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  1. I swear that The Red Baron knows he's going to new home in a few days cause he just keeps on out performing all that went before! Pulled into the driveway just now after a 100 mile run and there it was on the clock... 74.5mpg!!!! Now he starts to perform after 14,500 miles... 🤩 He just keeps a tuggin' at our heart strings! 😢 We'll be sorry to see him go...
    5 points
  2. Yesterday and today I was driving the same route with the satnav off. I received spoken warnings on both days regarding traffic hold-ups a mile ahead. Both turned out to be temporary traffic lights for roadworks. Today's first set of workings only began yesterday, so I'm amazed how the clever satnav was made aware of the potential obstruction. The second set of workings were on a main road just after a sharp bend, so the warning was very helpful.
    4 points
  3. Thanks everyone you for all your useful insight....Overnight we have settled on a more reasonable £500 deposit, which I'm OK with.
    4 points
  4. Hi, just wanted to check in and say I have some eyebrow-raising updates from the last couple of days which I will detail soon but I'm just holding fire because yesterday evening (for the first time since this began) there was an indication that Toyota UK 'might' be starting to take this seriously. I'm all for giving people a fair chance to make amends for their mistakes so they have a couple of days.
    4 points
  5. It's like if you gave an ultimatum to your partner and threatened to leave. They promise to change but you know it's all false and it won't last 😉
    3 points
  6. I am personally in no hurry to get there, but it needs to happen within 5 days, because there are certain requirements about importing my birds into the EU, in relation to their Export Health Certificates and Avian Influenza testing that will be carried out on them just before we leave. That being said, i intend to take my time, but not waste it, because i do have deadlines that i have to comply with. Thank you for your reply and advice! Your words make perfect sense, so i guess that i should stop panicking. I think that it might be best if i got the coolant drained and replaced, and i will purchase some for the road too, along with oil and windscreen liquid. Thank you for your reply and advice! My parrots are African Greys and they are rather used to travelling. They have never been on the road for so long though, so i understand that i need to be very cautious about them. I normally cover their cage with a black sheet, so they do not get scared by moving objects and i only let them have visibility in my direction, because me and my voice calms them down very easily. Thank you for your reply and advice! I have driven this route a few times and although i am aware that it is very long and tiring, i pretty much know to expect, so i am not that worried about myself. The only difference is that I have always done it in an SUV, so i would simply just drive non-stop for a couple of days, with several hours of sleep during the night, but i understand that i will have to approach this very differently. Thank you for your reply and great advice! I do have the factory tire repair kit, which i have never used, so i will most certainly look into it, as it is another great back-up option on the go! I already have everything in place to comply with the legal requirements of the EU countries that i will be passing through.
    3 points
  7. from the quick testing it seems to be only the fact that the doors have been opened and closed as if someone is getting in the car then after the journey will it beep at you when turning the car off and show on the screen but then also when locking the car it beeps again.
    3 points
  8. Very nice 👍 Jealous of the wireless charger and the extra USB port. Obviously stuff you could add yourself but better official.
    3 points
  9. In addition to carrying spare oil, water etc, I'd carry a tyre inflator and a basic tool kit. If you have any issues, you'll be able to fix them yourself and keep on the move rather than have to wait for a recovery. I've done my fair share of long distance driving in the UK and abroad. Make sure you comply with the legal requirements for any of the countries you're travelling through, e.g. France (high-vis jacket, spare bulbs etc). If you've owned your Aygo for 6 years, you'll be familiar with it's limitations and ability to do the journey. There is a video on a well known site where the owner took his Citroen 2CV to Croatia. The Aygo should be more than capable of making the journey provided it's been maintained correctly.
    3 points
  10. Roy the card board was in my rav4 under the rav4 spare wheel to stop it rattling 😂😂 so I took it with me in case I need it to stop the Yaris's cross spare wheel from rattling 😵‍💫 I am a belt and braces man 😂😂😂😂 it wasn't needed in the Yaris or rav4 in the recycle bin
    3 points
  11. Assuming the route is relatively flat and there aren't loads of up-hill parts, the car should do it fairly easily. I'm more worried about you!! After long journeys my lower back and shoulders are usually aching like heck, and motorways are *really* boring to be on for a long time. It's much nicer when there's someone else in the car (Esp. if they can also drive ) Just do all the usual checks - tyre pressures, fluid levels etc; Consider bringing bottles of oil, coolant and washer fluid or making a note of places where you can find such things en route.
