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To put my opinions in perspective, I have to give a bit of background, so please bear with me.

I was born at the end of the 2nd year of WW2 in one of the most remote Counties of Ireland= Donegal. At that time the Electricity supply hadn't reached there. TVs hadn't been invented ? & I do not remember having a radio in the house. Obviously, at that age I couldn't read newspapers, nor was I interested in them. In short, I was oblivious to what was going on in the outside world, with no knowledge of war.

My 1st instance was a recurring dream, night after night. I was in a hole dug in the ground, scared shxtless, & beside me in another hole in the ground was another man. He was my friend & would look after me , as I would him. Across the way, however, was another man in a hole & he was my enemy, trying to kill me. A rather close approximation of trenches & foxholes in WW1.

Later, I had another recurring dream, in which I was driving a vehicle with just a slit to peer out of & beside me was a machinegun on a swivel. In other words, a tank. I had never seen one or driven in a car, as they were few & far between with petrol rationing.

I seem to have been born with a good understanding of English, though unable to speak it. I was lying in my pram & can still remember my Mother saying "Say Goodbye to your Uncle jack. He's going to the war". He never returned having fought his way through the Desert campaign with Montgomery & was killed at the Battle for Monte Casino. I wonder if I had a physic link with him, as he was in a Tank regiment.

I knew what time it was, at an early age. In my playpen, I always knew when it was 11.00 am, being time for my 2 squares of Cadbury's !

Children are supposed to be as-sexual but [please don't be shocked] I discovered that by rolling about on the floor, I could look up women's skirts & enjoy it. I knew it was wrong & that I shouldn't, but I did as often as possible. Remnants of former drives?

This all occurred at an early age, as I started school aged 2&1/2, my Mother being a school teacher & my Father running the family business, it was the easiest way of minding me.

So, yes, in common with Hindus & Cathars I believe in reincarnation, Karma & coming back time & again to improve oneself & correct mistakes made in former lives.

I cannot conceive of a world without a "Me" in some state to observe or partake in it. This belief does not rule out God, Heaven etc, eventually.

It is interesting that in all the many accounts of reincarnation experiences, time always moves forward. I have never heard of anyone rembering future lives.

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I dont think so on this one but I have heard plenty of interesting stories about it.

Anyone here read the James Herbert book called 'Fluke'? It's about a man who gets murdered and comes back as a dog.

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Malahide is just down the road from where I NOW live, & this story is very well supported by research :o


A weird idea of much interest is that of reincarnation. What is reincarnation? Some say it's the fact that a person's soul lives without a body and throughout the years possesses different bodies. Is this true or is reincarnation the result of a mentally unstable person's vivid imagination or even the result of cryptomnesia, when a person takes something they have heard or seen, forgets about ever hearing or seeing it and then remembers the event(s) as happening in another life. These three hypothesizes each seem plausible in there own right. With the help of the SEARCH method it will be shown which hypothesis fits best.

Hypothesis 1: When a person dies the soul undergoes a process called reincarnation, in which the soul lives another life in the future.

The evidence I have to back up this particular claim is that of a story I read in People magazine awhile back. In this story a woman, who goes by the name of Jenny Cockell, claims to have experienced reincarnation. She claims she was once a woman, who went by the name of Marry Sutton, who died 21 years before Jenny's own birth. Jenny believes this because of dreams she has had since the age of three. These dreams were unlike ordinary dreams in how vivid and real they seemed. In the dreams Jenny saw herself in another time and place. She saw herself as a young mother living in a small cottage somewhere in Ireland. In one dream particularly Jenny saw herself with a terrible fever on her own deathbed, terrified of what was to become of her children. One day Jenny decided to find out what had become of these children. So Jenny went to Ireland and while looking at a map of Ireland she sensed that Mary had lived in the small town of Malahide. Then she checked local church records for any mothers of eight named Mary that had gone there. Since from her dreams Jenny recalled there being eight children and the only name she could remember from the dreams was Mary. Sure enough Jenny found a Mary Sutton had lived and died in Malahide. Mary's children had been scattered among family members and orphanages. Then through much search and hard work to find these children Jenny eventually found all of Mary's children. Before Jenny met with any of the children she and the children both agreed to allow a BBC researcher to test Jenny's memories of Mary and Mary's children The tests resulted in a 98 percent agreement. Jenny knew what pictures were on the walls of the Sutton home, other objects in the house, and even how the house was built. This evidence further backed up the fact of Mary Sutton being reincarnated through Jenny Cockell. As of today there has been no new evidence found to discredit the fact that Jenny has experienced reincarnation.

The hypothesis will be examined using the five criteria of adequacy. (1)Testability. This hypothesis is testable. As in the case about Jenny Cockell. Jenny was tested to see if what she "remembered" matched that of Mary Sutton's life. (2)Fruitfulness. This hypothesis is fruitful. It can be observed that a person who has experienced reincarnation can tell truthful information of the person they once were. (3)Scope. The hypothesis has a small scope, in that it only pertains to the person relaying information

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Hello victor

Hmm reincarnation ? fascinating subject, and yet again another poser, fact or fiction ? . Personally i can't make my mind up, and a bit like the Ghosts thread, i find myself sitting on the fence, again .

