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Xbox 360, Ps3 Or Wii ?


Which console for you?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Which console?

    • Xbox 360
    • PS3
    • Nintendo Wii

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With the three big guns all either bringing out a next gen console (or already have), which one would you have??? (if you don't already).

Personally, I've got a Xbox 360 and from my point of view I don't see any point in getting a PS3. If the PS3 was out first, then I'd probably be saying the opposite tbh.

I used to be a sony fiend and have the original Play Station, then I moved to the Xbox (can't remember my reason), then the 360.

Also, although I do like Nintendo and have always owned Nintendo consoles in the past, again from my point of view, they've lost the plot a little!!

The Snes was an amazing machine at the time and superior to the megadrive/genesis. The N64 was ok (think the cartridge side of things let it down). The gamecube was also ok. But for whatever reason, the Nintendo consoles just don't seem to have as much developer support. They also tend to aim their machines at a younger audience.

I do like how you get Nintendo only games, ala mario etc. That's what makes a Nintendo a Nintendo in my opinion. But it's about time they aimed what they sell at a more mature audience!!

So for these reasons, I wouldn't even consider the Wii.

So to sum that up... for me... it's the 360. I think Sony missed the boat with the PS3.

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I have a 360 but will undoubtedly be buying a PS3 when that comes out for Gran Turismo as well as playing Blue Ray movies.

I won't rule out buying a Wii either simply because the controllers would be awesome for drunken nights in and they are pretty good value.

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I chose the Wii, for a few reasons really.

Sony and Microsoft seem to believe their own hype half the time, I'm not doubting they make fantastic machines, but they seem to be over-priced and over-hyped for my liking.

The PS3, for example, has been hyped up and hyped up, only for Sony to delay the release here in the UK. Too many disappointed customers in the run up to Christmas can only benefit Microsoft and Nintendo - they shot themselves in the foot. Sony will always sell well, they have a massive following and I myself am still an avid fan and supporter of the original Playstation, which to me was the defining console of my generation. I do still have one (I found my brothers old one) and I still have a few games, of which the PS also has a great collection of some of the best games available - games like Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo etc were genre defining and the sort of quality that other games aspire to be.

The XBox has always lagged behind the Playstation, so Microsoft really scored when they released the 360 last year. I still would not buy one though. Nothing against Microsoft, I just dont feel its good enough and the games after almost 12 months on sale is lackluster - Playstation had over double the amount. The quality of some of the games, granted is exceptional and you could say its quality rather than quantity, but for me, they lack decent platform games that keep someone like me amused. Games like Crash Bandicoot & Mario will keep me happy for hours

And so, to Nintendo. Ok it doesnt do HD gaming (oh boo hoo!) and its 3rd in a very difficult market, but to me it seems to be the most innovative out of the three choices. Rather than a sequel to a previous machine, its a brand new, fresh console. It looks like Nintendo have finally sat down and realised they need a SNES for the 2000's. I really believe the Wii can do it, so long as they get the launch and marketing right. It has some amazing games franchises in its catalogue.... Mario, Zelda, Sonic... it needs to utilise these. I hear the new Mario is 10 times better than Mario 64, which was the most amazing platform game in the world. Its for that reason I'm sticking with Nintendo.

Add to that the Wii will be cheaper and its a winning formula. I really seriously hope Nintendo can pull this off, otherwise I see them going the way of Sega and it'll continue to be a 2-horse-race.

Nothing against PS3 or XBox360, but the Wii deserves a chance to shine. And with a name like Wii, its gotta be laughing already! :lol: To be honest, although I'm sure the guys at Nintendo HQ didnt expect it to be comical, but I love the name, I think its great and it seems to sum up Nintendo. It doesnt take console wars seriously, and to be honest neither do I. Therefore me and my Wii will be very happy together! :yes:

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I have a 360 but will undoubtedly be buying a PS3 when that comes out for Gran Turismo as well as playing Blue Ray movies.

I won't rule out buying a Wii either simply because the controllers would be awesome for drunken nights in and they are pretty good value.

The format for movies etc hasn't been finalised yet. Hence the 360 will have a seperate HD DVD drive and the PS3 having blue ray.

