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What's Happening To Petrol Prices?

Grumpy Cabbie

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How about everybody not buying fuel for a week, that may make the Government change its mind about fuel tax; or would they raise taxes even further to cover the shortfall ????

Interesting thought.


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I just filled up, £1.19 a litre, although the reciept said £1.199 which to me is £1.20 a L

Ho Hum.

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spoke too soon about Asda and Morrisons being 110.9 - they went up to 112.9 over the weekend. :( As Yazz would say, the only way is up.

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How about everybody not buying fuel for a week, that may make the Government change its mind about fuel tax; or would they raise taxes even further to cover the shortfall ????

Interesting thought.

lol if only.

That's why they continue to pound motorists - they know we're stuck. You have got to use a car. Maybe some people can use the bus but remember - what do buses run on? Also, what does the Post Office van run on, the delivery truck, the builders van, the taxi driver? Trouble with tax on fuel is that it is extremely inflationary. I know I can only speak for myself but fuel has gone up 20% or more in the last 12 months, yet my taxi fares (yes I know you can all laugh they're too expensive already) were frozen last year and fuel counts for a good 20-25% of my earnings. So in effect this last year I've taken a massive pay cut and all the negative effects this has on the local economy. However, if I increase my fares by 20% I'd go bust as people can't afford things at the moment. Yes the Prius has helped and God knows how my colleagues are managing to keep their heads above water at the moment running normal cabs.

So what am I saying? Pretty much fuel tax is a short term measure and only sticks up costs further down the line. There are two subjects I really try not to discuss in my cab - politics and religion, as people have their own hard and fast views but lately I think this country is really going the wrong way and I fear we are no where near out of the recession. In fact I think, from my personal experiences, that we are slipping back into it again. :(

I hope tomorrow I'll be in a happy cabbie mood. :rolleyes:

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In fact I think, from my personal experiences, that we are slipping back into it again. :(

My view and experience we're at the cusp of a big shakeup. If inflation rises, fuel costs or not, the BOE has as it's only tool, interest rates to counter it. So if we're not careful we'll see a big surge in inflation, followed by rapidly climbing interest rates. The 7% we saw pre-crisis, could well be small fry compared to where it ends up (15%?). It's all happened before. History repeats.

And as you can imagine, that'll create more problems (variable rate mortgage anyone?).

In short the people managing us out of the crisis have a very narrow tightrope to walk... too far one way and we'll crash again, too far the other and everything will spiral as above.

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In fact I think, from my personal experiences, that we are slipping back into it again. :(

My view and experience we're at the cusp of a big shakeup. If inflation rises, fuel costs or not, the BOE has as it's only tool, interest rates to counter it. So if we're not careful we'll see a big surge in inflation, followed by rapidly climbing interest rates. The 7% we saw pre-crisis, could well be small fry compared to where it ends up (15%?). It's all happened before. History repeats.

And as you can imagine, that'll create more problems (variable rate mortgage anyone?).

In short the people managing us out of the crisis have a very narrow tightrope to walk... too far one way and we'll crash again, too far the other and everything will spiral as above.

Australia anyone? :unsure:

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spoke too soon about Asda and Morrisons being 110.9 - they went up to 112.9 over the weekend. :( As Yazz would say, the only way is up.

Blimey. Gone up another 1p to 113.9 already and it's only Wednesday. :( :( :(

Other garages in the area are 116.9 :( :( :(

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Saw diesel at 119.9 today !!!

Oh my, the end is near :(

He must have realised he was taking the p*** as he reduced it to 117.9 a couple days later BUT increased petrol to 117.9 also!!! I would rather pee in my tank than ever use that profiteerer!

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I am soo glad I got the Prius now. I dread to think what I would be paying if I had a 'normal' car. 35-40k miles a year round town. I don't think I could ever go back from the Prius now.

I fear the fuel prices will send us back into recession.

