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Insurance Advice Needed

Kev Mc

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Right, here's the situation, almost a year ago I passed my test & bought my car & got some quotes for insurance, the cheapest I could get on my own was around the £2000 mark, but as a named driver on my mum's insurance I could get it for around £550 so I decided I couldn't ignore that kind of saving so went for that.

My renewal is due at the end of next month & over the past few weeks I've been getting quotes to give me a rough idea of what I'm looking at paying, but this time (after reading it on here) I tried getting some quotes for insurance on my own name but with my mum as a named driver. If I do this I can insured for around £1050 on a 10 month accelerator or around £1250 for a full year, which is obviously a fair bit more but I'll get a year's NCB by the end of it.

I've mentioned this to a few people & some are saying do it & build up my no claims but others are advising me to stay on my mum's until I turn 25 then it will fall anyway.

So, basically, shall I go on my mum's insurance until I'm 25, paying probably around £500 a year, then when I turn 25 go on my own, by which time I'll probably be on better wages & have had a few hundred quid extra in my pocket each year or go on my own now, paying more for the time being & build up some NCB?

Any advice would be appreciated, btw, when I renew I'll be 20 with a year's driving experience, 0 NCB & no points, I have also got my passplus.

Sorry for the lecture

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i went on my own from the start and i think it's a lot better. Ya i payed more to start with but now i have a couple of ncb it's not so bad

Then again can't wait till next year. 25. hopefully my insurance will come down

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i went on my own from the start and i think it's a lot better. Ya i payed more to start with but now i have a couple of ncb it's not so bad

Then again can't wait till next year. 25. hopefully my insurance will come down

As above for me!

When I got my car I put myself down as the main driver. I know that it's a lot of money but like littlewener said your be getting a few years no claims discount behind you!

I have also read in the paper that the insurance companies are cottoning on to the fact that young drivers are using their parents names as the main driver. I don't know what there doing about it as the article didn't say but if I was you, if your legit with your insurance you will have no problems claiming if you do have an accident!

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I know its different, because I'm a girl, but I started on my own as well and although I've had ups and downs with my insurance, at least its my policy - and not my parents policy, because I'd have been gutted if I'd have lost my Dad his NCB because of people aiming for me.

Personally, if I were you, I would start with your own policy - I know its expensive, but building up your no claims will help you instead of building up your no claims on your Mums policy.... :thumbsup:

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Yeah, as above...

Another good reason is that if something happens (and I hope it doesn't) then you will have the piece of mind that your insurance is all present and correct - its one less reason for them not to be able to screw you out of money...

Bite the bullet this time, go for the full year, and then you should see the rewards over the next few years.


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How many cars are in your household ? Does your mum drive another car aswell ?

If she does drive another car, then legally she can't insure both of them under her name putting her name down as the main driver.

What she can do is get a second policy for your car in her name and put you down as the main driver. This has the benefit of being cheaper for you put also building up your ncb.

I know this because I am the policy holder for both our cars but my other half is down as the main driver of her car. On the insurance renewal paper it says my car has 65% ncb and her car has 50% ncb (i've been insuring her car for the last 3yrs.... before that she was a named driver).

It works out cheaper for me to insure both cars than it does for her to get her own insurance out-right..... at the moment anyway.....

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I would strongly suggest your own insurance if you can afford it, if your mum is already insured on another car, her NCB will only count on one car so make sure your quotes arent with like 5 years NCB or anything

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I passed my test when i was 18 and like you i was getting quotes of around £2000 in my name, i chose to go in my Dads name and it saved me over a grand, couldnt jusifty a years no claims against saving £1000...

I stayed on my Dads insurance for 18 months, and once i turned 20, i got my GXI, and have now insured that in my name, as i wanted to mod it :D plus a lot of insurers wouldnt insure the car with me as a named driver, they would only quote me with it in my name :wacko:

I'd suggest if you can afford to insure it in your name, do it :thumbsup:

just waiting for when im 21 and with a years no claims (Hopefully :) ) should see the premium drop quite a bit then :D


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How many cars are in your household ? Does your mum drive another car aswell ?

If she does drive another car, then legally she can't insure both of them under her name putting her name down as the main driver.