    3 points
  12. The You-Tube video discusses the good and the bad of the USA version of the RAV4 PHEV 2024. https://youtu.be/pVV8w8ehcfg?si=-YQlelVqdze3nQlP
    2 points
  13. Oh yeah, when you're using the radar cruise, that also activates the auto-steer mode (LTA). Normal cruise control doesn't do this though, and you can turn off the auto-steer with a short press of the button that looks like a car crossing dashed lines (Assuming the icon is the same on the Corolla wheel...)
    2 points
  14. I sure as hell hope that they are a bit more active than that upon arrival, although my birds are a bit weird and you can sometimes find them sleeping on their belly or back. The first time i saw my female sleeping on her belly though, she scared the crap out of me, because i actually thought that something had happened to her!
    2 points
  15. "Nooo! I'm a good car! Don't give me away!!" My mpg has been awful lately... just hovering around 70! I really need to stop dragging it away from the lights... I do get a weird reality disconnect when listening to car reviews and such, where 40mpg is still considered 'good' - Only my Fiesta and Mk2 were in that ball park, and the Mk2 was faulty! Both my Mk1s and the Mk4 are easily over 60mpg...! That there is any remorse just shows it was a good car; I felt sad letting go of my D4Ds, but had no such feelings with my Fiesta or the Mk2 (In fact with the Mk2 it was more a "thank smeg that's gone" feeling )
    2 points
  16. Yeah, I don't know why it's such an alien thing to people. It just makes sense to smooth out the ripple effect that runs through queues. Lorries are usually your friend as it's a PIIA for them to constantly stop and start.
    2 points
  17. I find it works best in slow traffic or Motorways or Motorway-esque A-roads. The main requirement is clear markings and no steep turns. It's useless on normal urban roads, but it's not designed for that so that's fair enough, and it's dangerous to use on some A-roads as it'll just suddenly turn off right before a steep turn, sometimes without any notification or beep and if you're not paying attention you could easily crash. If you're using it as directed (i.e. hands on the wheel and not relying on it) then this is not a problem, but I feel that does negate a lot of its usefulness. I use it extensively on long boring motorway runs to alleviate the inevitable shoulder ache that usually manifests after 2 hours of holding a steering wheel in roughly the same position!
    2 points
  18. That's good to hear. The suspension is really quite firm, but since the chassis is so rigid I find it is a real pleasure to drive. I hope you've started to enjoy it more on some smooth(ish) and bendy roads 😉 Agreed with the start-stop driving. The throttle mapping at low revs is far from ideal. Makes me miss my older cars with an old fashioned mechanical throttle cables. No lag or other hocus hocus going on!
    2 points
  19. Holding back for half a second just to let a gap build seems like a small thing but it makes so much difference! I wish more drivers would do it - It would stop traffic jams getting so severe!! Me and a Ford Fiesta managed to cruise through a massive traffic jam on the M25 on the way home; Neither of us stopped once before we turned off a junction, while everyone else was constantly stop-starting, because we were both managing the gap in front of us. I wanted to high-five my fellow long-roller but alas we were a few cars apart and in different lanes
    2 points
  20. £500 card, cheque or draft only
    2 points
  21. Yes getting used to it now thanks. Previously I had two test drives in GT86’s and they must have directed me along relatively smooth roads, and consequently the ride in the GR86 over uneven roads was a bit of a shock. Additionally my original post was written shortly after driving on the A47 near Great Yarmouth, which even the driver of a big Vauxhall taxi complained about! The backache was nothing to do with the car and the seat is very comfortable. The only problem that I have had is in a traffic jam, as it doesn’t like being driven at 800 revs in first gear as it hunts, but it was ok yesterday when I held back to create a gap so that then I was able to do 1000+ revs. That’s not going to happen very often as I usually time my driving to avoid that situation.
    2 points
  22. Isn't this for hybrid battery only, and not the 12V battery which failed in your case? 🙂
    2 points
  23. I would like to thank all the members of this forum that have contributed to my posts asking for advice relating to the numerous questions I have raised regarding my Corolla's behaviour. Alas I have now been granted a decree nisi so as to speak and am parting company with my recalcitrant child. I have no problem with modern tech providing it works and have now come to the end of my tether. I have felt like a beta tester in the short period I have owned this Corolla and I am just so tired of virtually daily hissy fits this vehicle throws at me🙁. I will not be sad to see it go.