Thank your lucky stars you don't have to drive a london black cab , my cab returns around 20 to the gallon , and the rising cost of fuel impacts directly on my overall income , at the moment i'm shelling more and more out with a lot less coming in due to the ongoing recession , oh and the American driving season has'nt even started yet , an event that traditionally forces up the price of a barrel of oil due to increased demand , its all good ... NOT

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I am soo glad I got the Prius now. I dread to think what I would be paying if I had a 'normal' car. 35-40k miles a year round town. I don't think I could ever go back from the Prius now.

I fear the fuel prices will send us back into recession.

Thank your lucky stars you don't have to drive a london black cab , my cab returns around 20 to the gallon , and the rising cost of fuel impacts directly on my overall income , at the moment i'm shelling more and more out with a lot less coming in due to the ongoing recession , oh and the American driving season has'nt even started yet , an event that traditionally forces up the price of a barrel of oil due to increased demand , its all good ... NOT

Mate, I did! I last drove a London cab back in about 2003/4. It was a TXII with the old Nissan engine I believe. It was replaced with a new one with the Ford Transit duramax piece of junk. That was the last time I drove a London cab and it would be a day too soon if I ever have to drive one again. I know the tourists love them and the turning circle is great, but they were terrible in pretty much every respect including fuel economy.

Luckily my local council don't restrict to just London taxis like some areas do and we have a variety of Merc & Peugeot big cabs along with certain larger 'normal' cars such as Passats, Mondeos and now the Prius :)

I see you're in Essex so guess you're a proper London cabbie and don't have much choice in the matter. Have you considered the new Merc that's just been licenced for London? Or what about an LPG conversion? Maybe use that as a marketing ploy? Clean up your cab and offset your carbon and get some repeat customers. I'm looking at offsetting my carbon as some of the larger companies are now interested in a cab that is carbon neutral so go with their corporate requirements.

But I do feel for you. I remember the dark days of 2008 in an VW Eurocab automatic, when I was paying £30 for 100 miles/£100 of business. Now I'm down to £10/£11 for the same in the Prius.

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Hi , yes i have considered the new merc but sadly i won't be buying one anytime soon , trade is appalling at the moment and i feel for those guys that are traveling about in their shiny new mercs and TX4s carrying in the most part nothing but fresh air as opposed to bums on seats , the last time i checked the merc cost £35,000 and the TX4 started at around £31.000 , i bet drivers are barely meeting their repayments let alone pay their mortgage if they have one .

Yes i'm a london cabbie ( green Badge ) so had no choice in the vehicle i drove , that is untill the merc came on the scene , drivers are reporting that the merc is returning on average around 28 mpg , still not great but better than the TX4 , push may come to shove in the form of the london Mayor otherwise known as borris johnson he is proposing that all cabs of 10 years and over be scrapped in favour of newer more environmentally friendly cabs , if that happens any time soon i'll probably rent .

Fingers crossed we start to see a recovery in the economy soon , the government constantly pushing up petrol prices though won't help any recovery , still why should those sniveling rats care , whenever they need more money they simply just vote themselves a pay rise :censor:

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Read in the news recently that one council had agreed to license 2 seater taxis.

Can't find the article now though. :(


here it is...


Interesting. The vehicle looks no better than a Prius from the point of view of emissions and consumption, but with much lower capital cost. I looked at small diesels for myself, but was frightened off by the stories of problems with particulate filters in vehicles used mainly for urban journeys. I wonder what taxi firms are finding?

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Why is petrol from Saisbury's and Morrisons in North Wales 111.9 and 112.9 per litre and here in the Home Couunties at Tesco etc 116.9 I even saw a BP gararage 121.9. Why this big discrepency?

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You go to work, you pay tax on your salary

You buy a car, you pay tax on the price

You use a car, you pay road tax

You insure a car, you pay tax on the premium

You put fuel in the car, you pay tax on the fuel

You get the car serviced, you pay tax on the price

You buy parts for the car (e.g. tyres), you pay tax on the parts

There are very few things you can do these days and not pay some form of tax, but in some cases you pay tax many times just to do one thing.

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You use a car, you pay road tax

Not if you have a gen3 :D

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Read in the news recently that one council had agreed to license 2 seater taxis.

Can't find the article now though. :(


here it is...


