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Subforum - Yaris Mk2

Caz SR

Subforum - Yaris MK2  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think there should be one?

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Well, it wouldn't hurt any if the forum sat there for a while until more people joined who had the new Yaris. At least TOC would be ready for them.

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It shouldn't happen, but it does - I mean look at the whole P1/P2 stuff - and that is quite literally the same car!

You have said they would be made outsiders but said P1/P2 have the same thing going on WITHOUT the subforum proving a subforum makes no difference :wacko:

Thank you - a subforum makes no difference, you've hit the nail on the head there - so why are we even bothering with one in the first place?

My point was, that its bad enough with the P1/P2 debate, with those being more or less the same car, it'll be even worse for these people, mainly, like I say because most people think the Mk2 is "crap".

You comparison with T-Sport owners is very shoddy - most people think very highly of the T-Sport, in fact how many people say "I wish I owned a T-Sport"? Therefore of course people arent going to say anything derogatory about them or tell them to post in their own area (why they even have one is totally beyond me!), but then you still get the P1/P2 T-Sport debate - yada yada yada....

Mk2's have been belittled, trounced upon and basically slagged off by the majority of this forum since the day they were introduced.... my point is that if they dont have a sub-forum, there will be less of the "bugger off to your own forum" route as we will all have to get along together, thats all I want - less of the mickey-taking and more of the helping each other!

Heck, I just want everyone to get along and share experiences, I can foresee problems with this sub-forum and I basically think its an awful idea! I'll keep fighting this and voicing my opinions till we get a decision either way. Like I said, TOC is a democracy and I'm happy to go with whatever the bosses decide, but I've been here over two years now, people dont like different cars "My P1's better than your P2" etc etc, for whatever reason, people dont like it - maybes its insecurity, maybe its jealousy, maybe people think they are better than other people, I dont know! I fear that this will be ever so exxagerated for Mk2 owners and the more help and support all Yaris members can give them, the better IMO! :thumbsup:

I likes a good debate I does! lol

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I'm not trying to cause arguments just enjoying discussion (before we get told off) but yeah i don't think creating or not creating a subforum will change peoples views on the MKII :wacko: I totally agree we should all get on together BUT just because the guys cant tell the MKII owners to go to their own section, if they are going to be rude anyway they will still make them feel unwelcome and give the impression that we were here first or whatever. I agree they need to be welcomed REGARDLESS of whether we like OR dislike the MKII BUT i dont feel that a subforum will affect that side of things. I meant a subforum will make no difference to the banter that may or may not occur but that doesn't mean its pointless for other reasons. As pointed out by the others, and one was which was my original argument, is that they will be able to find information specific to them and can still come for a yaris chat in the main section. I can see what you mean by the yaris main section being MKI and them having a seperate subforum being wrong as we should both have subforums if one does! (but then that leads to a whole different discussion)

Also the other side would be the MKII owners may want a subforum themselves. They may want an area they can discuss MKII only points and therefore us not removing them from us in anyway more them asking politely for a section.

Therefore i think a wait untill we have atleast a half dozen MKII owners that are frequent users and support a growing group to then bring up a similar debate so we can ask the people who will actually use this! That seem fair?

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Hey, I'm not arguing (honest I'm not!) :lol: Its something I feel very strongly about, hence I will speak my mind on it (and probably wont shut up about it either - sorry!)

I fully understand the points for this sub-forum with regards to searching for topics - basically I just dont want to end up alienating people who drive the same car as we do, just because its a little different!

I think its really important that we put these Mk1/Mk2 differences aside to welcome new members, because at the end if the day, regardless what any one says - It's the same car!! :P - its still a Yaris and therefore, in my opinion, we should all respect each other, regardless of car choice.

If when the time comes, Mk2 owners are happy to have their own sub-forum, well, so be it, who am I to stand in the way - but until that day comes, I think its a silly idea for all those reasons stated above that I can't be bothered to repeat! :lol:

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Nothing like a good old friendly banter :lol:

But the MKI and MKII ARE completely different cars - else it would have been called the MKI P3 :yes:

I guess :lol::lol:

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Dont talk codswallop David...