    2 points
  24. Let's hope so. There are a lot of good advices above but I still want to tell my simple way to check if one of the wheel bearings is faulty... Turn the steering wheel slightly left and right while driving. If the sound changes or disappears, it most likely is a wheel bearing fail.
    2 points
  25. Hi Adam, the third photo does seem the boot trim is damaged then this is the prime candidate that water is coming In to the wheel well. Water can leak through poorly sealed body seams around the boot.Regarding the loose seal. The loose seal you pictured might be a contributing factor, but it depends on its location. Look for where the seal goes and if it's supposed to be attached to the roof or the window itself. A gap around the roof could allow water ingress. Double check the third brake Light seal,inspect the seal for any damage etc. Locate the drain holes and ensure they are free of dirt or debris. According to some Corolla owners, there has been reports of leaks around the brake light assemblies on older models. These leaks can cause water in the boot or spare wheel well. Check the gaskets around the lights for wear or damage.Hope this helps.
    2 points
  26. @ThomasL thanks. First time I have looked that deep 😀. I certainly jet wash and did so last week, especially under the wheel wells using a long probe. I might have done it.
    2 points
  27. I am on the VWROC forum and MK8 Golf (and most VAG car group cars)owners feel the same way so whatever you do don't buy a Mk8 Golf otherwise you will end up in a worse position.
    2 points
  28. I might have lived here well over 20 years, but I am still a Yorkshire lad at heart! 💮 (In fact, people still mention my Yorkshire accent).
    2 points
  29. Even if some parts were designed by external vendors, Toyota likely holds the overall design patents for Toyota Safety Sense and integrates different components to function as a whole system. Overall, while some technologies within Toyota Safety Sense might have third party origins,Toyota likely designed and integrated the suite as a whole. Considering this has been around since 2015 and according to many owners it still has a number of flaws. What part of the Safety Sense System does work or is the complete suite flawed. It's true the more technology being incorporated into cars the greater the chance of problems. With most technology it is prone to bugs and these are normally ironed out with updates to the software. It would appear from comments that it hasn't. As far as we should be improving drivers I think its gone way past this now. There are a few ways to improve drivers, both on an individual and a broader systemic level. Taking defensive driving courses or attending workshops on specific skills like motorway driving or handling emergencies can significantly enhance a driver's knowledge and decision making abilities. Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents. Encouraging drivers to put down their phones, avoid eating or applying makeup while driving, and minimize conversations with passengers can significantly improve focus on the road. Safe Driving Habits these include maintaining a safe following distance, obeying traffic signals and speed limits, using signals properly, and being predictable in lane changes. Vehicle Maintenance Keeping your car in good working order with regular servicing and attention to tyre pressure, lights, and brakes is crucial for safe driving. Systemic Improvements Advanced Driver training encouraging or mandating additional training for new drivers, especially young drivers, this can equip them with the skills to handle different road conditions and emergencies. Traffic Law Enforcement,strict enforcement of traffic laws, especially regarding speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving, deters risky behavior and improves overall road safety. Road Design,Well designed roads with clear signage, proper lane markings, and good visibility can minimize confusion and reduce the likelihood of accidents. Advanced Vehicle Technology Development and implementation of features like lane departure warnings, automatic emergency braking, and blind spot monitoring can assist drivers and prevent accidents.Of course with this one if it works. By focusing on both individual driver behavior and broader systemic improvements, we can create a safer driving environment for everyone on the road. All of these ideas could be implemented but who is going to pay for them. Certainly won't be the individual and the Government will sing the praises of these ideas but they wont pay for them. So catch 22. If after 9 years and Toyota and with all it's resources still can't get its safety systems working properly, it shows all the talk on driverless cars being the future is just pie in the sky.
    2 points
  30. Kids say thanks from Yorkshire wildlife park
    2 points
  31. That's interesting to hear, when the corolla first came out it was lower than my Auris and put some people off. Maybe they are bringing up the height to make it easier to get in and out.
