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Just A Quick Question...


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ihate to say it but tocs not what it was anymore, seems like funs not allowed and frowned upon. i personally think things could be loosesned up a bit more, look at sites like sxoc seriously busy and rulkes are there but u canpost what u want, if its deemd unsuitable it is juet posted in gold section.

Lou has a point the site has become to pink and fluffy, and there is no pain illness in the world, whihc is not the case

i still love toc been here for years and years, but, and i know im not just speaking for myself but im loosing interest, and the site has slowed right down, the genberal page used to move pages a day now we are lucky if it moves one page

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:lol::lol: Nice to see more established members pouncing on a relatively new member, It makes me all warm and fuzzy to see how people get treated on a family site...

ahhh fear her she has a new point or view and has asked a question!!! ahhhh we dont like it!!! :help:

Sorry hon but lou lou isnt exactly a 'new' member, even the term 'relatively' really... she has been around here for a little while (495 posts isnt overly new at all) and so knows whats going on.

As for the 'treated' well to be honest, I personally wouldnt have said much apart from 'cause its to respect all members' or somesuch to her original comment for it was a fair comment... it was more the telling non car owners to

P1$$ off :P
that narked me... blatently bypassing the swear filter (one of the items put in place to adhere to the policy of 'family friendly') whether said in jest or not, coupled with previous posts in threads etc I have read, I got the impression it was said for effect... a 'rebellious streak' perhaps rather than totally in jest...however I could be wrong, forums are notorious for being able to interpret things in a multitude of ways.

As for a 'new point or view' or the 'question' well I guess my above sentence sorta explains that a bit... if you cant respect the rules of a forum, perhaps it isnt the best place for you to be, you wont enjoy it and others probably wont... over moderated or not (not overly IMO). I understand she is your friend etc, and Im sure a nice person having not met her... but just because people dont tend to agree with what she thinks doesnt necessarily mean they are 'pouncing' on her... some people added genuine comments here... others took it a little closer to their emotions...

I do agree there are elements of TOC im not such a big fan of.. but hey.. I go along with it as it has done me well in the past.... but I dont think its got to the 'pink n fluffy' stage just yet... I too have lost a little interest... but I'll do what I can while its still alive :P even tho I spend a bit more time on other forums these day..

*shrugs... boils down to end of day.... respect your setting... it will respect you?

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I dont think its got to the 'pink n fluffy' stage just yet

respect your setting... it will respect you?

Tee hee .. If that's not the pinkest, fluffiest thing I've heard.

That rivals this in the league table of pink fluffy things


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why have you lost a bit of interest in the forum?

forme its beacuase its over moderated, i have anew avatr its on every other forum im on but not toc as i know people will throw toys out of pram and have hissy fits over it.

I know swear filters are there for a reason but if you can show me a kid who can use a computer but dosnt swear ill eat my yokohamas

toc needs to chillax

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understand she is your friend etc

Not to be funny HUN :rolleyes: but I have never met Lou_Lou So I dont know where you got that from.

I find the fact that you had to write such a novel to my comment funny as you obviously needed to justify yourself. And maybe did not like me pointing out that people where having a pop...

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I dont think its got to the 'pink n fluffy' stage just yet

respect your setting... it will respect you?

Tee hee .. If that's not the pinkest, fluffiest thing I've heard.

That rivals this in the league table of pink fluffy things


Didn't take you long to get that image Ben ;)

or is it on "My favorites"? :P :lol:

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Fair enough maybe she isnt your friend... I read that wrong.. and I take it back...

and Ben.. wasnt meant to be 'fluffy' (and what a grim pic)... its my take on things.. you get out what you put in .. but hey if you think thats 'pink n fluffy' thats your preogative.. each to their own...

Lord Ed... (if directed at me) I have lost interest because there isnt as much going on as there used to be... I find myself ignoring many of the posts as I see them as a bit pointless and boring...... not to mention being members of other forums... there can often be a lot of duplicate content going on... I still attend meets, I still hang out with my mates around the North, but find myself more active on other forums (possible due to the fact they are newer to me than TOC)...

I also guess its because it doesnt matter what anyone says... for or against a particular topic/discussion/arguement/debate... there are always those who throw their toys out of the pram... and it gets a bit samey and irritating...

but thats just my own personal thoughts on the matter.

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Nah, "pink" and "fluffy" into Google images (now looking at the corsets in the first link .. hubba hubba )

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I cant believe I just wasted 2 minutes of my lunchtime reading this thread, let alone another one replying...