If it was a different car, it'd be called the Toyota Codswallop or something.... :lol:

Its a YARIS, end of discussion! ;)

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Hehe this discussions fun :D I think i found myself a discussion buddy :P But yeah i think we met on pretty much even grounds now DA. Except ... (dont you love these bits :P) ... ITS NOT THE SAME CAR :P Its bigger, newer, different chassis?, only one engine the same....only thing that makes it the same car is toyota's lazyness to come up with a new engine and name. I am trying to give up P2 and MKII hating (for lent or something) and so i dont have anything against them i shall voice, but the MKII is different. I would doubt many parts it shares are similar. I mean like even a strut brace from MKI may not fit MKII or the likes so something like that would be more useful if seperate forum. BUT we shall now just wait and let these MKII owners show there faces (if they dare....sorry i couldn't help it!....there alright cars i spose) and they can decide.

PS If i start P2/MKII hating you guys gotta remind me that there is sooo much worse on the roads and to stop being so narrow minded :P They aren't so bad if we really think about it. (Guys if i can stop being P2 nasty so can you lot :P)

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The P1 & P2 thing is boring anyway now, we've got one of each and the only thing that makes one better than the other is that ones a 1.5 T-Sport against a 1.3 Yaris Blue, they are different sure but they're still Yarii!

I like forums to be laid out like this (meaning TOC in its present state) with a sub-forum for some specs of cars, as I think it's been said the T-Sport section does have a fair share of tuning threads but we wouldnt say to someone new who posts a "Hi I'm a new member with a T-Sport thread" in this section to go straight into their own sub-forum surely?? It's a benefit to have sub-forums but not a necessity IMO unless there was enough MK2 owners here who, as a majority, request one and have the absolute need for one. The T-Sport sub-forum had a need and therefore it is used. The Yaris has evolved obviously which is why there is a MK2..to look at it from some angles it has a lot of the P1/P2 characteristics and then from others it looks all different..same goes for P2 from P1 - evolving! So really keeping all the discussions in this area wouldnt be a bad thing either IMO :thumbsup:

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I'm not disputing that its different.... but its still a Yaris.... :P

The fact they havent chosen a new name is because the Yaris name is popular, why call it the Toyota Coswallop if the Yaris name sells?

Now, this is like saying that any mark of any car isnt worth the name.... is a Mk1 MR2 better or worse than the Mk2 or 3? Thats up to individual opinion naturally, but its still a MR2! The Mk3 MR2 looked totally different to the Mks 1&2, does that make it less of an MR2? Again thats up to individual opinion, but its still an MR2 by name and still deserving of respect (and a place in this fine forum!)

The whole "Its not a Yaris" argument is flawed - of course its a Yaris, the name kinda gives it away! ;)

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Again your basically saying its just been called that as it sells not because its similar. So therefore proving different car with just a selling name :P MR-S different to MR2 so given different name :P Im not debating it deserving a place as of course it does, just im saying maybe it deserves its own one when enough owners turn up. Like i said i think we are pretty much in agreement as a majority that the MKII owners section would be appropriate when/if they turn up. However of course its up to them who we will ask when the time comes (unless they beat us there). Obviously untill then we will make them as welcome as possible (which should be a continuation of how welcome we make anyone to this forum regardless)

I like this constructive discussion without the need to get all arguing! Breath of fresh air!

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I'm a big fan of constructive discussion, I think its very healthy, especially when, like me, its you vs the world! :lol:

I have not once said that the new Yaris is similar to the old, I have always said that it is a very different car, the Yaris has grown up and now appeals to different people - now personally, I dont see that as a bad thing, a lot of people do, but I'm very open-minded, I find that is the best way to be!

And as I said, if Mk2 owners want their own place, heck, I'd usher them there if thats what they wanted and there was enough demand for one! But right now, thats not the case - I fully believe in doing things if people want them, not just for your own selfish gain, if anything we should let future Mk2 members decide on what they want, not sit here and decide for them! :yes:

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Boy this is fun :P

Can I just point out thought that the majority of people saying 'non' are people that haven't modded there car 'In such' (sssh Em) ;)

Finding information on x, y, and z is difficult already, but with two different methods to x, y and z is going to make it alot worse.

Im sure everybody knows that installing a new HU is going to be different between the MKI and the MKII and so are alot of other things, where as the MKI P1 & P2 are EXACTLY the same.

I say give them the sub forum and chuck all the reviews in there too.

There is a reason why things are put into categories :yes:

To make things easier to find

Maybe us old guys should should get a subforum and the new guys get the front page (as I see it)

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Yeah i think we reached the happy medium of one being valid but to not enforce untill we have some people who would fill it AND who actually want it! Agreeing open minded is the best way to be but i still have opinions i just try not to impose them but do voice them (can sometimes be confused by wrong interpretation or by me in the first place) But yeah i think we are pretty much agree'd its the MKII owners choice to make not ours and untill then to welcome them with open arms :D

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Dont talk codswallop David...

