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Street Racing Is Bad !


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There could be anything up ahead out of site. Doesnt have to be a person it could be an dog/ cat etc Debris on the road, pot hole etc etc

Damn right. I've had a pheasant total the front end of one of my cars, Had another one smash through the windscreen and die in agony and feathers in my lap.

A mate of mine hit a deer on his motorbike. He stayed on, luckily, but the bike sliced the deer in two. God he stank.


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  • Jimlad


  • JappyBeast


  • SuperRetard


  • Yarisboy


i have had the worst of all... i knocked a child over about 10 years ago... but thankfully i spotted the kids on the side of the road and slowed right down to about 20 when one juped stright out in front...

i felt sick! but he was ok as he limped off quickly... but i went to the police to report it.. paid for his hosptal treatment and his mother phoned me to tank me for reporting it and to inform me he was ok.

I dont like street racing.. and I will not be suprised if you get flamed to bits Jimlad! You should know better not to even post it here.

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I was tanking along a VERY quiet stretch of B-road at 3am, 10 miles from the nearest village, when a drunk (and lost) pedestrian jumped out of the bushes and tried to get himself run over... luckily I was on a motorbike. If I'd have been in the car, it'd have been very, VERY nasty.

Beware the bubble of your own expectations. Bursts are messy and expensive.

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I might be wrong but it looks to me as if Jim is saying that this incident has reinforced to him that its not worth racing...

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I think Jim wos rite to bring this topic up in a car orientated forum. He wos simply highlighting how dangerous and silly street racing really is!

Similar thing happened to me actually, wos following a 1.4 Corsa and he booted it away and i hung back a bit and at the next corner he skidded and went strait on instead of turning the corner (luckily there wos a run off area) and i just laughed and thought wot an idiot, wots the point?

Cheers :thumbsup:

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Yes I dont race anybody anymore either...you just dont have any desire to since Ive started to hit B-Roads. Im not wasting my boost on fools no chance. I like going out for a thrash with my m8s on B-Roads its 100 times better and more satisfying than racing some little pufter in a str8 line in city streets. A ****** in an AE92 rolla (real shame...youd expect better from a fellow yota owner) overtook me after tailing me (I slowed down to 20...tailgaiters can eat my %$(in bumper) and flew past...so fast he went str8 into the roundabout (lockup) 100 odd yards ahead.

And no I didnt stop... I just laughed..blo0dy laughed HARD right at his face when I went round the roundabout...nice and slow.

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I might be wrong but it looks to me as if Jim is saying that this incident has reinforced to him that its not worth racing...


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I find it hard to believe that people actually expect jimlad to drive slow with the car he has....

I'm also struggling to comprehend that some people act as if they've never driven fast in their life or engaged in a race or two from time to time.

jim has lost no respect, nor has he gained any from me.. he's not looking for praise.

I'm sure we've all got similar stories to tell, don't go mad at jim for sharing his.

99% of the time, I bet jim is as responsible a driver as those of you who never make a mistake when driving. Unfortunately we're all human and mistakes are made.

Personally I don't bother racing in 30's, partly because i'm too scared of getting points and a fine... and partly because I drive a car with 65bhp with which I have no desire to race.

Venting frustration at jim won't stop people driving recklessly, just accept that it will happen, and always has.

Of course it's a tragedy when someone gets killed, but that's life and roads are dangerous :(


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Yea and besides...look at all the money he has spent on the car he is hardly likely to want to risk totalling it.

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I find it hard to believe that people actually expect jimlad to drive slow with the car he has....

I'm also struggling to comprehend that some people act as if they've never driven fast in their life or engaged in a race or two from time to time.

jim has lost no respect, nor has he gained any from me.. he's not looking for praise.

I'm sure we've all got similar stories to tell, don't go mad at jim for sharing his.

99% of the time, I bet jim is as responsible a driver as those of you who never make a mistake when driving. Unfortunately we're all human and mistakes are made.

Personally I don't bother racing in 30's, partly because i'm too scared of getting points and a fine... and partly because I drive a car with 65bhp with which I have no desire to race.