Cant see this being true sorry, we have 2 cars both are insured under my wifes name, we use them aprox 50/50 so neither is main driver. I asked the insurance company when we got 2nd and they said it didnt mater as long as we were both on policy if we used them 50/50.

Also I work with people who live on there own and have 2 cars, 1 for commuting and general running around, one for playing in ie evo 9. If it was illegal how would he insure both cars.

Going back to the original poster. Personely I would go with your mum as main driver and save the money until you are 25, I hate giving insurance companies large ammounts of money as they are allowed to dream up stupid figures and get away with robbing people all the time.

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Cant see this being true sorry, we have 2 cars both are insured under my wifes name, we use them aprox 50/50 so neither is main driver. I asked the insurance company when we got 2nd and they said it didnt mater as long as we were both on policy if we used them 50/50.

Also I work with people who live on there own and have 2 cars, 1 for commuting and general running around, one for playing in ie evo 9. If it was illegal how would he insure both cars.

Two people can not legally drive two cars on one insurance policy... if both cars were to have an accident on the same day at the same time then I doubt the insurance company will cough up for both. Each car must have a main driver down on the certificate of insurance.

As for your friend, he will only be driving one car at a time so therefore will be covered.... but I would be betting that while one of them will be fully comp the other is third party (i'm sure blue84 may be able to confirm this or not).

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I would strongly suggest your own insurance if you can afford it, if your mum is already insured on another car, her NCB will only count on one car so make sure your quotes arent with like 5 years NCB or anything

That's worth looking into, never heard of that before. I've been told by absolutely loads of people that it was completely legit though, I wouldn't mess around with insurance to save money, there's too much to lose. I'll see if I can find a phone number & phone some1 who'll be able to talk me through the legal side.

Assuming things are as I thought they were though, if I went on my own name & built up my NCB, would it be much cheaper when I turned 25 if I had 5 yrs NCB? I dont want to spend say an average £200/year extra over the next 5 years then pay the same when I turn 25 as I would have if I saved that money by staying on my mum's.

There is also the worry that (as DA mentioned) if I have an accident that's my fault, I dont want it affecting my mum's premiums. If I make a mistake & have to suffer concequences, I can live with that & put it down to life experience, I don't think I could deal with some1 else having to suffer due to my :censor: ups though. How does it work if my mum was a named driver on my insurance & I had a crash? The fact that it is so much cheaper must surely mean that it would affect her's somehow mustn't it?

This is ruining me :ffs: :unsure::wacko:

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Like I said, ask your mum to take out a second policy for your car and put you down as the main driver. It will save you loads of money and build up your ncb at the same time.

If your mum was a named driver on your insurance then hers would be unaffected in the event you were to have an accident (unless she was driving and claimed on her own insurance).

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Cant see this being true sorry, we have 2 cars both are insured under my wifes name, we use them aprox 50/50 so neither is main driver. I asked the insurance company when we got 2nd and they said it didnt mater as long as we were both on policy if we used them 50/50.

Also I work with people who live on there own and have 2 cars, 1 for commuting and general running around, one for playing in ie evo 9. If it was illegal how would he insure both cars.

Two people can not legally drive two cars on one insurance policy... if both cars were to have an accident on the same day at the same time then I doubt the insurance company will cough up for both. Each car must have a main driver down on the certificate of insurance.

As for your friend, he will only be driving one car at a time so therefore will be covered.... but I would be betting that while one of them will be fully comp the other is third party (i'm sure blue84 may be able to confirm this or not).

Who said i as on one policy, the original thing I was questioning was someone stated that it was illegal for one person to have 2 polcies, my wife has 2 policies one for ech car.

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Another insurance question -

My mate says because I'm fully comp and the main driver on my insurance, I can drive any car and be covered by my insurance third party fire and theft.

Is this true?

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Like I said, ask your mum to take out a second policy for your car and put you down as the main driver. It will save you loads of money and build up your ncb at the same time.

Yeah, that's 1 of my options, but that will cost me over double the money if I did it when I renewed next month. I'm just trying to decide whether to do that or go on my mum's as an additional driver until I'm 25 when it will drop by itself, possibly saving myself a good few hundred quid every year until then.

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Another insurance question -

My mate says because I'm fully comp and the main driver on my insurance, I can drive any car and be covered by my insurance third party fire and theft.