A couple of years ago the Thismorning TV Show, featured a regression expert called Andrea Foulkes, in which she regressed celebrities to reveal past lives.

Shortly after, she appeared in a series of programs on ITV called Have I BEEN HERE BEFORE, i found the whole thing very fascinating, but i hasten to add not entirely convinced, however i looked her up on the internet and believe it or not , i placed myself on her waiting list, in order to book a regression appointment ( i also thought it about time i had my chakras sorted out :lol::lol: ) needless to say though, when i recieved an e-mail to say that she had a slot free , i got cold feet and did'nt go through with it.

I think there are video's of her celebrity regressions on You Tube, if you want to have a look .

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i believe in it!!! im going to come back as a dog!!!!!


Lauren, There is a wise saying "Be careful of what you wish for, it might be granted" :(

Not all dogs are happy, well cared for & loved. Think of all the flea ridden, mangy, hungry & homeless mutts about, who if lucky , will be picked up by Dog Wardens & re homed. The unlucky will be put down :angry:

I don't believe that we have any choice in what or who our next incarnation will be.

I will post on that, tomorrow, when/if I see more posts :D

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i believe in it!!! im going to come back as a dog!!!!!


Lauren, There is a wise saying "Be careful of what you wish for, it might be granted" :(

Not all dogs are happy, well cared for & loved. Think of all the flea ridden, mangy, hungry & homeless mutts about, who if lucky , will be picked up by Dog Wardens & re homed. The unlucky will be put down :angry:

I don't believe that we have any choice in what or who our next incarnation will be.

I will post on that, tomorrow, when/if I see more posts :D

Dont worry Lauren, I will feed you and stroke you every night!

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I believe in re-incarnation and that we all come back at some time.

However I do not think that we can predict when and how we may return......................except that I firmly believe that our re-incarnated form will be better and not make the same mistakes that we have in our present lives. :)

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I believe in re-incarnation and that we all come back at some time.

However I do not think that we can predict when and how we may return......................except that I firmly believe that our re-incarnated form will be better and not make the same mistakes that we have in our present lives. :)

So, new to this lark then... :D

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I believe in re-incarnation and that we all come back at some time.

However I do not think that we can predict when and how we may return......................except that I firmly believe that our re-incarnated form will be better and not make the same mistakes that we have in our present lives. :)

So, new to this lark then... :D

No.....................I am on my third time around :lol:

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I believe in re-incarnation and that we all come back at some time.

However I do not think that we can predict when and how we may return......................except that I firmly believe that our re-incarnated form will be better and not make the same mistakes that we have in our present lives. :)

So, new to this lark then... :D

No.....................I am on my third time around :lol:

If someone believes in this then why not keep killing yourself for the grin?

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I believe in re-incarnation and that we all come back at some time.

However I do not think that we can predict when and how we may return......................except that I firmly believe that our re-incarnated form will be better and not make the same mistakes that we have in our present lives. :)

So, new to this lark then... :D

No.....................I am on my third time around :lol:

If someone believes in this then why not keep killing yourself for the grin?

It is thought that if you kill yourself .................you are unable to come back again.................. :(

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agree to an extent, but more through the living on of the spirit after ones death....and into a 'world' where time as we know it doesn't exist. I've had many 'coincidences' or experiences following my first wifes sudden death which were clearly to re-assure me.

I don't get flashbacks of anything previous to my birth although I also went to school at 3 years old and remember certain vivid things from an early age. No, I wasn't born at the early age of 3.

Subsequently, as knowledge of mental health grows, then I've come to realise that often my thoughts are on a different 'plane' and sometimes seem to be able to predict whats going to happen in a few years ahead.....but I don't see it is as a psychic power - rather than a method of logical reasoning of some sort.

Interesting subject area, and unusual to discuss without being totally drunk! :) My kids know me as 'working on a different' level. Maybe others see it as being a nutter??

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If video games have taught us anything, it is that Re-incarnation is real. But you lose your guns :(

What about population changes? If the population grows

Are there "new souls", and what happens if it is in decline, where do the "spare" souls go?

In all honesty I think the human mind/subconscious is highly susceptible to the powers of suggestion, be in intentional or not. Even with no obvious images etc from the memory to recall in a dream, overhearing a few words, combined with a strong imagination could give the impression of recalled memories... combine that with looking back on them in retrospect the memory once again can add details and alter things that make it seem even more relevant.

I can’t say I have ever had a similar experience, although I have had insanely intense premonitions in the forms of dreams that have come true! – The dreams seemed accurate in every detail to events that happened many years later, even down to people being there that I hadn’t yet met! – Although I have to ask myself just how much of those remembered details from the dreams had been “filled in” by recalling long term memories armed with current facts.