But just wanted to say the only points made in this thread i agree with is:

TOC isnt the same as it once was

As for the reasons why, well I, like others, have my own views on that and we'll leave it there...

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I cant believe I just wasted 2 minutes of my lunchtime reading this thread, let alone another one replying...

But just wanted to say the only points made in this thread i agree with is:

TOC isnt the same as it once was

As for the reasons why, well I, like others, have my own views on that and we'll leave it there...

Admit it though, it's the longest time in a while that you have actually read a post through ;)

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I honsetly think for a site this busy and this large TOC does very well... peopel are always going to disagree with other people, and it is impossible to keep 100% of people happy all the time, the more people ane opinions thrown into the mix, the larger the differenced of opinions will be..

I have seem sites fall apart with bickering and squabbling that are far smaller.

For a forum pushing 30k members, everything seems to run pretty smoothly.. there is a fairly laid back atmosphere, and people do genuinely seem friendly... (I still remember thet fact that at my first jae show I was a member for two days and was treated like an old friend... I even rushed back to the car when it had started to rain to find that other people have cover it up for me, with a cover bought along especially by ken!)

As for the "cruz" site thing, I don't think it will happen.. yes there are a lot of the types of cars that "cruzers" liek about, and the mk1 yaris is now cheap and in first car territoy, so that can always increase things... but I think there are enough sensible people on here that will give "just the right" amount of negative response in the right circumstances to try and weed that out

I visit a lot of forums and still think TOC is one of the best :thumbsup:

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quite an accurate observation there Les ;)

In the immortal words of jack Nickelson in Mars Attacks..

why can't we all just get along?


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quite an accurate observation there Les ;)

In the immortal words of Jack Nickelson in Mars Attacks..

why can't we all just get along?

Wasn't that shortly before they nuked him to a pile of dust? :lol: (Ahhh! see what you mean ;) )

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Can I just say that although I don’t agree with the P.O. comment of Lou Lou, I have to admit this is the longest I have been involved in a Toc post for quite a while.

It will be a shame if she leaves because of the diverse and interesting replies in this post, to be honest I quite enjoyed the varied responses for and against and at the end of the day I would still accept a beer off any of you when we meet at JAE (hint :rolleyes::lol: )

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If anyone thinks kids (especially 16 year olds) these days haven't seen pretty much everything.. then they're kidding themselves.

I just get fed up with people getting incredibly offended by pretty much everything. A forum should be a place where people can express whatever opinions they have and say what they like.. isn't that half the point? When you get people removing stuff because they're worried that some people might get a bit upset IMO that

Although I can't speak for everyone else, I'm sure that there are quite a few people that agree...

Some guy beats up a car with as stick and its banned?? hmmmm but yet we can all go on about doing speeds inexcess of the speed limit and thats OK. Anything to do with religion is banned, as we might upset the minorities, If someone has stuck an ironing board on their Yaris everyone says 'each to their own' when really they should say it looks !Removed! but we cant as it would offend even though its the truth!!

If we are catering for people who dont own cars and families then surely when someone takes the mickey out of a Nova , dont they need banning, as like you have pointed out this is family site and it might offend people who also like Vauxhall as well as toyota's!!!!

I understand about keeping this site the way it is but sometime Mods use there own opinions to ban or block things just because they cant handle a bit of banter. We are all adults lets not get caught in this PC trap!

One last thing someone said this sites busy, well I dont know about the rest of you but most questions and posts are made by around 30 people with Bibbs being the most common. Maybe thats the problem you thinks its bigger than it is! Dont bother with any member stats as they dont matter, just because your a member does not mean you contribute!

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TOC has changed quite drastically, I remember when everybody would post to everything and have a really good laugh...

Whether it be from the Club outgrowing itself due to the loarge segregations between different models or purely the number of people who do post on this site I don't know, I don't post on here much anymore as there isn't much to post a reply to (plus I don't have a Toyota anymore) but still like to keep in touch with friends who I've made over the years I've been on TOC.

Things do need ot loosen up a little bit and personally I do miss the nonsense posts that we all used to laugh at but hey ho that s just me.

As for non-swearing and run as a family forum, I think it should be, TOC has a good reputation and professional image due to the hard work that goes on behind the scenes, that I don't think should change.

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Gotta agree there Ryan :)

I too miss the randomness of nonsense posts that used to occur... that didnt -have- to contain swearing or violence to amuse :P

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If anyone thinks kids (especially 16 year olds) these days haven't seen pretty much everything.. then they're kidding themselves.