If it was a different car, it'd be called the Toyota Codswallop or something.... :lol:

Its a YARIS, end of discussion! ;)

It's a Yaris in name only, though. It has been done before!

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where as the MKI P1 & P2 are EXACTLY the same.

Wow - thanks for enlightening me with that amazing fact Dave.... I had no idea! ;) Maybe you could spread the word around, because I'm sure people would love to know.... :lol:

So what if the majority of people saying "non" (are we in France now then? :lol: ) havent modded their car - what does that have to do with it? I think you'll find that a few people who said "non" have indeed modded their cars, so what that has to do with the Mk2 Yaris beyond me....

How do you know that installing a HU in a Mk2 will be incredibly different? Surely the wires will be the same, ok a different fascia perhaps, but thats where we learn from each other and help each other.... :group-cuddles:

And since when are you an "old guy", you've not even been here a year sweetheart - thats not old - heck, even I'm not old and I've had a two-year sentance! ;)

This is a grown up place.... not the playground where the spotty kids (such as my car! :lol: ) are only allowed in one corner of the playgroud and the posh kids are allowed in the other - lets all be friends! :D

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By "old guys" I was refering to all us MKI owners ..... but hey :rolleyes:

And stop picking apart what I write :P

Plus where's the Yaris Verso forum :lol::lol::lol:

*I'll shut up now lol

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No yaris verso as no demand hence the need to wait to see if we get a MKII demand. As they have been selling like hotcakes (so people have been saying) it seems they will be more and therefore more likely a chance we shall see some people on here.

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And stop picking apart what I write :P

How hypocritical are you, Mr Pick-at-everything-Em-says! :lol::lol::lol:

Well, it really is me against the world! :lol: So I've said my piece and thats that, I'll let someone else have a go now! ;)

I think I've made my views clear though.... :lol:

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If it was a different car, it'd be called the Toyota Codswallop or something.... :lol:

I'm not disputing that its different

Aye, super dooper! :rolleyes:

I say give them a forum of their own! If we don't they'll come onto the main Yaris bit and see that everyone owns a MKI and then they'll think they don't belong here and leave more than likely! :yes::thumbsup:

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If it was a different car, it'd be called the Toyota Codswallop or something.... :lol:

I'm not disputing that its different

Aye, super dooper! :rolleyes:

I say give them a forum of their own! If we don't they'll come onto the main Yaris bit and see that everyone owns a MKI and then they'll think they don't belong here and leave more than likely! :yes::thumbsup:

Jesus H! Is it Pick-on-Em day or what? :rolleyes:

Yes it is a "different" car, but its still a Yaris, its just natural evolved.... ;)

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bad idea, but i do agree the TS area is best kept aside as more tuning is catered for the TS and so far this is helping normal and tuning threads to stay appart

ive seen a system on IMOC where people in the thread title put

[Mk2 Turbo] Best oil...

or in case of yaris

[Mk1 P1] Wheel fitments?

[Mk1 P2] Why do my headlamps look weird?

and so on....

only means one forum, but you can instantly see the type of car they require answers for, so you can steer clear if need be???

just a thought

I pity the moderators who would have to enforce that... Try explaining to an average yaris owner that their car is Mk1 P2 and they will run a mile from the forum...

IMO A Mk2 forum is more suitable sub forum than T-Sport forum as it is eseentialy a totally different car.

Tuning threads are distinguishable from others by reading the topic!

its not enforced or devised by anyone who owns the forum

its a mutual method that was developed by the members and works incredibly well

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:group-cuddles: Group cuddles for Em :group-cuddles:

All these people that have said "no" are being very quite Em :unsure:

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:group-cuddles: Group cuddles for Em :group-cuddles:

All these people that have said "no" are being very quite Em :unsure:

I think I'm vocal enough for the lot of them.... dont you? :lol:

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Not owning a Yaris (so doesn't really affect me), but I think that for the time being the Yaris forum should be left as it is at present.

Give it a year or so and ask the same question again once there are a few more MKII's about and maybe the results might be abit different.

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The reasion I say the Mk1 and Mk2 are different cars is because many of the working of the Mk2 will becompletely different than the Mk1... So It is important to distinguish posts between the two otherwise people will be getting the wrong information.

Yes it's a yaris but it could quite easily have been called corolla and (because it's based on a yaris) you wouldnt be arguing that it is the same car. It is a different car and will have different questions, different electrics and imo it is important to distinguish between the 2.... wheras t-sport is much the same as any other yaris!

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