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Hello victor

Hmm reincarnation ? fascinating subject, and yet again another poser, fact or fiction ? . Personally i can't make my mind up, and a bit like the Ghosts thread, i find myself sitting on the fence, again .

A couple of years ago the Thismorning TV Show, featured a regression expert called Andrea Foulkes, in which she regressed celebrities to reveal past lives.

Shortly after, she appeared in a series of programs on ITV called Have I BEEN HERE BEFORE, i found the whole thing very fascinating, but i hasten to add not entirely convinced, however i looked her up on the internet and believe it or not , i placed myself on her waiting list, in order to book a regression appointment ( i also thought it about time i had my chakras sorted out :lol::lol: ) needless to say though, when i recieved an e-mail to say that she had a slot free , i got cold feet and did'nt go through with it.

I think there are video's of her celebrity regressions on You Tube, if you want to have a look .

Hello Balli Hi :thumbsup: It is a pity that you didn't go through with it. It would have been interesting. Since I started the post, it has come back into my mind that I would like to visit a reputable Hypnotist for regression. It would settle my beliefs for once & for all.

I would want either a tape recording of the session, or to have it video taped as proof of what I said under the influence.

If I do, I will post about it, even if it proves my beliefs to be wrong.

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It's a topic that does interest me, just purely for the fact that I wonder what makes me "me".... if it's my soul then where does it go when I die? I'd like to think I'd get reborn - but as what, who knows!

I guess I just feel that "me" is more than a body and although the body will die someday, I have hope that my soul, the essence that makes me who I am, will live on.

I have no proof to this effect, it's just a hope and a belief! :thumbsup:

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I believe in re-incarnation and that we all come back at some time.

However I do not think that we can predict when and how we may return......................except that I firmly believe that our re-incarnated form will be better and not make the same mistakes that we have in our present lives. :)

I totally agree with you Steve :thumbsup: & as regards Jappy's post about" keep on killing yourself & come back for the grin " reincarnation isn't an easy out :( . I intend to stick around as long as possible, drinking wine, smoking my pipe (pause while I light up :D ) & being both serious & a smart alec on TOC for a while yet [ not in my hands :crybaby: ]

I am happy as I am & do not wish to return as handicapped in mind or body, reborn into a dysfunctional family, into the slums of India [example] to an Alcoholic ,drug addicted or abusive Mother. I wouldn't want to be cruel, murderous or evil.

None of us would, IF we had a choice, so obviously we don't.

The question was raised"Where do all the extra "Souls" come from with the growth in population, or go to in the event of depopulation " Good point.

We are, as far as we know, totally of this Earth, which has an Electric Aura, electric fields & Ley Lines etc. Our Earth is the result of going through a Super Nova, so the scientists say. Otherwise we couldn't have Gold ,Silver etc.The remnants of the Supernova gravitated together into what we live on today. The 1st single celled organisms grew from the Primeval slime & evolved into us & the animals of today. We live on food grown from the Earth. We are simply pieces of the Earth which have temporarily separated from it. It is POSSIBLE that our "Souls" are simply part of the Earths Electric field which have separated with us & upon our death, return to it.

I intend getting my hands on the book "Gaia" which, I suspect, agrees with this. I might add, it is by a highly respected Author & researcher whose name I cannot recall. Will try good old Google :D

I hope I don't come across as a "Headbanger" :eek: I'm not, though I don't have the certificates to prove it :wacko: . I am interested in many things & try to keep an open mind.

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It's a topic that does interest me, just purely for the fact that I wonder what makes me "me".... if it's my soul then where does it go when I die? I'd like to think I'd get reborn - but as what, who knows!

I guess I just feel that "me" is more than a body and although the body will die someday, I have hope that my soul, the essence that makes me who I am, will live on.

I have no proof to this effect, it's just a hope and a belief! :thumbsup:

I know the feeling, Em. I have been known to ask myself if I am reluctant to do something, "Who is in charge here, Me or my body?"

"Me" usually wins that disagreement :thumbsup:

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As a PS to my 2nd last post

"Only those who are truly sane, consider the fact that they might be mad "

Not an original saying, but I cannot remember who said it. It is my excuse & I'm sticking to it :rolleyes:

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As a PS to my 2nd last post

"Only those who are truly sane, consider the fact that they might be mad "

Not an original saying, but I cannot remember who said it. It is my excuse & I'm sticking to it :rolleyes:

interesting - but now confused.....folk say I'm mad but equally admit that I'm normally right. But I think I'm mad, so who's right?

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As a PS to my 2nd last post

"Only those who are truly sane, consider the fact that they might be mad "

Not an original saying, but I cannot remember who said it. It is my excuse & I'm sticking to it :rolleyes:

interesting - but now confused.....folk say I'm mad but equally admit that I'm normally right. But I think I'm mad, so who's right?

Could it be you are normally Mad :rolleyes:

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