I just get fed up with people getting incredibly offended by pretty much everything. A forum should be a place where people can express whatever opinions they have and say what they like.. isn't that half the point? When you get people removing stuff because they're worried that some people might get a bit upset IMO that

Although I can't speak for everyone else, I'm sure that there are quite a few people that agree...

Some guy beats up a car with as stick and its banned?? hmmmm but yet we can all go on about doing speeds inexcess of the speed limit and thats OK. Anything to do with religion is banned, as we might upset the minorities, If someone has stuck an ironing board on their Yaris everyone says 'each to their own' when really they should say it looks !Removed! but we cant as it would offend even though its the truth!!

If we are catering for people who dont own cars and families then surely when someone takes the mickey out of a Nova , dont they need banning, as like you have pointed out this is family site and it might offend people who also like Vauxhall as well as toyota's!!!!

I understand about keeping this site the way it is but sometime Mods use there own opinions to ban or block things just because they cant handle a bit of banter. We are all adults lets not get caught in this PC trap!

One last thing someone said this sites busy, well I dont know about the rest of you but most questions and posts are made by around 30 people with Bibbs being the most common. Maybe thats the problem you thinks its bigger than it is! Dont bother with any member stats as they dont matter, just because your a member does not mean you contribute!

I think you'll find that talking about the use of excessive speed on the TOC forums is not looked upon favourably, and I have no worries about telling them if they put an ironing board on their Yaris or whatever, that it looks ****.

If they take offence, then they can just ignore me, as it's their car, and they can do whatever the hell they like to it!

I personalyl think you're half right with your comment on the number of people posting.

Although there is a large membership within TOC, not everyone use the website.

There are those that will post now and then, and those who will only post about their make of car, in the specific forums.

Then there are those of us, who post like there's no tomorrow - as you said, a core of about 30 people, or maybe more.

As Charlie said, there will always be differing opinions, and bickering, but then you'd expect that with as many people as there are in TOC. Hell, there will probably be people you don't like, but who really cares? I'm not gonna stop coming on here, going to meets and shows, just because I don't get on with a person.

TBH, I haven't met one person yet that I don't like, but then I am a huggable teddybear. :D

I've only been here for a year or so, so I didn't have experience of TOC of old.

I visit another forum on a regular basis though, which is even more so heavily moderated than this. Then there are those where anything goes!

You need to draw a line though, as apart form looking out for other members, you will more than likely alos have to keep the hosting company happy, with the content you are putting online. ;)

Happy days all. ;)

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This is exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about with TOC..

Someone makes a take the p**s remark like I did before (if you don’t have a car p**s off).. and everyone’s far too quick to storm in and take offence.. that comment was clearly meant as exactly that –just being cheeky, hence the :P

This is exactly the kind of thread that should make a forum.. IMO the first I have seen (in a while, if at all) in the time that I’ve been here where people have actually got up and said exactly what they think, which is kind of half the point I was trying to make before –that that doesn’t happen often enough.

Fair enough, if not everyone agrees with me that the moderating on this forum is a too harsh at times. It’s not like I’m saying we should let people get away with racist/sexist comments or whatever.. I’m just saying I feel like all too often people get a bit too carried away with being far too PC.

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i cant believe this. i close a thread because it contained a link to some asshat who was swearing and jumping around like and complete and utter ******* and then goes and smashes up a random PT cruiser which someone is driving at the time. IMHO is stupid and down right dangerous. hence the reason why it got removed and closed.

special red if your not happy with it PM me directly and we can discuss the matter further. as for some of the comments said above, i do agree with some of them. but on the other hand us mods have been given a job to do and we have been told what we have to do and keep an eye out for and thats what i was doing. the exact same video was posted a good few weeks ago and it was removed then as well

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Ok.. I don't know if that first part was aimed at me or not.. I didn't see the film through the link in the previous thread so I can't comment on that.

I wasn't in anyway having a go at the moderators on TOC, I understand that you guys are only doing what you have been asked to do..

Anyway.. like people have said the way the forum is run, whether I (or anyone else) likes it or not, thats the way it is :(

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lou lou in future maybe you should be more careful. as you have just said you didnt see the video in that thread. but this thread has obviously been brought up from that and what i said in the thread hence the reason why i said what i said.

untill some changes happen with admin or even when we get some admin (where are you) we are gonna have to put up with what we have got. and hopefully toc will get better

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Now if you want to see something that should be banned.......I'll be posting a link to a Japenese orgy video where 500 took part.....................on Gold :P :lol:

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