Venting frustration at jim won't stop people driving recklessly, just accept that it will happen, and always has.

Of course it's a tragedy when someone gets killed, but that's life and roads are dangerous :(


What are you talking about?.. he did 80 in a 30 zone. I dont have stories like this.. I dont go over 80 much on the motorway as I'm worried that I'm gonna do harm (and its a straight line).

I know Jimlad more than anyone on this forum, I went to School with him for many years. He hasnt been driving very long and like me when I just passed he needs to learn to respect his car. In my many years of driving I have come to know that its a long curve and you need scares like this to wake you up. I also know the road he is talking about and there is no excuse for driving at those speeds, it might be a double lane 1 way system but there is a busy supermarket and hotel oposite sides of the road with a crossing.

"Of course it's a tragedy when someone gets killed, but that's life and roads are dangerous".............. but 80 in a 30 zone?

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James.. I'm not flaming you... you are a good mate but this thread is rediculous.

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cmon jappy its not that ridiculous. 2 b fair to jim he did say "street racing is bad". i mean he mite raced a little but he is only human :)

best thing is he's learnt his lesson, knows when to back off etc, and he managed to learn it the "relatively" easy way, comapred to the other driver who had a good chance of dying when his car flipped!

things hav 2 be learnt m8, id rather jim learn it like this than totalling his car, in fact taht goes for ne1 even the other fella.


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Yes he did 80 in a 30;

if the police caught him he'd have lost his license

if he lost control of the car he would have killed himself

if a kid crossed the road he would have killed it

if his clutch wasn't dead he would have done more than 80

if he was that concerned about doing 80 he wouldn't have done it.

I'm not trying to undermine you japbeast, people will race, people will speed... I just can't understand why people are so suprised at this.

I'm similar to you, I don't like speeding and I rarely reach 80 on any road... you can't control what jim does though.

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I find it hard to believe that people actually expect jimlad to drive slow with the car he has....

I'm also struggling to comprehend that some people act as if they've never driven fast in their life or engaged in a race or two from time to time.

jim has lost no respect, nor has he gained any from me.. he's not looking for praise.

I'm sure we've all got similar stories to tell, don't go mad at jim for sharing his.

99% of the time, I bet jim is as responsible a driver as those of you who never make a mistake when driving. Unfortunately we're all human and mistakes are made.

Personally I don't bother racing in 30's, partly because i'm too scared of getting points and a fine... and partly because I drive a car with 65bhp with which I have no desire to race.

Venting frustration at jim won't stop people driving recklessly, just accept that it will happen, and always has.

Of course it's a tragedy when someone gets killed, but that's life and roads are dangerous :(


What are you talking about?.. he did 80 in a 30 zone. I dont have stories like this.. I dont go over 80 much on the motorway as I'm worried that I'm gonna do harm (and its a straight line).

I know Jimlad more than anyone on this forum, I went to School with him for many years. He hasnt been driving very long and like me when I just passed he needs to learn to respect his car. In my many years of driving I have come to know that its a long curve and you need scares like this to wake you up. I also know the road he is talking about and there is no excuse for driving at those speeds, it might be a double lane 1 way system but there is a busy supermarket and hotel oposite sides of the road with a crossing.

"Of course it's a tragedy when someone gets killed, but that's life and roads are dangerous".............. but 80 in a 30 zone?

this thread is getting quite interesting !

Ok.... ( this doesn't make speeding any better, but Jappy is making the road sound worse than it is! )

It's a long straight stretch of a 2 lane 1 way street. It then goes into a corner. No pedestrianised area etc, very little public activity. It's so long you could get 100+ easily.

But it's still bad, I agree.

DOn't flame me peeps !!.. the topic title states that " STREET RACING IS BAD! "

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I find it hard to believe that people actually expect jimlad to drive slow with the car he has....

I got pulled for accelerating hard upto 30mph once. What do people expect you to do ? Accelerate like you own an 850cc mini ??

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Ya man went to pontefract for a few hours, gettin a new one in the comming weeks, gonna kit it out jap style!!!!

Do you drive a yaris????

