the postings.

However, to take their place, we have a new bunch who regularly have something to say here, & I'm sure it will get lively again.

I, for one , am glad to be back & look forward to logging on, daily.

Notice to Mods ...... Cheques or PayPal are acceptable :lol:

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Notice to Mods ...... Cheques or PayPal are acceptable :lol:

Please PM me your full bank account details............and I will see what I can do ;) ;) :lol:

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Hard cash only ;) (I'll PM you my postal address)

How can I add to this discussion?... I still enjoy TOC in the same way as I always have and it's down to the people who post, it's the members that create topics, it's the members who reply to topics (and the mods who close the topics ;)) who make the club what it is. When people change/ move on to other things the forum tends to change too... this is natural progression, whether or not it is seen as progression or not doesn't really come into it, the fact is that we can't go back in time, we have to move forward.. hence progression.

TOC is a friendly place to be, yes some members can have conflicts with one and other and sometimes moderation is required, any mod will tell you that it is a fine line between good moderating and over moderating and like SteveL has said, we sometimes feel like we are walking on eggshells, you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time, so we just do our best to keep things friendly. It is also worth noting that when reading what someone is saying it is difficult to tell what is banter and what is serious, the proper use of emiticons can sometimes be used a little better :ffs:.... ooops, I mean :thumbsup:

As for this "your not a Northerner" talk... nane e yeez ken wit North is.. yeez aw hink it stoaps it the boarder... n'nat, know? :)

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If in doubt, get Raistlin's jokes or the Word Association Thread moved up when the heat is on eh?!

I have made my feelings known in the past over modding. Hou & TVOR, I will vote you in for mods! I will add that all but one mod are great!

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Right BEFORE I say what I want to say I would like to ask all mods to not step in unless it is getting to personal insults or breaking forum rules big time, not just because they dont like a discussion or freedom of speech (you know who you are)

I have been a member on TOC for over 4 1/2 years, in this time I have seen members come and go, chamges of management, great events, thrilling posts and arguements that have run their course.

BUT imho TOC has gone back into its quiet cycle, where people do not post as much, do not view as much, and possibly could even be worried about a bit of banter incase a mod becomes unhappy

Where has the fun gone, the constant laughs, the influx of great people.

I have become a quiet shadow of my former forum self due to these reasons.

What do people think about the current TOC?


What do people think about the current TOC?

IMO, I do not find it over-moderated.

I tend to view the RAV4 forum and this General Discussions forum, and post in the RAV4 forum. I think every Forum finds its own natural style, shaped by the members and becomes by and large self-managing.

The RAV4 section has some disagreements within posts that have resulted in a couple of posts by Mods pointing out a bit of forum etiquette but that was done in a perfectly pleasant manner.

I have never worried about making a post in case a mod 'spots it'

FWIW, I am a Mod on another forum and am careful to make sure that I do not over-mod there (almost all my 'mod' posts are to do with helping newbies use the forum facilities or removing spam) as like I said above, the members are really all Mods in their own way.

I am also a 'normal' member of a couple of other Forums and due to the lack of decent moderation at the appropriate times, I find I visit those less and less and have noticed those forums are becoming quieter and quieter as I guess other members may also be voting with their keyboards.

So, IFIIAC, TOC Mods keep Modding like you currently do :thumbsup:

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