Can I ask why someone currently with a 360 would consider buying a ps3?? As far as I'm aware, (without getting into a which is better arguement) the 360 is as powerfull as the ps3, if not more so?

Add to that the Wii will be cheaper and its a winning formula. I really seriously hope Nintendo can pull this off, otherwise I see them going the way of Sega and it'll continue to be a 2-horse-race.

I seriously think Sega should re-join the console wars. The megadrive was good and the Saturn was also pretty decent. Surely with all thier experiance, they could create something great??

The Sega Wonga !! ..... <<< I thought of it first sega!

Seriously tho... Sega were/are great and should consider developing something to challenge the giants.

I also don't honestly think Sony can justify the price of the PS3.


projected analysis of sales...


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think for price Id go 360 and a wii . (adds up to amount ps3 costs). Then again I got a 360 for crimbo and I am buying her the wii!! :drool:

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Sega did make a great machine, sadly game developers never took much interest in it, it wasn't the easiest of machines to code for (alledgedly) anyone ever play a Dreamcast?..had to be one of the best going, and if 3rd party games developers supported it more it would still be as huge as PS2 is at the moment.

The Nintendo Wii HAS to be the best bang for buck when it comes out, at £179 it is cracking value, and those controllers (can hardly be described as joypads) look superb... Golf games will never be the same ;)

360... speaks for itself, descent price, cracking games and at the moment the best there is....

Sony are a year behind Microsoft so the PS3 has to havesomething more to offer than the 360... seemingly it will have, it won't be sold as a games console it will be marketed as a home entertainment system.. so, it could be goodbye DVD recorder, goodbye hi-fi, and hello PS3, but i feel it's sucsess will be down to what format ends up most popular, HD or Blue Ray.. the old VHS - Beta-Max arguement resurfaces.

My youngest sone is getting a 360 from a fat guy with a red suit, my oldest has pre-ordered a Wii (he will get it the minute it is released) and he is also getting the cash for a PS3 from previously mentioned fat guy.

Me.. i'll stick to high end PC.. can't be beaten by any "console" in terms of power etc.

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Sega did make a great machine, sadly game developers never took much interest in it, it wasn't the easiest of machines to code for (alledgedly) anyone ever play a Dreamcast?..had to be one of the best going, and if 3rd party games developers supported it more it would still be as huge as PS2 is at the moment.

I agree, the Dreamcast was a great machine and miles better than the Playstation at the time of release/ Had some amazing games (Soul Caliber was a vision to watch and play!) but it wasnt supported, so it failed and died a terrible death with Sega now creating games for Nintendo.

Sega will never rejoin the console wars, too much heavy competition I feel, which is a shame.

Sony can justify the price of the PS3 because they're Sony and people will buy it whatever the price. :rolleyes:

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Had a 360 and sold it already, to be honest, wasnt impressed after all the hype...

Preordered a Wii for little madam as it has the motion controls making it easier for her to play it :D

And we're definitely getting a ps3 as soon as they are released in UK. Seen one in action and was very impressed (although it will mean Nick will be wanting a HD tv too :lol: )

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The Dreamcast was a good system, but the damage had already been done to Sega by the failure of the Saturn to compete with Playstation. Dreamcast had the beating of Playstation of course, but by the time it was released PS2 was just around the corner. 3rd party developers had seen how Saturn had failed and weren't prepared to commit to Dreamcast unless it was a success, which pretty much sealed its fate. How could it succeed if people wouldn't make games for it?

As for the current generation, I think we'll see Sony giving up some of their lead to Microsoft. The PS3 isn't significantly ahead graphically (they're different, both have strengths and weaknesses), but it does have quite a lot more CPU power... If you can utilise it, which is even harder than on 360. Its high price point and being a year late to market is going hurt, but people will buy it just because its Sony (hmm but then didn't Sega think that about Saturn... people would pay a premium because its Sega?).

I honestly don't know what Wii is going to do. So much depends on the launch titles, if there are one or two that really show the controller can work well then it could be a real success, lots of people will buy it as a 2nd console because of the controls. If nobody can demonstrate that quickly it'll flop, which'd be a shame.