    2 points
  32. The night of the collision which demolished the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore, I was watching the film Final Destination 5, which I had recorded some while before on my TV box. Early in the film it shows a bridge in course of repairs by maintenance crews, and a passenger on a bus travelling across the bridge has a premonition of it starting to break up and collapse, and moments later it happens for real. Eerily, the film has a close resemblance to what happened with the Baltimore bridge, except that, thankfully, the Baltimore incident happened during the night. But what made me decide to watch the film on that particular night? As I said, Spooky!!!
    1 point
  33. When I got the spare wheel out I found water in the wheel well. No sign of ingress as everything above was quite dry. The are two large bungs, not quite at the lowest point. I removed these and drained the water out. About an inch below these bung holes is something black, not sure what this is. Does the drain go to outside or to a void?
    1 point
  34. LDA and LTA are not autonomous drive systems, they are assistive technology. You take a grave (as in you may end up in one) risk if you think you can go “hands off” in any Toyota.
    1 point
  35. I very quickly became fed up of disabling they key every time, and often forgot completely, so I turned off the keyless entry permanently in the vehicle settings
    1 point
  36. That was on there when I bought my IQ in October 2022 and has been on ever since. It was at 25k and keeps getting reduced. The cost of advertising on AT probably means they have spent a few thousand just advertising it so far too. Crazy.
    1 point
  37. How are you getting on with the car? Have you got used to the suspension and found a good seating position?
    1 point
  38. Sorry for you and happy you got rid of the lemon. I personally had similar experience with another Toyota car, which I returned for refund on the very same day of collection just after 100 miles drive. Sometimes it’s simply a luck even when buying a brand new cars or devices. Another reason why I learned to keep my stuff for ever or until becomes beyond repair. Recently all my things with batteries started to misbehave and I am now refreshing my garage, started from the car with new hybrid battery installed, some devices change and looking into my phone battery replacement and a new power tools. Always describing myself as the most difficult things to change are shoes, cars and girlfriends. , you just never know what and how you will feel with the next pair of anything. 😉🫢
    1 point
  39. The Caravelle was a 2017 model, with very low mileage, so I would rate it just as “modern” as my 2021 C-HR. It is also a rigidly-built vehicle, being based on the VW Transporter. Perhaps, it having a very large load rating, the suspension would be much stiffer than that of a small SUV, and more evident of this in its service as a private passenger vehicle.
    1 point
  40. It's an MK2 Aygo and it's the classic 3rd brake light leak replace the brake light maybe something lost in the translation A whiteboard is a plastic-coated surface that you use a whiteboard marker/pen on A Blackboard (the politically correct term is chalkboard) is a coated surface you use chalk on Tracing leaks you want to use a powdered French chalk (magnesium silicate) more commonly called and sold as Talc, Talcum powder or Baby powder which is a scented version for human use
    1 point
  41. One tip information to mention, but can be useful to others, when contacting with Toyota do so through Facebook messenger. The reason is that started from there can easily and quickly lead to connecting with top top people who can help and support your enquiries. Good luck
    1 point
  42. No rear light but it does have the sun visor lights
    1 point
  43. I have about 20 sets on order, they are coming in over the next week or so, send me your contact details on PM Trev and I will put some away for you 👍
    1 point
  44. The best way to find a leak is with a whiteboard marker. Water will wash it off so you can see where it was. It does make people look at you strange when they see black (or any colour) lines drawn all over the inside of your car though. 🙂
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. As I drove away I thought, "ah damn, I forgot to ask about how much the alignment was out ". I was only given a receipt for the payment. But yeah, it was presumably out quite a bit but is perfect now, steering wheel centred and the car stays nice and straight.
    1 point
  47. The OP's IP address comes up as Australia. The Federal Government is aware that Australian safety standards are falling behind, and looking to align standards with those of the EU. So safety systems like autonomous emergency braking and possibly lane keep assist may well become compulsory on new cars in the short term.
    1 point
  48. Ahbut, I get my cornflakes and sultana bran from Tesco, (or Asda if I have a trip over the border). Being less than half the price of Kellogs, I am working on the theory that there is less cost inflating ingredients, including sugar. I might be wrong, but at my age, I ain't really bovvered. 🙂
    1 point
  49. That's one of the most infuriating things about Brexit - We've lost all the benefits but we're still operating within all the restrictions, so effectively we've ended up with the worst of both worlds!
    1 point
  50. Best is to take one in primer and go to paintshop to spray in matching colour.
    1 point
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