Is this true?

Yeah, I believe so

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Another insurance question -

My mate says because I'm fully comp and the main driver on my insurance, I can drive any car and be covered by my insurance third party fire and theft.

Is this true?

Yeah, I believe so

Sort of, if you have fully comp cover, and OVER 25!, MOST insurance companys will cover you THIRD PARTY ONLY on any other car, but it is designed for emergancies only, not just whenever you want to try a different car

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Another insurance question -

My mate says because I'm fully comp and the main driver on my insurance, I can drive any car and be covered by my insurance third party fire and theft.

Is this true?

Depends on your policy - I'm fully comp and main driver, but I'm not allowed to drive any car. Your policy will tell you and it varies from policy to policy...

And I believe you'd be insured third party only, not third party fire & theft! :thumbsup:

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Another insurance question -

My mate says because I'm fully comp and the main driver on my insurance, I can drive any car and be covered by my insurance third party fire and theft.

Is this true?

Yeah, I believe so

Sort of, if you have fully comp cover, and OVER 25!, MOST insurance companys will cover you THIRD PARTY ONLY on any other car, but it is designed for emergancies only, not just whenever you want to try a different car

Ah, now that makes sense, I never understood why that was but if its just an emergency thing its understandable

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How many cars are in your household ? Does your mum drive another car aswell ?

If she does drive another car, then legally she can't insure both of them under her name putting her name down as the main driver.

What she can do is get a second policy for your car in her name and put you down as the main driver. This has the benefit of being cheaper for you put also building up your ncb.

I know this because I am the policy holder for both our cars but my other half is down as the main driver of her car. On the insurance renewal paper it says my car has 65% ncb and her car has 50% ncb (i've been insuring her car for the last 3yrs.... before that she was a named driver).

It works out cheaper for me to insure both cars than it does for her to get her own insurance out-right..... at the moment anyway.....

I would strongly suggest your own insurance if you can afford it, if your mum is already insured on another car, her NCB will only count on one car so make sure your quotes arent with like 5 years NCB or anything

Right, been asking pretty much every1 I know about what they advise me to do & explaining the situation & 1 of my mates ("DeejDaMechanic" on here) suggested phoning the police & asking them, so I did & they were very useful.

They told me that it was perfectly legal for my mum to be the main driver on 2 cars & that her NCB would be valid on both. They also said that it might be better to do what I did last year & keep it cheap until a few years down the line when I'll probably have a bit more cash to play around with & be a bit older. I'm still thinking about building up my NCB though so still as undecided as ever but at least now I know that whatever I chose, I wont face any repercussions if certain things happen.

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I'd go on your own insurance.

I did it the hard way, i got a Saxo VTR as my first car , never even thought about the insurance, but it was £2k luckily i had enough so i paid for the year in advance. Sold it later and got some of my £2k back.

Now i'm 25 i have 6 years no claims and just renewed my insurance on my Yaris @ £333.

One funny point, the guy said "now you are 25 you can drive other peoples cars but it will only be 3rd party f&t".

Funny as i have been driving other peoples cars for the last 3 years lol.

Anyway go and get it in your name, you will need to in the end, might as well be now.

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I'd go on your own insurance.

I did it the hard way, i got a Saxo VTR as my first car , never even thought about the insurance, but it was £2k luckily i had enough so i paid for the year in advance.  Sold it later and got some of my £2k back.

Now i'm 25 i have 6 years no claims and just renewed my insurance on my Yaris @ £333.

One funny point, the guy said "now you are 25 you can drive other peoples cars but it will only be 3rd party f&t".

Funny as i have been driving other peoples cars for the last 3 years lol.

Anyway go and get it in your name, you will need to in the end, might as well be now.

Any idea what it would be with no NCB with 6 yrs experience & no points or accidents? This is the kind of info that I need because I'll be able to use that as a rough guidance to what I could be paying. Tbh, I think I'd rather pay around the £500 mark for the next 5 years then have to pay £1000 or whatever to build my NCB when it drops a bit than pay over £1000 this year, then a couple of hundred quid less over the next 5 years.

If you could get a quote off your insurance company as if you have had no NCB over the last 6 years I'd be extremely grateful :thumbsup:

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