As for me, PC does the genres of games that I play better than any console. I can see myself buying a Wii if it works though ;)

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I'm not just saying this because I have a 360...

but you do realise there's really no difference between the two?? (360 and ps3).

I've seen loads of camparison pictures of the same game on both consoles and so far the 360 has come out on top.

The only thing sony had was being able to run 1080 HD while the 360 was 720. Now with the live updates, the 360 can also display in the same resolution.

As for the PS3 being marketed as a complete home entertainment system.... how is it compared with the 360? The 360 will have HD DVD, it can already stream content from a PC. If you have windows media centre... all the better.

I'm not being biased here in anyway... but for someone to say they weren't impressed with the 360 to go and get a PS3 ?? .... I don't see the reason there. Unless you specifically want a black console?

The Wii will be BIG regardless....... mostly in Japan.

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I'm not just saying this because I have a 360...

but you do realise there's really no difference between the two?? (360 and ps3).

I've seen loads of camparison pictures of the same game on both consoles and so far the 360 has come out on top.

Actually I know quite a bit about the differences between the two :) PS3 is more powerful, its also harder to get the best out of (and 360 isn't exactly easy either). We haven't seen anything like the best from either of them yet, when (or indeed if) we do, PS3 will be ahead.

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The 360 will have a very secure user base by the time PS3 makes a name for itself.

But the PS3 has already made a name for itself twice in previous incarnations....

Thats why it will be the most popular console, there really is no way the XBox will compete with it - not that I'm saying it shouldnt. It deserves to be a fair playing field but it never will be when Sony is in the market....

And as has been said, most 360 owners will be getting a PS3..... it would appear to be the console to get.... which is why I'm not bothering! :lol:

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disagree . I and my housemate have owned most consoles over the years. The ps3 is not as good as the 360 for overall qualities such as online gaming etc. Then again a top notch pc kills them all!!!. But sorry to say it the 360 is the king of consoles.....also if you not noticed sony have rushed to get there consoles out as they are woried that people are swaying for the 360 over the crimbo pressie rush ;)

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360 and a DS

360 for the quality etc (also because it came out first)

DS for game play and some of nintendos classics ie Zelda, Mario, Mario Karts etc.

The PS3 is two expensive

I want just a games console nothing else ...... if I did I would buy it seperate ie Blueray player (if it takes off/beats HD)

I think Sony have only included Blueray so that they can get it into the home :yes:

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I know what people are saying tho....

PS2 owners will most probably get the PS3... simply because that's what they know.

I only really got the first Xbox because it was better than the PS2. Put a PS2 and xbox side by side running the same game and you can see the difference. If the PS3 turned out to be better than the 30, then I'd probably get that.

No doubt though, the PS3 is gonna be big mainly because the !Removed! will go crazy for it. Not saying they don't like the 360, but c'mon.... Sony... Japan... it's obvious.

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I know what you mean about the "Japan" comment... sega planned to stop production of the Deamcast.. but peer pressure in the land of the rising sun made them have a rethink, today the Dreamcast has a huge cult following in Japan and it is still one of the best selling consoles going.

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Really in this war, the UK itself isnt a major buyer - its the US and Japan that really matter, hence they get the consoles first and we have to wait....

Surprised to see I'm the only person considering a Wii over the others in the poll! Am I the only one who isnt under Sony/Microsofts evil spell? :lol:

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Is the dreamcast still going in Japan??

I only ever really saw the dreamcast once or twice, but from what I say.. it did look impressive. Pitty it went down the drain tho.

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Yep going strong in japan.. games still getting made.. you really got to see Sonic on the dreamcast.. superb... get along to gamestation, see if there is any 2nd hand ones going cheap... very retro these days.

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As far as I know Sega started re-selling refurbished models back in February, so although the console is no longer in production, its still selling well in Japan.... however there is only so long you can sell refurbished consoles, it wont last forever....

Its a fantastic bit of kit though and deserved more than it got :yes: I wish I'd kept mine now! Saying that I wish that for all the consoles I've ever had - and I've had all of them (apart from an XBox, Gamecube & 360)

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