2 passenger taxi? it's hardly worth bothering with! Why not buy a Prius? With the actual savings I make in fuel economy (based on Nov 09 figures) the Prius almost pays for itself in monthly savings! With fuel as it is now it would probably pay for itself totally.

If only they'd asked me rather than buy a Citroen! Crikey he'll spend more time at the dealers than on the road :) (IMHO).

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Why is petrol from Saisbury's and Morrisons in North Wales 111.9 and 112.9 per litre and here in the Home Couunties at Tesco etc 116.9 I even saw a BP gararage 121.9. Why this big discrepency?

It seems to be going up drastically when they refill their tanks at the garage. There was one garage here selling at 111.9 for petrol until yesterday when they ran out and restocked at 114.9.

I fear this is just the start :(

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Why is petrol from Saisbury's and Morrisons in North Wales 111.9 and 112.9 per litre and here in the Home Couunties at Tesco etc 116.9 I even saw a BP gararage 121.9. Why this big discrepency?

It seems to be going up drastically when they refill their tanks at the garage. There was one garage here selling at 111.9 for petrol until yesterday when they ran out and restocked at 114.9.

I fear this is just the start :(

AA reckon it will be over 120p easily by the beginning of April.

Will be interesting to see how it's handled in the Budget.

I'm very glad I drive a car that typically gets over 50mpg!

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AA reckon it will be over 120p easily by the beginning of April.

Will be interesting to see how it's handled in the Budget.

I'm very glad I drive a car that typically gets over 50mpg!

If I remember correctly, 3p per litre is due to be added to fuel prices at the beginning of April.

I don't think he has room on March the 24th to stop or cut that increase, especially since he is coming under pressure from the EU and world credit rating organisations to cut a massive debt.

Expect the worst and you'll never be disappointed.

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Everyday this week when I pass a petrol station the price has gone up. Today its £1.18 a litre for unleaded.

On April 1st there is an additional 3p price increase (and that’s not an April Fools joke :angry: )

Motorists are being legally mugged at the forecourt by petrol companies :censor:

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Motorists are being legally mugged at the forecourt by petrol companies :censor:

It's not the petrol companies, it's the government that's doing the mugging.

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Everyday this week when I pass a petrol station the price has gone up. Today its £1.18 a litre for unleaded.

On April 1st there is an additional 3p price increase (and that’s not an April Fools joke :angry: )

Motorists are being legally mugged at the forecourt by petrol companies :censor:

It's not the petrol companies. Check out exactly how much of the £1.18 goes to them and how much goes to the tax man in both fuel tax AND VAT. Also, the cost is increasing at the moment as oil is traded in US$ and our UK£ is now so worthless against the US$, due to all the extra money Brown & Co have printed.

God help us if oil reaches $147 a barrel like it did back in 2008. We'll probably be paying just short of £2.00 a litre!! Then watch from a distance as our economy completely collapses. You'd then think the recession we just had was a stroll in the park!

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Motorists are being legally mugged at the forecourt by petrol companies :censor:

It's not the petrol companies, it's the government that's doing the mugging.

I couldn't agree more. The tax on petrol is something like 175%, and going up again very soon.

You have a chance to express your opinion soon. Vote for anyone but Gordon.

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Motorists are being legally mugged at the forecourt by petrol companies :censor:

It's not the petrol companies, it's the government that's doing the mugging.

I couldn't agree more. The tax on petrol is something like 175%, and going up again very soon.

You have a chance to express your opinion soon. Vote for anyone but Gordon.

This topic is precisely why I brought my second gen Prius a couple of weeks ago. I had to travel to the other side of the country to get it and noted that prices in South Wales and the South Midlands were 5p or more higher than in South Lincolnshire. IF there is an increase in VAT after the election then we could be well over 130p a litre by the end of June. The only consolation is that when comparing the mpg of a Prius with that of my old car, it would need to be getting on for 160p - 170p litre before I would find my petrol outgoings will be what they were ;). No government would allow that to happen until the number of reliable alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles available on the new and used markets have significantly increased.

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