If not did you see the cops telling the guy in the red yaris to take his spoiler off or get a £1000 fine

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Ya man went to pontefract for a few hours, gettin a new one in the comming weeks, gonna kit it out jap style!!!!

Do you drive a yaris????

If not did you see the cops telling the guy in the red yaris to take his spoiler off or get a £1000 fine

i heard sharky got warned to take his spoiler off. SuperRetard said about that in the other thread, ***** take if ya ask me!

guess i'm lining myself up for flames here but...

i dont speed around the city at all, main reason being cos cops r well sly nowadays & r often where u dont expect them 2 be. while i think this is a dangerous practice (imagine ur typical boy racer ragging it all around, sees cop car, slams on the brakes, maybe loses control...) it has done what its meant to do.

even places i know that cops rnt about i still dont usually speed unless is "one of them roads". i.e. no chance in hell of some1 or something running on2 the road, clean street where u have good vision etc i do put my foot down occasionally, and im sure many people here have done that.

i can't say i know what road jim's on about or what its like, but i don't think he'd do summin ridiculously stupid.


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Yeah, and it's red too!

But I saw the other guy with the 1.0l yaris just after the cops left him, he's on here too, sharky55 i think...

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Yup - street racing is bad :angry:

Just ask young Asif (fellow TOC Member - G6 Rolla) who just passed his license and could have totaled both him and his mate :angry:

Full story in the Corolla section HERE

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I got pulled for accelerating hard upto 30mph once. What do people expect you to do ? Accelerate like you own an 850cc mini ??

I used to have an 850 mini, 'tinkered with' .......... ended up with in excess of 120HP. (bit hairy on Drum Brakes though)


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What annoys me most is that all of us suffer such high insurance premiums as a result of this kind of idiotic behaviour. I couldn't really care less about who could have died/who wrote off their car, or whatever else did or might have happened - What gets to me is the fact that this particular event is more than likely to have an effect on our wallets. When you consider that this kind of thing probably happens hundreds of times a year, the cumilative effect of these instances of stupid behaviour is why our premiums seem to go up year upon year.

And the ironic thing is, Jimlad has been complaining about his premiums!

I'm not really getting at Jimlad specifically - Afterall he didn't crash, but I don't think you can ignore the irony. (And you can't post something like this and not expect people to be a tad blunt with regards to their opinions either).

If you go at double the speed limit in a 30 zone, you're being a muppet - This is a fact and I'm sure it isn't something that needs pointing out time and time again (I'm listening to Danny Tenaglia's remix of "Finally" by Kings Of Tomorrow, so the 'time and time again' part was very apt). Advanced driving courses such as those with ex-police instructors rigidly enforce 30,40, and 50 limits. NSLs are open to some discretion on behalf of the driver, but even so you cannot take the p*ss. You have no right to do so. Parts of the government already want to tax people out of their cars as they've tried to tax smokers off of cigarettes. Please don't give them a reason to go ahead with this.

Nobody's perfect - I did 60 in a 40 quite regularly until a while ago. I still think that the speed limit is innapropriately low for the majority of the road in question but that doesn't mean I have the right to break it and I accept that. And of course, if I was to have an accident on that road, regardless of whether or not my speed was a primary factor, what would plod say? That's right - I was an irresponsible motorist and was speeding...

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Fair do's Jimlads post was a warning, it may only serve as a warning to him, maybe a few others, but anyone who now conciously takes in this post will remember it, and those who may speed in a 30 zone may think twice, if they do, then Jim your post was worth it!! one less death on the road, accident, etc is one less statistic to the majority, and one less tragedy to another!!

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My mates and i only race off-road, we have been using an retail estate car-park recently but last saturday night the old-bill arrived and asked us nicely to move off as we were on private property lol, there was so many of us they couldnt book anyone but they made their point. We are now trying to get an air-strip for a day which should be great! Inspite of the stupidity dangers blah blah etc you have made a good point and i hope you learn something from it.

Just out of interest how old are you? Some one said you hadnt been driving long so i was wondering how u got the car you have! its a stunner!


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I'm 24 ... and the car looked nothing like that when I first got it m8.

used to look like this...


although still nice !

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